Monday, November 6, 2023

How To Persevere In Your Every Day Life...

Persevering In Your Every Day Lives, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Persevering In Your Every Day

Some days and seasons will just be harder than others!

But we can overcome even if it's just in our own hearts and mind.

Everything seems like a battle anymore.

But we must have a fight to be a victor;

But as we fight we must always remember who the enemy is!

And as sad as it is, we can see God will allow others to be used,

To cause stress and frustration in our lives.

So this is why we must be very wise and diligent who we allow into our lives.

As these people will affect our homes and children with their stuff.

As the holidays are fast approaching, we can make better choices,

 Of who we spend it with and what we do!!

I always have to remind myself to take every thought captive...

Because it will be your mind that will lead you into trouble.

Ask the Lord for wisdom and endurance.

Pray for Peace of Jeruselum

Pray to be able to make better choices

Pray for God to remove all hindrances as you run your race

Pray to be a good steward of your time and money

Learn to walk in peace as much as it depends upon you!

I love this scripture; But some will not allow peace.

                   ~ If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace
with everyone. ~

Romans 12:18

Practice giving thanks with a grateful heart!!




Living From Glory To Glory