Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ask Yourself This Question...


Use Your Strength Wisely, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

What Is Required Of Me?

What is required of me is a question I have been asking myself.

We will all experience times and seasons of lack of strength.

Also there will be times in seasons of actual changes;

Spring, Summer, then Fall, then Winter

I wanted to share this because we can possibly feel bad about

not being able to do all that we have done in past years!

So knowing what is required of me is a very

vital and important question in every season of my days.

Running into town or being at every function is going

to drain my strength and use up valuable time!

So I know that there are things that hold greater importance

and value in each day!

So it is up to me to make choices that will benefit my life!

So this has to be priority!

Having a home that runs smoothly

Having strength myself to enjoy life

Having meals that nourish our bodies

Having a sweet and gentle attitude towards my Husband and others!

By learning to reserve and manage your strength is wisdom.

Some women have strength in abundance;

But if you find yourself discouraged, take heart!

What is truly required of you should be a joy,

Some days will be easier to accomplish tasks,

 other days you may be just to tired to do very much at all!

So, now I tell myself do what is needed this day!

Don't take on burdens that don't belong to you!

As I have said in past post; Learn to know your limits!

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Thank you for this reminder. In the past few weeks, especially this week when I've been trying to move in and get settled, I forget that not everything needs done today. It's important that I spend time with family because in the end, that is the most important, not an imaculate house.
    I went to Sunday School and church yesterday at the church we met and were married in. It was like coming home, which, in a sense, it was. :-)
    Have a wonderful day Roxy.

  2. The older I get, the more I find this is true, Roxy. I must prioritize my time. Some days, if I feel extra strength at the end of the day, I can add a chore, or two and feel like I have accomplished a little extra....instead of overloading myself right from the start. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us with each post you write, my dear friend. Love to you. Debbie xo I am so happy to be blogging again!

  3. Oh this a good question..... I have been having more physical issue's in the last year than any time before and they are truly interfering with my health and my happiness because I can not get much sleep and who knows how long this will last but I keep trying to do it all.. Your question hit me square between the eyes. I don't have this huge social life but I do spend time going places and doing things when my time and energy or lack there of could be spent better... Your post makes me want to sit down tonight and think about whats really required of me, whats most important to me and how to fit these things in with how I am feeling physically. There has to be a balance there somewhere.. Now I just have to find it...

  4. Thank you for your wise council! When I start to feel overwhelmed and wonder what should I be doing, this comes to mind.
    Micah 6:8 "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

  5. This is an excellent thought to ponder, before the Lord. What does the Lord require of me? Sometimes people require a whole lot, but it is not necessarily the right thing to say yes to every request made of us. Thank you for sharing this insightful post on the seasons of our life, and how important it is to remember this. Blessings to you Roxy!

  6. Thank you for your insightful post! I have often been frustrated that I am not accomplishing what I think I should in my remaining time here on this earth. At 71 years old I feel the race is on. My biggest drawback is motivation. I try to take one day and a time but I also set a goal that I will persevere and finish one job or project that will make me feel good about myself at the end of the day. 🌷🌸🌷

  7. Well spoken Roxy. I too am in my 70’s and in the past two years have injured my hip restoring one of our rentals with my husband. The injury has definitely slowed me down and makes me think before I make a move or step. One thing comes to mind a lot, “work smarter, not harder”. Plan ahead and trust the Lord.
    I did remember Micah 6:8 and need to practice it more. Thank you for the wise council. Very timely.
    Janet W.

  8. Good morning, Roxy! Just wanted you to know that your wisdom has been missed over the past month, and I hope you are doing well!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!