Monday, August 17, 2020

Blogger Has A New Format...

Everything Changes

Blogger has a New Format...

We can all get a bit weary over all the different changes life throws us!

But. there is always a but...

If we do not go with the flow and learn the newest curve is some things,

We will become stuck!

There are some things I never plan on changing; But here again lies a problem,

We are always being renewed day by day!

Every ten years our bodies change. And once again we must adjust.

We are given an option to revert to the original format on Blogger.

But then, I become not able to change with the times of Blogging!

Can I be molded in such a way that I become hardened, not teachable?

Technology is always updating.

Sometimes I just want to give up and say I am sick of these new normal's!

Wearing a mask everywhere you go!

Still not feeling completely comfortable or safe!

Blogging has been a great source to connect with others;

Some are like minded, some come from a very different culture and nation!

This year 2020 has been such a challenge friends;

I can't even go into all that...

Because we must learn to grow in Christ and learn the new things.

Some our even required of us!!

Well, I have some new things I plan to share with you a bit later!

I am working daily in my home to complete the remodel,

 and I have purged a few items big and small.

What are your thoughts of the new format in Blogging?

I have a problem already on this new format-

My new Blog Posts are not showing up on my followers sidebars or mine for that matter!

Have you noticed any problems if you have a Blog?

What are some things you are doing to learn something new?

Hugs and a big miss ya all!

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory




  1. I do not think that the new blogger format is as user friendly as it used to be. I have a new blog theme and when I do a link in a blog post, now it does not automatically highlight the word like it used to do with the old blogger. I am not sure if it's on my end or if the person has to fix it on her end where I purchased it. Now I have to manually highlight the word! I will wait to see in September after blogger changes permanently. It's not as easy to upload the photos anymore and it takes me longer to write out and make the blog post.
    I am sorry to hear about your blogging issues. Take care Roxy and have a nice week.
    Julie xo

  2. Dear Roxy, While it took me awhile to get used to the new dashboard, I just found out today that you are redirected when you want to go to someone else's blog from your reading list. What is that all about.
    Blessings to you dear one!

  3. Hi Roxy. I don't like the new blogger. This will take me some time to get use to it. I have my moments where I don't want to leave the house, but must. Blessings to you,

  4. I've had trouble getting the new Blogger format to work on the Google Chrome browser. It just wants to sit there and not post. So, I switched aver to the Microsoft Edge browser and that is working so far. I'm not crazy about the new format, but I'm sure we will get used to it.

  5. Hi Roxy, I opted to keep the old blogger for now anyway. We have so many things happening right now that I just don't want to deal with anything else right now. I dread when they "make" me change to the new format. I have never believed that change just for the sake of change is necessary.

  6. Hello Roxy, thanks for your visit. Blogger keeps making changes. I wrote a post on some of the changes and since then, they have tweaked things again. I hate the new label. The old way was faster and more efficient. This one seems to take a long time. I loved the table they added, but then they took it away. They have bugs to work out. You would think they would iron things out before putting them into place.

  7. So many problems that it would be a misery to list them all. The worst is the spam.

  8. It took awhile to "find" somethings.
    I'm with Linda, you'd think they would of worked out all the bugs BEFORE they set it loose.
    The new format has slowed me down from blogging...BUT I'm still around. Glad you are, too!

  9. I have not come across any issues yet with the new format...but there is a bit of a learning curve.
    I hope that you can work out the kinks you have so that it becomes more enjoyable for you again!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!