Saturday, January 1, 2022

Do The Right Thing...

 Be A Beacon Of Light...

 We must remember the Blessed Hope!

 So don't lose heart!

We must be very discerning!

Two years of a media that loves the dark side of things.

"They Want Us To Fear"

But the Word tells us many times to;

~ Fear Not ~

We Must Be Brave!

We have a Savior and it's not the Government.

Corruption is real- but we must do the right thing...

Some peoples hearts and minds will never change.

They are blinded and can't see the truth.

But, in your own Home you can have a refuge of light and peace.

Remember Christians are to expose darkness!

So if you keep your home and family in the truth;

You will be a beacon of Hope.

No Matter What Happens

~ Do The Right Thing ~

We can either keep silent or speak the truth in love and boldness,

I was so consumed with keeping my heart and home safe and

in walking in truth and being aware of lies and deception,

I decided to not write or speak aloud.

For fear of any unrest, it might cause myself or loved ones!

But, what it really did was shut down my voice.

And I realized that is what the world and enemy desires!

So here I am again...

I will write from a place of care and concern for those,

That love Christ and their families and Homes!

That desire to be a beacon of light and wants to be encouraged!

We all need encouragement...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. In the same way, let your light so shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
    Matthew 5:16 ESV

  2. Dear Roxy,please don't stop writing. I look forward to your encouraging words.
    We must try to keep our homes a place of love and Peace and leave the world out as much as possible.
    Blessings and prayers for you and your family.🙏

  3. It is so nice to have you back, Roxy. During my prayer time, this morning, the Holy Spirit reminded me that we are to shine like a beacon light set high on a hill in the darkness. We are Christ's voice on earth. May we all speak boldly, truthfully, unashamed and with purpose.

  4. I'm so glad to see a post from you. Please continue sharing encouragement for those of us here in the home. We can then share with others.

  5. So lovely to read this post and to see it pop up in my emails :) I agree wholeheartedly with what you've written and have felt similar struggles myself. As Christian sisters its so vital we support each other. Blessings to you ~ Linda

  6. It is always a blessing to do the right thing even though sometimes it is the harder path to walk. I hope you and your family have a wonderful, blessed 2022. xo Diana

  7. First time commenting on your blog :) I agree with what you wrote here. I have struggled over the past 2 years in blogging and not writing or speaking out loud for fear but over the past month or so returned yet again to blogging with the intent to speak the truth with love (hopefully) to encourage others as well as myself with the Truth that is out there in our Hope of Jesus! Looking forward to reading your writings :)


  8. So glad to be reading your encouragement again! Amen to your words and those of the dear ladies who have commented above! It warms my heart to know there are fellow sisters in Christ sharing these sentiments! Thank you for not shying away from speaking (writing) the truth in love! May the new year find each of us holding tightly to the Firm Foundation and allowing our weaknesses to show His strength! Blessings to you, Roxy!

  9. I'm hoping that 2022 will be a better year for everyone. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year Roxy. Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice week.

  10. Thank you Roxy for the encouragement, and yes it begins in out homes, you always inspire us to be the best we can be, thank you for visiting me and for the most valuable information, Blogger has really made it hard to work on my design.

  11. Yay, yay, YAY! So glad you’re back! I praise God for faithful voices like yours. We NEED light shining into the darkness. Thank you for not giving up! I know it’s hard but something in you has to speak. It’s the Holy Spirit - reaching out to those in need of His wisdom, truth, hope and Light. I’m down to very, very few I’ll listen to. We have to be so careful and discerning because so many have given way to the modern pop culture. My precious few steadfast and faithful include: Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. White and Mrs. Roxy! I’m so glad you’re back.
    With love and gratitude,

  12. Happy New year Roxy. I love your post about encouragement. Let's hope this new year is brighten than before. Hugs


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!