Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Learn To Know Your Limits...

Tea Time Or a Coffee Break, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 We Must Learn To Know Our Limits

We are all aware of Speed Limits
They are posted in plain sight along every road!
We don't have to guess at what it might be.

I think it is wise to learn to know what are personnel
limits may be in our physical strength.

Allowing yourself to get burned out daily;
Will cause havoc in your life.
Of course there will be times of a crisis where it is required!
But I believe these are times where God gives us His strength.

What I am referring to is not pushing yourself all day long.
We do need to push a little bit to get an extra chore or task done.

Living in a constant hurry up mode is not healthy!

Learning to stop and take a breather,
Allowing a coffee or tea break;
Does a body good...

The word tells us to aspire to live a quiet life!
1 Thessalonians 4:11

I must use my strength wisely,
To take care of the needs of my husband, family and home life!

We are not suppose to go go go...
We must take time to reflect and ponder.
We are just to quick to speak or to volunteer.

We are all made a bit different, and we all have different
degrees of strength levels.
That is why you must learn to know your limits!

Wisdom is a powerful tool and once we learn something;
We can apply it and be the better for it.

I know some people that can live a fast pace life,
But many more need to go at their own speed.
Being fast or the first is not as important.
As being consistent and doing a job well.

So remember resting or taking a rime to relax is very important!
Don't allow the world to dictate how fast you have to drive;
Or how much needs to be done every day.

I realize the work world will have a quota, but that is different!
I am talking about in your home and your personal time frame.

Learn to do those things that revive you!
Reading A Book
Enjoying a Good Movie
Working on A Craft
Praying With Someone
Taking A Little Nap

Then you will have a better outlook and can carry on!

So rest and refresh yourself as often as your body needs it!

Once again sharing what I am learning.

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Oh so true Roxy. It has been a difficult lesson for me to learn. I have always been a person who could do multiple things at one time and enjoyed looking back at the day and seeing what I had accomplished. Several years ago I found myself not feeling well and couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't tolerate exercise or heat, I was tired all of the time. I ended up with a pacemaker in 2016! After a recovery period to regain my strength I was go, go, going again when I fell while snowblowing and fractured my back. Several years of physically induced rest followed. The past year I have felt much better and yet COVID has forced me to stay quiet and still in my RV. I hope I am learning and God doesn't have to do anything even MORE drastic to get me to slow down. :-). Wishing you a beautiful Thursday. We have more snow on the way tomorrow and Friday, then warmer temps are in the forecast. I hope so! Our water just started running tonight.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Loved your post. Definitely something I need to learn. My husband had a heart attack 11 months ago. Many of the things he took care of in the past have fallen on my shoulders. There are days when I have find myself physically and emotionally drained. I am trying to learn how much I can handle and pray daily for God's strength and wisdom to order my life in a way that pleases Him. I sometimes forget that I can't do it all. The last year has been a journey, but I think I'm getting things under control. Thank you for your encouraging word.

  3. Roxy, my sweet friend, your post could not have come at a better time! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Do you mind if I use a portion of your words in a quote graphic? I will of course give proper attribution. Much love to you~

  4. I couldn’t agree more Roxy, my mother frequently said “ learn to live within your limitations!” And that’s key in life. Thank so much fir this timely reminder dear Roxy, God be with you and keep you safe too in all things ... I just shared with a sister who was discouraged at her level of work, I said you’re faithful in the little things that’s what counts to the Lord and your presence always puts a smile on someone’s dial as you radiate Jesus ..
    Little things.. matter most of all.

    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Wonderful post. I can relate to both Betsy and Anonymous. I am a go, go, go person - a multi-tasker, and as a caregiver to a son whose illness demanded more and more as the years have gone by I have run myself aground in the past few years. God does give us the strength to accomplish His will, but I have to learn to let go of some things and take at least a little time to refresh myself. I have been trying to plan things so I can do this, though it doesn't always work out. But knowing our limits is crucial and if we look we will see the provision He makes for us to get our relaxation or rest. People like me have to work at looking for it or taking the time to tell Him I need it and when I do He always, always, makes it clearer for me. Thank you for your thoughts on this subject!

  6. Thank you for your wise words. I live in a place and time where there seems to be a lot of go, go, go people. That makes it sometimes difficult for me to slow down, especially because cars, bikes etc. are rushing through the streets where I live. And there always seem to be building works going on. But for my mental and physical health it's important to slow down. So it was lovely and encouraging to read your post.
    Mirjam from Haarlem/the Netherlands


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!