Monday, June 1, 2020

Covid19, Riots, Humidity, My Thoughts...

Delphinium Flower, Garden, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Covid19,  Riots, Humidity,

~My Thoughts~

Many have completely forgotten about Covid19,
But many will remember it's devastation forever!
Loss of life (But it has been just old people)
So what the heck; so that makes a difference?
The older generation was the backbone of our society for
As long as many of you have been alive or were a toddler!
This nasty virus could kill anyone!

Covid 19, taught me to stay home and enjoy it
Covid 19 allowed me to get some new clothes after gaining weight!
Covid19 showed me that everyone spits when opening one's mouth!

Covid19 reminded me to wash my hands all the time!

Covid19 has caused so much destruction in our financial world!
Everything will be different or a struggle!

After being home for two months;
 I now am using my good camera again; The photo on this blog,
Was a photo shoot in a friend's garden.

The aerospace industry is really hurting;
Who wants to sit in a metal space with a hundred;
Other people breathing the same air?
To be honest, If the price was cheap I just might!
Look flying is wonderful; they just need to take greater precautions.

These riots remind me of my childhood in Detroit;
Civil Rights, Vietnam protest...
Abortion advocates...
Some things never change!
"Want to be heard?"
Write a Book
Start a Blog
Don't burn down your own town or city!

Just finished watching the series Jericho;
Makes you think!
God Bless America

Humidity is brewing early this early summer;
So hot its hard to sleep at night!
We are talking about getting central air in our home.
Besides, when you have COPD, it's hard to breathe in humidity!
At least if you are at home, you get a break!

Our greenhouse is doing amazing!
A garden is a wise way to work and see a bountiful harvest!
All hard work has profit!!

Well. I have taken a little break from blogging to just enjoy
My Home, My Life, My Family

Just had my entire Blog put into a book,
Can't wait to receive it in the mail!
I will share it with you!

So get on with your life;
Live today and enjoy it all!
Whatever you set your hands to may it do well!

Hugs, Roxy
From the Homestead...
Living From Glory To Glory Every Day...



  1. Hi Roxy! I have't been on my computer for weeks! How nice to "see" you!
    This virus has me thinking a lot about what is really important. I'm seeing things differently. All in a good way. I don't want those who suffered to have suffered in vain. I want to make a difference.

  2. I pray for peace on earth dear friend, but I wonder if we can see that in our day with the hearts of many rejecting the Lord. Praising God for the peace we enjoy in our own homes and gardens.

  3. Roxy, what a wonderful post. Love your picture at the top. How nice that you put a positive perspective on the Covid-19 lockdown. Yes, I think it had a good effect on not being so busy, and taking time to see the things around us. I'm sad that it had to be riots to take the media and people away from 24/7 conflicting issues. I'm glad we can just trust God that He knows the beginning to the end and we do know the end of the story. Thanks for sharing such a meaningful post. Love and Hugs from So. CA. We have a 5 PM curfue just set today.

  4. I'm spending much more time in prayer while being home more. Now that the protests and riots are happening, there is even more to pray for. Our world is definitely hurting and needing the Lord so badly. I pray they will turn to Him before it's too late.

  5. Good morning, my friend! I haven't been on social media as much. Just can't take the negativity and anger from most people. We watched Jericho yeas ago...quite relevant, yes? Gives a person a lot to think about, as does Person of Interest. We haven't finished the entire series yet but wow, is it thought provoking!!! Have you seen it? A little more violence but it's all in context.

    Keep on keeping on ;-) {{hugs}}

  6. That is a great idea to have your blog made into a book, I look forward to seeing it. I am inspired again to get back to writing my small book on our family history. Earlier today 2 friends and I attended a birthday party, via Zoom. What dramatic times we are living in. And yes, shame on those rioters, what they are doing is dangerous.

  7. I also have thought I'd like to have my blog in print. May I ask where you are having it printed and the cost? And I want to thank you for your kind words and prayers. God has me in the palm of His day at time, sweet Jesus. Hugs and blessings to you, der friend.

  8. Wow, it's all a lot to think about isn't it? I've just focused on the positive, and prayed, and trusted in God. I cannot focus on the negative, or I will be anxious.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  9. I know many have already said this, but, how could we live in this world without Christ. Truly this world is not our home and the older I get the more I look forward to joining my beloved husband in glory where we will praise God continually. I'm personally grateful for the isolation. I have such a difficult time interacting with people that are out and about. They think such opposite thoughts than I do about everything. I am a duck out of water for sure.
    I have found that my prayer life has increased and my insight in the Word has also grown. For this I am grateful. I do believe that prayer does make a huge difference, in my life and in the world. I can reach the persecuted through prayer and touch the lonely and homeless. I usto get so frustrated because I couldn't "help". I didn't have money and I didn't have a place to house the homeless, etc. But now I have the assurance that my prayers move mountains and can affect situations for the Lord's will. (wish I had been more aware when I was young). God bless you dear for your truth and boldness.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!