Monday, February 1, 2021

Looking For The Beauty In Life...


Red Birds, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Looking For The Beauty In Life

We are all living in days of trials or untraveled territory.

It may be a personal trial or it may be sickness.

But the truth is everyone is being tested!

Trials and pain are just apart of being alive.

But there is just something about those special ones that just stick out!

They just seem to handle difficulties better and keep a sense of composer.

When I was a young woman I would pray this prayer;

Lord as I grow old help me to not be old and cranky.

I want people to say that old lady is so sweet!

So how do we become sweet little old people?

We have trials and pain and disappointment,

So we can learn to rely on Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

We become less self-centered and more Christ centered.

Our face will relax and our smile lines will increase.

Why because we are being pruned to look at the beauty in life!

And this something you have to earnestly look for in your days.

This just means that storms will come,

But after the dark clouds recede we will see the beauty in the

 stark brilliance of His provision and the testing.

Remember this is not the New Heaven Or Earth!

Joy comes in those little simple things...

Seeing a beautiful bird in a leave less tree.

Seeing a smile returned even with a mask on your face.

Seeing the provisions of Gods hand.

Seeing a sunrise or a sunset

Seeing an elderly couple who has been married for years,

Still holding hands...

~Open your heart and your eyes and you will see beauty~ 

Onward and Upward

Living From Glory To glory

Beautiful Red Birds, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


  1. Yes, let us be sweet little old ladies. Thank you for sharing this article. God bless you.

  2. Thank you for your beautiful words. My dearest and I are that old elderly couple. In June we will celebrate 60 years, we still hold fact, most of the time I'm holding him up...haha. We laugh a lot too. God is so good and full of grace and mercy.

  3. Amen! I want to be remembered as someone who showed love and happiness and the joy of having the Lord deep within me to all that I meet. Sometimes in this world where everyone seems so angry, it's not always easy but I'm determined NOT to add to that angst.

  4. What a beautiful, heart-warming post. Let's let our love for the Lord relax our faces! I love that!.. And open our eyes to the abundant beauty of life. Thanks, Roxy!

  5. Amen Roxy! Thanks for your beautiful post!💟

  6. A good prayer to be a sweet older lady. One the grace and love of the Lord shines through. When we have our eyes on the Lord it's hard to focus on ourselves.

  7. Amen Roxy... trials fashion us for God's glory as we submit to His will may we always shine for Him.. sweetly reflecting the Spirit's work within.
    As iron sharpeneth iron so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend... so our words on blogs reflect God's work within, and encourage others to keep on also.
    Thank you dear Sister..
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. THANK YOU for these words of truth and encouragement! I so want to be a "sweet little old lady", even now, when I'm not so old. (-; And I want to be an elderly woman that my husband will still want to hold hands with! In regard to "pruning", I must admit that I often cringe at the thought of trials and challenges, although I wholeheartedly believe they are what God uses to grow us toward "Christlikeness". Sigh. But, when I focus on Him, and remind myself that He most assuredly knows what is BEST for me, I can rest in Him and find joy in the daily wonders and beauty He provides, and not worry about what MIGHT happen or be difficult. Focusing on the "what ifs" and the current evil in the world causes us (ME!) to miss out on the BOUNTY of His blessings and seeing the amazing beauty all around... Beauty that we can be a part of and contribute to. I so appreciate your steadfast words... thank you, again!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!