Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good Woman Wanted...

Fishing can be real fun!
When was the last time you really thought about what you're,
Hubby enjoy's doing?
I always enjoy a good laugh when I find some good clean fun!
Life is way to short not to laugh.
Good Woman
Please, send a picture of boat and motor!
But, this is a real problem for most couples.
We all tend to do our own things.
There are so many Good Woman out there,
Yet, sometimes we just get too busy to take an interest,
In what our Hubby's are doing!
I remember this one newly married Lady I knew,
That while her Hubby was even working on his car,
She would sit there and just chat with him,
And even hand him his tools.
When you show a real interest in what they enjoy,
It can really support and
 Help keep your marriage happy.
Your Hubby likes to Fish,
 Go with him once in awhile,
Help him get ready to go.
Pack him his favorite foods.
Maybe your man is a hunter,
Show an interest!
 Help him get ready!
Believe me it is a lot of work.
If they enjoy watching sports,
Pour a big glass of something cold to drink
And a big bowl of his favorite snack!
Ask him, who won the game?
Help him not to only work and support your family,
But help him to be able to relax and enjoy!
Building A Strong Marriage!


  1. This is oh so true Roxy! Once I learned to be a helper of his interests, it really changed the dynamic of our relationship. I'm so glad all those years ago to give the camping thing a try, because I really enjoy it now too! After all, that's what a good marriage is..... Going on 17 years!!

    Have a great day!

  2. Such wonderful advice Roxy and oh so true! It does make such a difference. It reminds me that I need to make a little more time for my hubby even when life is so busy that I feel like I can't find time for myself. It makes all the difference...:)

    Have a blessed day my friend....Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. Great advice, Roxy. I do do quite a few things I really don't enjoy just to make the old boy happy....like football frenzy every Sunday afternoon during the season! xo Diana

  4. I love that ad. Wonder how many responses it would get! I heard Art Linkletter ask a 5 year old little boy what kind of wife he wanted. "One that will keep the chips and dips coming during the game!" he said.

  5. Yes, I think you are right in this. It is good for wives to show some interest or help in what their husbands enjoy (as long as it isn't sinful of course). Blessings to you :)

  6. We have shared interests and interests that we each like separately. For example, I love photography, sewing and theatre - my husband isn't really interested, however we both enjoy gardening so that is something we can do together. I am glad that my husband isn't into sport or fishing as they are two activities I really don't enjoy!! Instead my husband loves computers which is really handy as he can fix my computer when it needs help!

  7. Amen!

    Such great advice.



  8. Great advice. I often just hand tools to my husband as he builds something or works on his old car. He says he just likes me being there, even if I feel a bit useless. : )

    Visiting for the 'wise woman' link up.

  9. Ha! Ha! Love this post!
    My husband and I are best friends and a great "team". We do almost everything together. We love working on our home, working in the yard and taking the boat out. I go fishing with him and he goes antiquing with me.
    The most important for "us".... is prayer, a sense of humor and good communication. Every evening we pray together and spend a couple of hours talking (while eating dinner, watching TV or working on a project).
    My husband is my best friend and my hero.... and always makes me laugh.
    He was God sent and our marriage has been blessed. I wish everyone was as lucky as I.

  10. Wonderful advice, dearest Roxy. When I first married my husband I had a lot to learn in the hunting department. You see, I grew up in a home that did not hunt and loved animals. Then I married my darling husband and found out that he went hunting to provide the meat for his family. I now love getting him ready and even going along with him for a hunting trip in the woods. No, it's no my thing, but it's a pleasure for my husband and that's why I now enjoy it :) I am truly thankful for my sweetheart, I am quite spoiled to have such a loving, caring, godly husband.

    Thank you for this wonderful post. Hugs and blessings!


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