Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How To Make Straight Paths, And A Long Stem Rose...

Rose, Livng From Glory To Glory Blog...
"New Growth On A Long Stem Rose"

Please share with me if you have ever had a cut
Long stem rose grow new leaves and a bud?

Make Straight Paths For Your Feet
Farming, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Have you ever watched a farmer plowing a field?

In order to get his rows straight or furrows;
He must look straight ahead and fix his eyes on an object.
Like a fence post or a tree on the far side of his field.

Because if he looks side to side or behind him, his rows,
Will be crooked or a zig-zag pattern.
So looking behind to see if he's straight will not work.

So if we want to make straight paths for our feet,
 We must look ahead!
Do like Paul did and forget those things which are behind!
Press forward...

Go forward and look straight ahead while planting.
"Remember everyday we are planting seeds"

These seeds are filled with life
Just water, weed and fertilize,
To receive a harvest!

Happy Days
Hugs, Roxy


  1. That's the same way my drivers ed instructor taught us to drive all those years ago. Always look ahead into the distance to keep in your lane, not right in front of the car. It's important in all things to look ahead in life isn't it?

  2. Great post, Roxy! I can't say as I've ever had a cut long stem Rose grow new growth. That's pretty cool! Hope you have a lovely day :-)

  3. Keeping our eyes on Him will surely help us to create a straight row. Beautiful post. Roxy, I don't know where your blog went. I was checking and you're only on my old-fashioned list. Remedying that now...

  4. My husband and I were just speaking about this today. We want to be sure we stay on the narrow path to the end of our journey on earth. Keeping straight in the narrow path or row.....and staying put until the end is our hope and responsibility as Christians.
    Lovely post Roxy.... looking forward to seeing what happens to your pretty rose.

  5. True thoughts dear Roxy, in all of life .. may we look uo tp our LORD and our view ever forward, forgetting he things behind.. pressing forward to the high calling in God in Christ Jesus. 😊 and so grateful to have your friendship through it!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 7

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. Hi! Your rose looks wonderful! I've seen new growth on roses before and I think that trying to plant it would be a great idea! That would make a nice addition to your lovely yard!
    Thank you also for your encouragement to look ahead. May we fix our eyes on the Lord Jesus and those things that please Him.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!