Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Make Your List For Spring Cleaning Inside And Out...

Spring Flowers, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

These little purple crocus flowers, they have done just what they were created to do!

~They gave me hope, and put a smile on my face~

After many months of no color or flowers in my little flower bed.

They have Burst forth from their little bulb to say.

Spring is coming!!

Even when the calendar says spring, it still takes a while for the soil to warm.

It is easy to lose hope if we don't keep our eyes on what is really important.
For the word tells us to everything there is a season.

Now is the time to rekindle all the promises of the plans He has for us.
These little guys did not fail in their job even if they lasted only a few days!

I want to encourage all of my sisters, don't become weary at the tail end of this
"Winter season"

 Complete the rest and start stretching each day to awake to
The Spring work that we be required of us.

Begin with your spring cleaning,
Look, we have these Homes and bits of land, take advantage

Start with maybe your kitchen.
Clean your silverware drawer,

Give a Good Spring Cleaning to Your teacups and mugs,
Fill your sink with bleach water and put all your coffee mugs
And your tea cups in the water for a good soak.

They can get really discolored and stained.
With all the warm cups of tea and coffee that were required in the cold months.

Make Your Lists...
I love spring and I encourage each of you to make a list of fun things to do.
Of course, there is the list of all the flower beds that need cleaning.

And all the garden area to be tilled and the grass raked out.

I like to try and get at least one thing done each day of my spring cleaning!!
It helps me to get my house in order.

Because as soon as it gets warm out I will be outside!

Ice tea and iced coffee (here I come)!



  1. It's snowing here today so a bit hard to think of spring! However, with being inside I've been trying to do one extra job, or chore, per day. My health won't let me do much more than that but it feels good to see a sparkling refrigerator, microwave or range. :-)
    Wishing you a happy and healthy day my friend. May God bless you and your family.

  2. Thank you for these lovely thoughts! I find a great way to get the tea stains out is to pour boiling water into the cup and then wipe it dry with a paper towel. It may take a few wipes but it works! I can't speak for coffee though. Happy spring! I'm enjoying the clothesline already!

  3. Thank you for the encouragement Ms. Roxy. You are a blessing. Praying you and your family stay well.

  4. Your blog is a refreshing place to come and be encouraged. Thank you, Miss Roxy, for sharing these lovely thoughts on Spring cleaning. I too love to organise my home and heart come change of seasons... Right now, lovely Autumn has arrived in our corner of the world, and I am very busy with cleaning and organising indeed! Hope you are doing well...sending hugs!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!