A Man Needs A Good Meal
So many men are just plain hungry...
If you want your Hubby to want to come home quickly,
Then you have the very thing to use daily to ensure that they
Do come HOME soon after work or running errands.
I love having my hubby home,
I love the fact He wants to come HOME
I think one thing I have done very early on in my marriage was this;
He does not have to run out and get a sandwich or a burger
With friends or with the guys he works with.
I have seen way too many men, just plain hungry!
Now, I know many Men like to cook!
I think that is wonderful!
But I am also glad that my Husband wants and loves my cooking!
He prefers my breakfast specials,
He loves my hamburgers with green chilies on them.
He loves anything that is made from our kitchen.
This is called HOME COOKING...
I am not a gourmet cook, I cook and serve Home style meals.
Call me old fashion;
A man needs to know and can count on an evening meal for sure.
Some men need a big breakfast!
Some need a hearty lunch!
If you want to keep a Hubby happy feed him ladies!
I would hope that making a satisfying meal for him
This is a test;
Cook some potatoes,
Now this week I want you to make at least one of these up!
Fried potatoes
Boiled potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Baked potatoes
Serve with another meat or salad!
And a side dish of veggies, applesauce or biscuits.
You will have a very Happy Hubby!
I think the potato is a homemakers best friend
Besides the crock-pot.
You can buy potatoes so cheap, and they can be very nutritious!
Please Feed Your Man!!
What is a food item that is a staple in your cooking?
Share how you might like to cook your potatoes!