Saturday, January 8, 2022

Recognizing An Assignment From God...

 Northern Lights, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Recognizing An Assignment From God

As we live and grow in grace daily;

We will be presented with possible assignments from God.

Sometimes, as women we can become overwhelmed

With all the things we need to do daily.

Many tasks are repetitious, which must be done everyday.

And that may cause us to not be watching for the timing

Of the Lord wanting to use us.

I think, especially as homemakers we are not always involved

In activities outside of our homes and churches and families.

We can become immune or slightly insensitive to a need.

So we need to be extra diligent in having an open heart;

And an awareness of situations that comes to your attention!

These assignments are probably very few in a lifetime.

But for that very reason, I want to be used!

I'm not talking about normal christian benevolence;

But rather a unique situation.

I believe when I was younger, I had more opportunities!

But God is always looking for useable vessels!

And don't we even pray for God to use us?

But my hope and prayer for this season in my life;

Is to be sensitive to the opportunities the Lord may bring

into my life!

We just may be the person God will use to speak,

A Word In Season to someone who is struggling!

So many people are crying out to God for help or direction!

Just think about the times in your life;

When someone was miraculously there or available in

A difficult time in your life!

And God used someone to answer your prayer!!

If we are given an assignment will we be quick and faithful?

We must be wise in days of scams and deception;

But I believe we can have discernment in knowing,

If something is from God.

You can always ask for wise counsel and direction,

About something that you believe the Lord is giving you to do!

Let us not miss a blessing to them and ourselves;

As God honors those that are willing to be used.

Always keep a keen eye open for God Assignments!

I bet we all have a few stories and memories of

How God worked on our behalf!

So wouldn't it be a treasure to be used by him?

Give Us Eyes To See...

I am blessed and honored to have you reading,

A little portion of my heart and life...

Hugs, Roxy


  1. Lovely reminder, Roxy!! Blessings to you and yours in this new year.

  2. Your writing and thoughts are so powerful and true Roxy. God brings unusual situations into our lives that may not feel like much, but it may be the difference in someone's life. May we always be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit! And also, not to be afraid to set aside our own personal goals and plans if God should bring someone into our pathway that needs our help. May we see with HIS eyes in all things. Thank you for sharing your heart, and praying the Lord gives you continued opportunities to minister to the world with His love! Happy New Year to you!

  3. So true Roxy, I do always pray to be a useful vessel for God. So many words of wisdom in this post ! Blessings to you ~ Linda

  4. Love this! Have a wonderful day!

  5. First of all Roxy, thanks for the encouraging words on my blog today. It's been a month of many changes, but God does not change, or his mercies and grace are the same and new every morning. I have experienced it in new and wonderful ways as God is doing a mighty work in my life and my dearest. We say this is the best time of our lives. I hope to blog more about this in the coming months.
    Your posts are so what we never retire from being a Servant of Christ, so our work is never done spiritually..there is always someone that needs a word, a hug or a prayer from us. Love you so much, and your Love for God that shines through!!

  6. I think this is very wise counsel. So many women overextend themselves outside the home...or did before covid came into our lives. But we can also go to the other extreme of never looking outside of our family for needs that need to be met. Maybe the Lord has something in mind that only YOU can do. It may be prayer, it may be crafting for others as I do. But prayer. That's the most important thing that we can do.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. This is so very beautiful and true. I get so caught up in my day to day chores and then there are always doctor appointments and sickness and 5 dogs to care for and chickens to care for and laundry, and cooking, and it goes on and on and on. Most days I barely have time to sit quietly and read scripture or pray. I am desperately trying to scratch out some quiet time for these things because these 2 things are what is MOST important above all else. I have been praying for God to help me because I really need it!..

  8. Thank you Roxy for the encouragement, and inspiration. Our new devotional written by Dr David Jeremiah entitled Everyday with Jesus, is another inspiration!
    So many times when people retire from jobs they also retire from doing the work of the Lord, I am encouraged more than ever to listen for God's assignment for this new year!

  9. Roxy, I think I have missed many opportunities in my life because I was so self-involved in my own life and purposes that I didn't see the needs before me. Great post! xo Diana

  10. Amen! Thank you for this exhortation! It is yet another reminder to me that as we see the days fleeting, only what is done for Christ will last. Many blessings to you!

  11. I enjoyed reading this post. Wishing you a happy new year Roxy!

  12. I believe I have an assignment from God to help an older friend with cancer with her rides home from chemo and appointments. I set aside every Monday as Deborah day. It helps her to know she doesn't have to worry about a ride home or whether I will be available.

    God does give assignments.



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!