Saturday, July 23, 2022

Time To Stock Up And Put Back...


Time To Stock Up And Put Back

I heard a gentleman a few years back speaking on

Investing your monies.

 I have found myself thinking about what he said.

He explained how the market worked;

But when he said your purchasing power was best used by

Buying foods and items that would continue to rise in price.

Greetings to so many out there;

We took a trip and traveled to many places.

I came back with an awareness that I didn't have before.

Sometimes when you live in a small town, and don't get out much,

You may not see how much our America has changed!

Most the people we saw and chatted with were keenly

Aware of the changes in their lives and their cities.

When we arrived back home,

 we both felt we needed to be more


Make a plan!!

Buy what you will cook or prepare and enjoy eating first!

Then put back food staples.

Be mindful and prayerful!!

The shifting has started and I believe rough times may be ahead!

I am not an alarmist, but a practical wise woman!

Get busy

Prices are rising weekly

Many are warning of shortages

Watch for sales at your market!

Look at bags of self-rising flour, they were very inexpensive

Compared to regular flour!

Shall I say more on this subject?

Blessings, Roxy


  1. I have trouble finding my weekly needs. Especially pet food, eggs and frozen foods.
    I think when they do restock people grab fast.
    I have to make menus around what I find instock instead of the other way around.
    I buy cases of canned vegetables from the warehouse stores.

  2. Hi Roxy, Yes this is something you need to talk more about. I have been preparing for quite some time now. I buy in bulk and then vacuum seal beans/lentils etc and store in Mylar bags in big bins with a . I vacuum seal and freeze brown rice, buy large sacks of white rice etc. I also buy whole wheat berries in bulk and vacuum seal these. Whole Wheat Berries will last for many many years as long as it is kept dry and away from sunlight. I have a grain grinder (a worthy investment). Flour if it is intended to be kept for a long time eg. 1-2 years needs to be put in the freezer for a night, as that will kill any weevils. Then when you want it just bring it back to room temp naturally and use as you normally would. I also store canned goods and do a lot of home canning. This year I have started pressure canning for the first time, but I haven't done much as yet. Probably my favourite method of food preservation is freezing, then water bath, then pressure can. Pressure canning is good in case of power outages. Some people I know are stocking up with canned meat too. I have lots of canned tuna and just other things. After saying all that - yes, get started now. I've also stock piled canning jars, lids and seals. p.s. Happy for you that you had a nice vacation too. Blessings ~ Linda

  3. yes, please more information and suggestions. Thank you

  4. Thankfully we are still ok in the stores I shop at mostly Roxy, but the supermarkets arent so good at keeping up stocks.
    We may not know what the future holds, but we know WHO holds the future. In Him I trust.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Thank you, Roxy - I appreciate your wisdom!

  6. Very true words Roxy, we are to be wise, redeeming the time, and preparing for the days ahead. I think it is always wise to have extra on hand, and then have a system for rotating it out, so food never goes bad. I'm glad that you were able to have a nice getaway!

  7. Thank you for your words of wisdom on this subject Mrs. Roxy! I too would appreciate hearing more suggestions from you.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!