Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How To Make Your Home Unforgetable...

May We Never Forget The Need For Home...

Taking care of my home has become like a warm and

comfortable sweater to me;

Cozy and clean and so very soft from everyday wear!

Being at home is truly a pleasure,

That is why the saying

~Home Sweet Home~ 

Is forever written on plaques and over our hearts!

It's the simple things really

The smell of the first cup of coffee or tea in the morning.

It's the feeling of warm sudsy water running over my hands,

While washing dish's as I look out the kitchen window.

The feeling and smell of clean sheets as you climb into bed,

After a long day and needing a good nights sleep.

Being able to prepare and cook a meal that makes you happy!

I so enjoy keeping my home a haven of calm and joy, and happy!

Life has a way of wearing a person out, but we can become,

refreshed and revived in our homes!

It's not about money or bigger or better;

It's about what matters in a heart!

The feeling of belonging...

"May you never grow weary of keeping the home fires burning"

Never allow anything to rob you of the joys of home!

Keep watch and do a something each day,

To make your home beautiful and cozy and clean and organized!

"May it show the wear of being used everyday and being loved"

I can drive down any street in any town and I can say;

That house is a happy house!

Being happy is not about stuff, but a place that has love,

Comfortable, and Clean and filled with memories and treasures!

Make your home a place of Joy!

So if I drive down your street, I can say,

"That there is a happy house"

What says Home Sweet Home to you?

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Hi Roxy. I loved your post today. As you know, we recently sold our house. As in, we closed the sale just last week. Now we live in the camping trailer for the time being. My husband said to me Monday night after we moved it to the new park for the winter that he doesn't even miss the house like he thought he would. He said that this is home because it's where we are. We have our own bed with familiar blankets and sheets. We have our clothes in the closet. Our familiar dishes and foods in the kitchen. I have done unusual things for a trailer and have a tablecloth on the table. Our Bibles on the tables next to where we sit. Knitted blankets and crocheted afghans over the chair backs. A garland I crocheted hanging on the island. It's home. We're together with familiar items all around. Of course, we both like a clean home and in a small area it's a challenge to keep things picked up and in their places. That's what is important. Home is where the heart is.

  2. I think I've been busy making mine forgettable. 🙂 I loved reading those cozy descriptions of warm, sudsy water while doing the dishes and the pouring of the morning coffee. Beautiful! Keep right on enjoying your happy home.

  3. Hi Roxy. Home is truly where your heart is, and how you feel about it, how you put your self into the decor, and everything that says. My Home. We have a happy home, inviting and always ready to serve a cup of coffee, tea and a scone or two.

  4. Such a beautiful picture you paint for us.
    Thanks Roxy

  5. Hi Roxy,
    This is beautiful and inspiring. I plan to include a link to it in my Weekend Reading post this Saturday. Is this okay with you?

  6. Beautiful Post ,❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I Love t decorate and so enjoy my Farmhouse 👏🐴🐂🐓

  7. Hi Roxy,
    I couldn't agree more with this. Remember when we were in school and they taught home economics? Then the feminists moved in and being a home makers was a dirty dirty thing. Which has led to a major cause of the breakdown of society. I love being home. I love making me home clean, cozy and inviting for all who bless my door step.. I have noticed there is a small movement of young women on social media who are also now rediscovering this lost art. I pray it spreads like wild fire..

  8. Hello Roxy. Your descriptions of home are refreshing. Our time, commitment, effort, and willing attitudes are worthwhile. It is overcast here, and the air conditioning has been broken for a week. These don't help me get going, but your essay has me motivated to get the laundry started. Yay! Thanks for what you do here. Alexine in Maryland

  9. Popped over via a link from Laura, you paint such a beautiful picture. I ajoy to visit.

  10. I love how you have described home. That cozy place where you know there is love.
    What goes on inside a home shows on what it looks like outside of it. It is the simple things really...and may we all pay attention to those things.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!