Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Holding The Line...

Golden Truth, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Holding The Line

This is an affirmation that came to me last night;

So many trials and unrest in a world that is not my Home!

We can refuse to be swayed by gullible people or lies.

If I can just keep my hand upon the spindle of what God has given me to do!

We must Hold The Line...

There are choices I can make today that will further the holding back!

With the demise of a nation, but more importantly, my Home and Family!

When a Lie is told enough times or when a lie is heard enough times;

It will become a programmed tool!

I plan on rearranging my evenings to a more sustainable worth.

We can work all day long and get much accomplished,

But by the time evening comes we can be just too tired to do something

Productive or healthy for one's mind.

Holding the line for the truth day and night!

Lies come through the media and magazines, social platforms!

Even training us to have a false, or worldly compassion for those that

Refuse the truth and hold their line to lies and perversion and wickedness.

We must remind ourselves often of this little quote;

Things are not falling apart,

But rather falling into place...

After hearing this absurd thing in the media I was convinced

By holding the line...

Mothers no longer Breast Feed, but rather chest feed!

Do not listen to this evil lying world.

The World is confused and will lead you astray!

Spend time controlling your environment of your home and family.

Remember, God will not be mocked!

So thankful for those that expose the darkness,

But, I still must be careful in how much I allow into my heart!

A little leaven can grow quickly.

I try to pray often this prayer;

Lord, Please don't let me be deceived!

I realize seasons change, but it is within a natural order ordained by God

Blessings, Roxy

I pray you are all doing well and encouraging yourself with the Word Of God!




  1. Beautiful Roxy… Thank you. Such needed encouragement today. God bless you!

  2. Holding the line has become part of my world as well. I like the phrase "things are not falling apart; they are falling into place." That's plenty to ponder.

  3. My daughter is a midwife here in the uk, it's all ridiculous what is the world coming too. Hold onto the truth. Thank you for your post. Blessings

  4. Dear Roxy, I cannot thank you enough for your wise writings which always touch my heart.
    My dear friend shares these posts from you with me and I am going to sign up after I send
    this to you. I greatly appreciate what you share and how true it is. Yes, things are certainly now falling into place and I realize it so much. May God bless you and your
    family for a Blessed Thanksgiving filled with Heavenly things from above.
    Blessings to you always, Your new friend, Andria

  5. Hello Roxy: Thank you once again for a post filled with wisdom for us to ponder and then apply. I avoid the news and much of social media, preferring to read blogs of others that I have come to care for. My heart and mind are much quieter than way. If I want to watch TV I watch youtube so it can be programs WE WANT to see, not want the media wants us to see.
    Take care and give thanks always,

  6. So good to be reading your encouragement again! I believe Jan Markell (Olive Tree Ministries) closes her program with that... things are falling into place. It certainly appears that way! Each day it seems that we hear something more absurd than the day before. I used to joke that nothing surprises me anymore, but somehow it does! So thankful that this world is not our Home. But, like you said, we must hold our hand to the spindle and keep doing what God has given us to do while we are here. Thank you, again, for speaking truth, the Truth.... have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family!

  7. This is a great post that moves me. It's been such a struggle to be in the midst of the rapid pace deterioration of everything around us. Christian friends coming unraveled and spiritual attacks every which way. All I know is that I am not home yet - this is not where I belong. It's nice to read your inspirational posts. Things falling into place vs falling apart is helpful to remember on a daily basis. Thanks.

  8. I am so thankful that you are putting out the TRUTH everyone needs to hear! I say AMEN to your entire post. This old World is passing away. It's not going to get better...only you are so right...We have to hold the line! That line is God's Word and He's coming back...and I say come Lord Jesus Come!!!

  9. Yes, holding the line is so very important! The world is closing in on all sides...we must stand fast to the truth and the knowledge that the Lord has given us. It's a hard place to be in, but it's encouraging that I am not alone. Blessings to you!

  10. The days are flying by, and I just wanted to reach out to wish you a joyous Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! I hope that you and your family are well! During these dark and evil days, may we endure and endeavor to "count it all joy" as we "act justly, love faithfulness, and walk humbly with our God" and look forward to the day when our blessed Redeemer calls each of us Home - to our glorious Home! (James 1:2, Micah 6:8)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!