Friday, March 27, 2020

Pattern For Making Face Masks...

Making Facemasks to protect yourself, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~Here is a short video clip to watch~

Hello Everyone
I have been making face masks for 2 weeks now!
I have completely run out of elastic, so I have
Improvised, adapt and overcome!
(Did Clint Eastwood say this?)

You can't even order this online
(Out Of Stock)

I have shared a few links for making these;
Also an interesting topic of the better material or fabric to use!

Pattern for making Face Masks
Face Mask Patterns PDF
PDF Pattern

Also wanted to share another Face Mask Video
DIY Face Mask With Filter Pocket

I made myself two of this style"
You have a little pocket so you can add a coffee filter or paper towel;
For added protection...

Click Below;
Best Materials For Making DIY Facemasks

I personally believe this is real and not a conspiracy theory.

Once again, lets fight over everything
And let's agree everyone is wrong;
(Accept Yourself)

So please stop your anti- everything for just once!
Political nonsense...

Don't be in fear, just stay home and stop spreading this virus;
You may show NO symptoms, but be a carrier!

Do what you think is right!!
Don't be a naysayer!

Stupid is as stupid does!!
(Forest Gump)

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Bless you for sewing masks. My daughter is a nurse and I know they are appreciated. I enjoyed your video too. This is a scary time in the entire world right now, but God is bigger than all of this. Even if the worse happens, we know where we believers are going. I pray very much for the unsaved in the world.

  2. With this whole thing I do believe there is far more behind it then meets the eye...but people are still suffering and needing assistance. Glad you can make these masks.

  3. If I could sew, I would be sewing masks.

  4. You are a blessing Roxy! Love your common sense and wisdom. I read a lot and am encouraged. Keep up the good words!

  5. You took the words right out of my head!!!
    Let's just stop the bickering and get on board.🏴 Serve one another, make a mask, give some paper goods to a neighbor, wave, something for someone else!
    I really appreciate your videos. (Show more of your little pooch!)

  6. I just heard Joann Fabrics is supplying the material for those who want to make them. I'm going to call tomorrow. Maybe they have elastic now. But I could try with the ties, too.

  7. Strangely enough, after being a stay at home wife and mom for 29 years, I began part-time work at a chiropractor's office a month ago. He's not planning to close. Fortunately, it's a small practice, so my exposure is limited a bit. I'm being as careful as I can.

    God knew and God gave me this job. So I have to trust him.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    P.S. That's the only place I'm going, though I have had to go into the convenience store a few times.

  8. ROXYMARCH 23, 2020 AT 12:14 PM
    Hello, Thank you for making this sewing project for Face masks for so may of us that need them and to help those that can’t sew! I am making them for the health care workers in an Elderly living facility. May I use your PDF for the use of my Blog for others to be able to use your pattern? It is much needed for others to make these for so many that cannot get face masks.
    Thanks so much!
    Blessings, Roxy


    TIANAMARCH 23, 2020 AT 4:19 PM
    Yes, you can share my post on your blog. I am happy that more and more people are sewing and sharing the masks from my pattern.
    Stay safe!

  9. Check Etsy, I just purchased elastic from 3 different sellers.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!