Thursday, October 10, 2013

Days Gone By

Fall In Love!
This is just the most amazing thing!
The changing of the season's...
I always feel a little sad when a season ends!
You finally just get use to something, and BANG...
It changes!
Like, I just got use to having my kids around,
And what do they do?
They grow up and leave home.

May I always remember!

Just what I learned from the last season :)
You all have heard the old saying:
Hind sight is 20/20
But, I believe we can call to remembrance,
All the good things!
Sending you all good and loving memories;
Of the days gone by.


  1. I get excited about autumn each year, it's like Christmas to me!! Truly amazing!!!

  2. The only time I don't like to see a season pass is from Fall into Winter... at this stage of my life, I am just not excited about Winter anymore. When I was young, I loved snow, loved Winter, but any more, "can't we just skip that part?" Fall is my favorite. It is a good point though, to always remember those good things of each season, and take the portion that we are given through the seasons and let that portion build us up, encourage us and strengthen us. Love your pumpkins and cornstalks.
    Love ya,

  3. I look forward to every new season with anticipation and feel sad when each season ends. But after living in the tropics without any real seasons, I really appreciate my 4 seasons now. We are mid way through spring and the weather is warming and I can feel that summer is not that far away.

    Blessing for the weekend.

  4. Wonderful thoughts, dear friend. Many blessings and hugs to you!

  5. The changes in my life right now are really tearing at my heart.


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