Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hoopla A Wonderful And Free Service Through Your Library For Audio Books...

It is always wise to have a few good movie series in your home.
Keep in mind that having good books and movies available.

This may the year, many of us will be planting gardens;
Because it is a very therapeutic!
Even if it is just a small planter with tomatoes.

I hope you will look into the app called Hoopla,
I have listened to at least five books so far!

I pray you are staying healthy and happy and keeping busy
Yourself with a home project!

What are you doing with your extra time of not being out and about?

Spring is arriving on daily winds here...

Encourage yourself and encourage others!
This too shall pass!

Blessings, Roxy


  1. It was nice to visit with you this morning. We had some surprise snow yesterday here. I've been catching up with some of my knitting/crocheting friends via utube videos while at home. Except for the great worry about the dreaded virus my life hasn't changed a lot right now as I'm mostly a homebody anyway. My husband is still having to go to his office everyday but he called today and said they have given them "assigned" restrooms so they can track who has been exposed if someone gets sick. Scary times we're living in, but I'm so grateful to have the Lord in my life. He is my comfort and my strenght forevermore.

  2. Hi sis. I'm still flat out with too much to do virus or no. In isolation here and although lots of cases here mercifully Lord seems to be keeping death rate very low, and much fewer intensive cases. Europe has 4 or 5 times our mortality rate. We are doing lots and lots of testing and I think thats the real reason. We are picking up more cases than other countries.. doing even more than Sth Korea who did most and thats VERY important.
    Praying all will be kept well over there.

    Thanks for sharing, sis, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in these troubled times. In God we trust.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  3. Dear Roxy, lovely to visit with you... I really enjoyed the video you shared, it brightened my evening.
    I spent a good hour or so in my garden today...was really good to potter about in the earth and plant out my broccoli and spinach seedlings and weed the pea patch. Life is truly upside down in our world, and although we are in lockdown here in South Africa (21 days...we aren't even allowed to go for a walk!), home is cosy and I love having time to do many of the things that fall by the wayside most of the time.
    Thank you for the encouragement you shared...blessings!
    P.S. I love audiobooks! It is wonderful having something uplifting and inspiring to listen to while going about my chores. {{smiles}}


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!