Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What Goes Around Comes Around...

Life Is But A Merry Go Round...

 What Goes Around Comes Around...

This sounds a bit like the golden rule.

 Some may even call it a full circle.

Some believe in Karma.

But I prefer the saying;

"What You Sow You Reap"

So this is a stern reminder we are all planting everyday!

Seeds come in many forms;

Word Seeds

Deed Seeds

Financial Seeds

Grace Seeds

Encouragement Seeds

Joy Seeds

Can you think of some more Seeds in your own life?

Everyday we must first breakup the fallow ground!

Being kind to someone or praying for them will start breaking up the hard soil.

We can understand this concept and begin to plant good seed!

I have seen that the Lord is true to His Word;

Yes, I know there are still so many weeds to contend with.

But in due season you will have a good harvest one day!

We are not suppose to run around in circles;

But rather run a race in a direction that is God paved!

~Hope You Are Intentional In Planting Healthy Seeds~

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory

{With Great Expectations Of What Is Ahead}


  1. Hi Roxy,
    This is a beautiful post that made me think. I try and plant good seeds everyday but to be honest I don't always succeed.. Right now we have some family issue's that are really trying my patients but I keep praying to the Lord asking Him to give me the patience, compassion and kindness I need to help.. So far, he hasn't failed me yet and I do not believe He ever will..

  2. Roxy, wonderful devotion on "seeds" I love your insights and the way you can explain the Scripture and your love for God shows through in everything you share. Love and Hugs.

  3. THis is so true. We have to remember that in everything we do we are a witness for Him. It takes nothing to be kind. And nice. And friendly. We share and sow seeds with every action we take.

  4. This is a real blessing, thank you!

  5. Your words from God are not going to waste. Putting on my garden gloves. I'm going to go break ground. Thank you!

  6. So important to plant and tend good seeds. Seeds of God's word, seeds of love and kindness in every aspect of our lives and days. May the Lord been seen in our lives by the seeds that have been planted.

  7. Beautiful reminder, Roxy!

  8. Excellent advice my friend!
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  9. It's been a while - a whole month! - since I've seen one of your new postings. I hope all is well, and that you are enjoying the beginning of Fall and the wonderful changes it brings!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!