Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Holding The Line...

Golden Truth, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Holding The Line

This is an affirmation that came to me last night;

So many trials and unrest in a world that is not my Home!

We can refuse to be swayed by gullible people or lies.

If I can just keep my hand upon the spindle of what God has given me to do!

We must Hold The Line...

There are choices I can make today that will further the holding back!

With the demise of a nation, but more importantly, my Home and Family!

When a Lie is told enough times or when a lie is heard enough times;

It will become a programmed tool!

I plan on rearranging my evenings to a more sustainable worth.

We can work all day long and get much accomplished,

But by the time evening comes we can be just too tired to do something

Productive or healthy for one's mind.

Holding the line for the truth day and night!

Lies come through the media and magazines, social platforms!

Even training us to have a false, or worldly compassion for those that

Refuse the truth and hold their line to lies and perversion and wickedness.

We must remind ourselves often of this little quote;

Things are not falling apart,

But rather falling into place...

After hearing this absurd thing in the media I was convinced

By holding the line...

Mothers no longer Breast Feed, but rather chest feed!

Do not listen to this evil lying world.

The World is confused and will lead you astray!

Spend time controlling your environment of your home and family.

Remember, God will not be mocked!

So thankful for those that expose the darkness,

But, I still must be careful in how much I allow into my heart!

A little leaven can grow quickly.

I try to pray often this prayer;

Lord, Please don't let me be deceived!

I realize seasons change, but it is within a natural order ordained by God

Blessings, Roxy

I pray you are all doing well and encouraging yourself with the Word Of God!