Thursday, July 28, 2022

Stock Your Pantry With Beans...

Pantry, Pinto Beans, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Beans, And More Beans...

Stocking Up On Foods For Your Family

Preparing for what has been planned;

Can you even imagine having to be rationed?

We have lived in the land of plenty!

We were assured of grain, because of the breadbasket of our nation,

It thrived and was given seed and water and fertilizer.

But we are now seeing shortages

But, after reading and talking to many people;

The consensus is the shortages have not even begun!

So, I write this post pleading with the ladies that have been,

Reading about what is going on in the world.

Will start  preparing or continue for hardships!

The term being a Prepper has a whole new meaning for many!

I am going to start with a few basic ideas and a few tips I have learned!

I always think of the scripture

Strength and dignity are her clothing,

She laughs at the days to come!

Proverbs 31:25

"Firstly, God is our provider, He takes care of His Own"

Start with the basic's...

What are they?

Food and Water


Let's start with what everyone can afford to do;


Use your creative cooking skills and have the directions on how to cook them!

Write down some recipes or ideas in how to use them!

Black Eye Peas


Northern Beans

Lima Beans

Black beans

Pinto Beans

Split Peas

Garbanzo Beans

Try to put back canned beans and dried beans!

The canned beans need to be stored in a cool dark place!

(They will last for 10-20 years)

Those expiration dates are for the government;

Always check the structure of each can before putting in your cart!

Any dents, or squishy top is compromised!

Must be in perfect condition.

Buy the Store Brand Name, usually cheaper!

Place your dry beans in the original package

 In a glass jar or a sturdy tin or tub.

Every time you go to the store, you should

Purchase a dry or can bean until you have at least a months worth!

TIP: Find a place in your home to start your Food Storage!

Clean it it out and organize what you may already have.

Do not throw out expired foods, if you were really hungry

 You would eat and be grateful!

TIP: Dispose of cans that are dented, rusty or bulging.

If you open it and smells off, dispose of it!

Remember beans are a staple and so frugal and delicious!

How many days worth of good protein and fiber do you have?

As Always; Living From Glory To Glory



  1. Excellent tips, thanks Roxy. I know with all that's going on in the world it would be easy to go into a tail spin, but our Lord wants us to draw near to Him, trust Him, walk in His peace and radiate Joy. I know we can do it. Thanks for your great post :) Blessings - Linda

  2. Hi, Roxy! Now I really enjoy beans, but they are a rare treat for me. So I have only a few cans of beans. I have been following Patara's advice (Appalachia Homestead Vlog) of getting five cans of food every time I am in the grocery store. I am focusing on canned chicken, tuna, and even Spam.

    Crazy, evil times we find ourselves in, but I know that The Lord never fails and He will lead us on and give us wisdom.

    Thank you for your visit to my place today. Much appreciated. ♥️

  3. Hi! It's so good to view things through prudent eyes and not panicked eyes. Being wise with what we need and what we have. The Lord truly is our provider and so we don't have to live in fear. I love to have beans on hand and have both canned and dry. I love summer and fall because of all the home preserves that can be made as well. It's good to have a nice old fashioned pantry space no matter how big.

  4. Thank you for another wise post! While we trust in the Lord, we still need to follow His promptings of being wise and prepared - like you shared above, the Proverbs 31 woman. Your post has such simple steps we can take toward this goal - and to bless and protect our families, and also hopefully be a blessing to others! Thank you!

  5. Hello! First, I want to say you have such a lovely blog. I am so excited to linger here after I comment and look back at older posts.
    Second, I love this!!! I am for sure going to be adding some beans!
    Have a beautiful week!

  6. We have a lot of beans on hand, but I probably need to do an inventory. We have eaten a lot of beans this month!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!