Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How To Make Home Your Haven...

Home Life, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...


The Days Are just Flying By...
The month's are also,
As we all know this year is looking much different than anything,
We have ever seen in my lifetime.

But, once again we must rise to the challenges life bring are way.
Make this a positive experience as much as you can!
This country has seen so many things that attempting to knock us down,
Or to destroy us!
But we keep plodding on, and pray and to place one foot in front of the other!

You all know you can only deal with what comes next!
One day at a time for everyone!

Just do something...
Keep your heart calm and keep your hands busy!

Started my Spring cleaning!

Working on some hand sewing, making some more felt birds;
I will be hanging these on my indoor woodland tree!
I think it will make a nice spring\summer look for my tree.

"Here are a few of my felt birds I am sewing"
Felt Birds, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have been making the very use of my time with being at Home!

Just maybe we will have an awakening of the love of home...

We have become such transient people, no one enjoys their homes!

But, if you are a person who enjoys the comforts
 That only home can provide.
It is a blessing.
I never wanted to wander far from my home or loved ones!

We must learn how to make our Homes A Haven...
As we are all in need of a safe harbor.

Maybe this will become a turn in the event,
 That we will realize that good, hard work is a gift!
Maybe we will not be so ungrateful for the abundance we have access to.

Start working in your yard, make your area pretty!
We can all do something productive!

Remind yourself and those we love;
We will overcome!

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Hello Roxy,

    I love your little felt birds. I made something similar in the '80's in Home Ec class, and have always wanted to recreate it. You're giving me a little nudge. :)

    I would love to buckle down and make "home," because it has always been one of my very favourite things to do, but my DH took a new job two states over right before all of this hit and we are very much in the throes of packing/painting/purging. It is difficult to imagine moving at this time, but we're forging ahead because life still moves forward. I hope everyone is healthy and happy in your home and stays that way.

    Shani x

  2. Do you have a pattern for the birds?

  3. Your felt birds are so cute and look easy to make. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  4. I love your sweet little birds. I crocheted 20 little "peeps" over the weekend. You know, like the marshmallow ones you buy at Easter? I'm going to give them to all of the little ones at church if we ever get back there! And of course for my own granddaughter too.

  5. Hi, Roxy! Your birds are SO cute! I'm happy that you like the pattern.... please feel free to share it on your blog! (I also appreciate your asking, and for your prayers.... they are much appreciated.) Take care, and God bless!

  6. You took the words right out of my head....."I never wanted to wander far from my home or loved ones!".

  7. Hi dear Roxy.. lovely post.. so true. I'm like you, Im a homebody! Wonderful idea to decorate with your felt birds ..
    Sorry for late visit! 😊
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in these troubled times. In God we trust.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!