Monday, March 1, 2021

A New Thing Can Be A Good Thing...

A New Thing Can Be A Good Thing, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A New Thing

There is just something about a new thing that can inspire us!
We have all heard the expression, I just need something new.
This new thing is not about going out and purchasing something!
But rather a new way of doing things, or changing out something!

It might be nice to give yourself a facial;
Pamper your tired or dry skin.

Maybe its time to take down your curtains and wash them'
Or replace them with something else.

Maybe it's time to purge all those clothes you don't wear anymore.
Or just don't fit any longer!

We are all being transformed every new season, 
So I believe it is important to be conscious of it,
And as we grow and change every new year and season.
I think we can look around and find ways to be beautiful!

This beauty is both inward and outward...
The Spirit desires to change your inward;
You can change the outward in little ways!

May we not get stuck in a rut and become drab and dreary;
We can wash our windows of our vision of being a doer!

Making beauty a priority...

Doing a small makeover once a week can transform your home and Life!
Clean something out!
 Paint it!
Get a new hair style!
Get a new Bible!
(Take Every thought captive
No more stinking Thinking)
Learn to take a break to refresh yourself!
Paint your kitchen
Try a new recipe!
Change your Livingroom around!
Pull out some magazines for a new decorating idea!

I love it when someone will tell me what they are doing;
As it inspires me to do something new...

Tell me what are you thinking about doing that will be new for you!

Living From glory To Glory

I'm not afraid to change things up here and there!
But be careful about moving your furniture;
And coming out of your bedroom in the middle of the night.
And tripping over that dang foot stool LOL
Love, Roxy


  1. Lots of great suggestions. I am looking for something new! 😀

  2. Everything will be new for us this year with our move back to Nebraska. Otherwise life is pretty much the same for us here in the RV. This entire winter has been about learning new ways to do things in the extreme cold and lots of snow but we've enjoyed "almost" every moment of it. I did get a new rear windshield wiper yesterday and a beautiful new Bible cover a few weeks ago.
    Hoping you have a lovely spring day Roxy.

  3. A verse from Ecc 3 came to mind as I read this dear Roxy, "He hath made everything beautiful in His time." I think that is a glorious thought.. after all we may not be able to make some things ourselves... but God can.
    However what we can so we should do!
    Chuckled at your phrase, stinking thinking, never heard that before.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. I think you're right! I recently had to switch to a more restrictive diet, so I decided that since I was taking something away from myself, I needed to add something new. So I bought a few new bath products - epsom salts, a bath oil, and lotion. A new little routine to treat myself in a healthier way!

  5. I did my own in-home hair cuts during the entire pandemic. My hair is very difficult due to it's natural wave and curl. I decided to get a salon cut and boy did that give me a refresh. Having a good cut and not having to worry about your hair is so refreshing and wonderful and worth the once in awhile splurge. I also bought a couple hair products that I am enjoying. It was just the lift I needed.

  6. Love this post! We just painted our living room--so much brighter and lovelier. Now I want to paint the whole house! :)

  7. You made me laugh out loud at "be careful about re-arranging furniture". Each summer we re-arrange our bedroom so the bed is in the cross breeze of the house. Which, in the middle of the night, makes for funny moments when each of us gets up and bumps into the wall trying to find the restroom.
    Thank you for the encouraging words to change up little things in our home. I've been thinking that, but once I find something I love I have trouble letting it go if it's still usable. (Like my Bible. it's 100 yrs old -really- and falling apart, but I can still read it! )You've given me much to think about.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!