Monday, March 22, 2021

Character Matters...

Godly Character, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Character Matters

The World is telling us what matters...

But may I be a voice that is allowed to say what I think matters?

Or will my opinion or view be cancelled.

 In this tidal wave of a socialism climate

 of telling me what I should think, say or believe?

Personal Character

Firstly we are not robots!

Our character is developed gradually by our decisions 

under God's guidance.

As we all know we are not finished growing in Godly Character.

I believe we learn it through the fruits of our right or wrong choices.

Other words we can learn from our mistakes!

Godly Character is really a heart issue:

It starts with our innermost thoughts,

God knows what goes on inside our minds!

I have watched some pretty disturbing clips on the news;

And it seems that many grown adults are throwing

a temper tantrums in every sector of society.

And mind you they all think they are right and how

they perceive it is correct!

There is a lot of wrong in this world...

But we are not to allow someone else or  a movement to

shape our character!

We can all be influenced, but stop and think;

Are we being programmed?

This is why we must protect and keep our homes free

from the worlds agendas!

We have a calling to maintain truth and peace!


A lie is a lie

We have been given control to manage our homes;

And this will be a bigger influence on world peace,

Then all the protesting and riots, they have never changed anything!

Stop and rejoice in the freedom you have today!

Do not let it slip away!

Enjoy your God given rights and read His Word!

This stuff has been going on since the World Began...

So don't give up!

Fight the good fight...

Your light no matter how small makes a difference;

Godly Character will always have persecution!

Thanks for following this Blog!

Be A voice

Be A Prayer

Be A Light

Be A Faith Keeper

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Amen! Sad times we are in... Thank you Roxy!

  2. I often wonder what is happening out there in the world. Much of the times people seem to have lost their collective minds. What is right is now wrong and vice versa. I have fretted and worried over what I can do and have come to the conclusion that I can only LOVE. Love my family at home first and foremost and then love those around me, that I come into contact with. After that, I love the lost world. I pray for them daily. But...we were told this time would be coming. And I rejoice in it while it saddens me too. The Word of the Lord is being fulfilled daily, right in front of our eyes. Soon, He will come from the Heavens. Hallelujah and Amen!

  3. Thank you for sharing such wonderful words of truth Roxy! You said it all so well. It is not popular to think for yourself any longer, but when did the church ever do that which is popular? I would say never. We must continue the good fight of faith, and teach our families and children the Word of God. Always enjoy your posts, and the sharing of your heart! I love the new look to your blog too! So beautiful!!!

  4. So good to remember that our rights are God given.

  5. Your post was so very welcome in this current world of darkness. Sometimes we forget there are other people out there that still believe. Praise God!

  6. Amen! I just thank God for you Mrs. Roxy. You are a really wise woman. Every time I visit your blog I leave encouraged by what you share. Keep fighting the good fight of faith, sister in Christ :-)

  7. So encouraged by your words to "fight the good fight and not give up" Sometimes we just get tired. May we all be strengthened by our Lord!!

  8. Hello dear Roxy....I hope this comment posts!! I think I might have figured out how to make this work again! Your words are so full of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for being bold in Christ, my friend and sister in Christ. Love you. Debbie xo


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!