Thursday, December 14, 2017

Snow Wonder...

It's No Wonder...

Wonder where (not underwear you silly goose)
All the Time Goes?

Have you ever been so very sick during a holiday season?
Well, if you ever have, you will learn this one thing;
You will do only what you can do and it will have to be good enough!

Many times we will have something that will hit ourselves;
Or another one of our loved ones. And then we have to stop and take stock!

Sometimes you may have to eat just plain old canned chicken noodle soup
with crackers and cheese!

Some of you ladies are so great at making holidays and birthdays 
such special occasions. I have always felt a bit lacking sometimes.

But a quick detour on a roller coaster ride of health issues,
Can make you quickly realize what is needed and what else is fluff.

Life can be filled with great joy and sorrow
side by side...

I have been so weary and tired, yet by God's great Grace
A new day comes and a bit of strength returns!

My focus has changed in so many areas anymore.

As you run your race, as we both well know it's what we must do;
Keep your eyes on the prize...

Don't look at your feet for you will surely stumble!
Just hold tight to the Baton you hold in your hand!

Oh, and if you feel a bit lonely at times it is completely normal,
For this is not our home!

Oh, and if you are moving a bit slower some days no worries;
Even if you drive over the speed limit, they will still
Pass you like you're sitting still!
Take those extra few moments to get your motor running!


~laugh till you cry~

As Always, It is By Grace...
 Living From Glory To Glory

If You are interested in how to make these adorable Snowmen
Here is the link;


  1. I hope you are well my friend. I have definitely been on the slow road the last two years for not only the holidays but all year long. God is with me. My husband loves me so I am blessed.

  2. Dropping in to see how things are going with you, and family. Jacob made a sock snow man long ago :-)out of one of his toddler socks.....
    Can you believe it is almost 2018. oooof.

  3. Sometimes I think we go through certain things, like sickness for reasons unknown, but Good knows when you need a season of rest and recovery. I haven't been sick, but I sure have felt the busyness of each day throughout this Christmas season. Rush, rush, rush! I definitely need a day to rest and recover so I don't get sick.
    In due time, by Gods Grace and Mercy, you will gain strength and you will be plenty rested! :)

    Sending Hugs & Prayers your way!!

  4. Sometimes I think we go through certain things, like sickness for reasons unknown, but Good knows when you need a season of rest and recovery. I haven't been sick, but I sure have felt the busyness of each day throughout this Christmas season. Rush, rush, rush! I definitely need a day to rest and recover so I don't get sick.
    In due time, by Gods Grace and Mercy, you will gain strength and you will be plenty rested! :)

    Sending Hugs & Prayers your way!!

  5. Praying that everything is alright with you dear Roxy. Have a blessed weekend!

  6. With each passing year, I find I’m taking thing slower and slower. You are right, you begin to see what is important and what is fluff. This Christmas is the simplest on yet and we couldn’t be happier. Merry Christmas and wishing you good health in the new year! Zenda

  7. I hope you are feeling better Roxy! Very cute little sock snowman too!
    Rest up! Linda

  8. Oh, Roxy!!! I hope you are not ill! I am a bit out of touch with all going on around the blogging world. My life has been so busy here and I had a flare of an old inflammatory issue that has put me in quite a bit of pain...trying to get it under control so I can get it back into remission again.

    Hope YOU are feeling bright and perky as we march towards a Blessed Christmas. Love to you- xo Diana

  9. We all need to slow down sometimes just to refocus and see what's around us. I know I do.
    Merry Christmas,

  10. Merry Christmas. I hope your holiday season is the best ever.

  11. Hope you are feeling better each day. Sickness will definitely make you do just the necessary which is often a good thing anyway. Get well soon!

  12. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Roxy. I hope you'll be feeling better soon. Thankful for even canned chicken soup! and realizing that not everything has to be done, and we can rest and get better. Blessings to you, Deborah

  13. You have a way of showing us, something very important, that we might take for granted.
    Take care....
    Merry Christmas

  14. Sorry to read you've not been well Roxy. I pray your health and strength will return soon. I think I am at the point where I need to make some changes regarding Christmas plans. I always go a bit over the top and end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Even though this year is a little quieter, there is still room for improvement. Blessings to you and Merry Christmas ~ Linda

  15. My sweet friend, I truly hope you are feeling well. I have been sick during Christmas and oh, it's no fun at all. But indeed, it does remind one to slow down {{smiles}} Thank you for this post. Please know that you are never far from my thoughts.

    Have a very Merry Christmas. Much love!

  16. It's a different kind of Christmas around here. I just can't get myself moving and motivated like usual. It will be what it will be.
    Be blessed,

  17. I understand what you mean, Roxy....five years ago, the cancer diagnosis came over Christmas. It sure puts your priorities in order. I hope that you are feeling much better at this time. My computer has been out of order for the past month, so I am out of the loop. Have a blessed Christmas, my friend. Love to you. Debbie xoxo

  18. I am so glad that you guys are feeling much better... Have a blessed day. We send lots of love your way.

  19. Much needed letter to everyone. 💜


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