Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Reading Books And Keeping A Good Home Library...

 Cleaning Out My Bookcase

This may sound silly, but I just needed to remove all the books that were
No longer easy read or easy to process for me.
I have always enjoyed a challenging book or one to truly study.
Not so much any more;
I also don't want to just read to coddle my brain;
Brainless nonsense,
But the ones that hold my interest and are able to pronounce the words.

I don't want to think about things that have been truly settled in my heart.
And so many books are challenging the old ways,
I no longer desire to go to seminary (really never did)
Homeschooling seminary LOL

We all need to keep our minds active, but not overload!

I had to study before each ladies' class;
And even for children's Sunday school class.

But in this season of life, 
I get to study Scripture for the pure joy of it!

So, I took my time and went through one of my bookcases,
And took all the heavy theology books out.
And I am donating them to a Pastor friend and his congregation.

I also have been looking into classic homemaking books,
Books on ways to improve my home.

I must confess I have tubs and tubs of books in my garage;
And the plan is to go through those also!
So I do have my Book Work cut out for me LOL

I do hope we all try to keep a good Home Library;
As I resource you can hold in your hand is still the best!

Google might be easy, but it feels like it's missing something.
I think cleaning out either a bookcase or a closet or drawer,
Is A Good Thing...

Book Smarts
Blessings, Roxy


  1. When we moved from the big house I ended up donating a couple thousand books and it felt good to have them gone. I kept a shelf full of books that I want to re-read and as I re-read them I am putting them in the donations basket-except for the classics.
    Feels good, doesn't it? xo Diana

  2. Roxy, that is awesome that you are cleaning out your bookcase and donating some of them. I am constantly doing the same thing with our books. We have a place nearby that will take gently used books.
    Take care and I hope you have a nice week Roxy.

  3. I understand what you mean, we go through stages in our life, where things are more or less useful depending on the situations we are in. I need to go through my book library too. Our tastes in reading seem to change too. I love your bookshelf, looks lovely! Have a wonderful rest of your week :)

  4. When we sold our house over a year ago, we had floor to ceiling custom bookcases built by Dennis's best friend. Plus a couple more in the bedroom! We love our books. In fact when we moved to Spokane 30 years ago the movers said they had never seen one family with so many books. (Our kids are bookworms too.) Well, we got rid of 95% of our books. Many that our daughter loved too, we gave to her. I know where they are if I want to reread them! :-) Lots we donated to the church library. Only the extra special ones were packed up. We still have three full bookcases here in this house. And I bought another one last week. It's called "Home Comforts, The Art and Science of Keeping House". I love it. I read about it on a blog. Was it yours? I wish I could remember where I saw it. I love this book. Here I've been keeping house for 44 years and I'm learning new things!
    Have a lovely week Roxy.
    Blessings and love,

  5. I love this! We have admired books all our lives and it makes it tough to part with them but contents have to be important to us and not crowd our thoughts or fill our minds with things we don’t need.

  6. Isn't it interesting that sometimes in life we feel like we come full circle. We start of without much (well we didn't) when we were newly married and we gradually acquire and acquire, until it gets to a point where we feel like holding up a STOP sign. It's time to take stock and sort through it. I know I've done this many times. We went through our book cases last year and it was like reviewing my life and all its twists and turns as I'd purchased books through these different phases. It was great to send them off to new owners. It felt like a clean slate. I also are simplifying my life in all areas. It's good. I enjoyed reading this post. Thanks Roxy !! Blessings to you ~ Linda

  7. I agree. I have many books yet to go through. Many were used in homeschooling or weren't if I didn't get to them! There are several boxes in my garage, too. Years of gathering and now I need to disperse!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  8. I've been going through our books also. Feels good to let go of the ones I no longer want to keep!

  9. This is a good idea. I do it from time to time as well. Maybe share some of your new old homemaking books with us when you can.

  10. When I was a newlywed I read Home Comforts from beginning to end :) When I last cleaned out my books I discovered I had 50 duplicates! I can easily part with books that aren't great. But when I loved the book - I'm still holding on. But then I am the type of person that marks pages and writes the page # in the back of the book and I often flip through books I've read to recall smthg in particular for my blog. Plus I'm hoarding books to read when my homeschool days are over in 2 years.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!