Thursday, December 27, 2018

Beware Of A Wandering Heart...

Beware Of A Wandering Heart, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~ A Wandering Heart ~

"As a bird that wandereth from her nest,
So is a man that wandereth from his place."

Proverbs 27:8

So many hearts want to wander off into either their imagination.
Which can turn into lust; Wanderlust is not a very stable trait to have.

A woman that allows her heart to wander from her home will develop
into a possible habit of impulse.
Longing for what you have not been given.
An urge to always be leaving her home.

There is an old saying of those that always traveled.
"Wanderlust would not allow her to stay long in one spot."

Some more thoughts on the word wander;
To walk or move leisurely.
To walk aimlessly
To dawdle about
To ramble about
To meander means to:
 zigzag, wind, twist, turn, curve, curl, bend, snake...

~ Usually without a plan or a definite purpose ~
An irregular direction or course.

There are many that do not even know when they are well off,
But become uneasy and not content with their present condition.

God, in his providence has appointed us a place!

Learn to stay with your nest, do not abandon your post;
When you wander either in your heart or imagination,
You will be absent and not be able to do your own work at home.

Look, I am not talking about a yearly vacation or a lovely trip.
I am referring to a person who will not settle into her life and home.

Do not become a wandering bird that hops from bough to bough,
That rest nowhere, as it becomes unsafe.
The bird that wanders is exposed!
And will leave her eggs subject to danger!
When we leave our nests too often or too long;
Our work and job can become neglected!

~ May I not leave my home or work undone ~

I do not want to meander through this life...
I want to follow closely to my Father's plan!

Remember, we can make our homes into safe and cozy castles.
But in order to get stuff done, we need to stay home!

And once again, I am not talking about going out to lunch or shopping!
We all need to get out,
 I am referring to the wanderings of your heart!!

Do not allow your heart to leave HOME dear ones...

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Pumpkin Torte Recipe...

Pumpkin Torte, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Pumpkin Torte

For the Bottom Crust
1 package yellow cake mix (Leave out 1 cup for topping)
1/2 cup melted butter
1 egg

For the Filling:
1 15 oz can pumpkin
2 eggs
2/3 cup of milk (You can use almond milk)
1/2 cup Sugar
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
For the Topping:
1 cup of reserved cake mix
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup Sugar
1/4 cup butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly grease the bottom of a 9X13 pan.
In a medium sized bowl, mix together the ingredients for the crust.
Spread and press the batter into the prepared pan; Set aside.
In another bowl, combine all of the filling ingredients and mix well.
Pour or spoon the pumpkin filling over the cake.
For the topping, combine the first three topping ingredients.
Cut in the butter until crumbly.
Sprinkle the topping ingredients over the pumpkin filling.
Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour, until filling is set
Serve cold,
Topped with whipped cream.

I decided to copy this recipe and put it on my Blog today,
Because I was asked for this recipe from a very sweet lady on Instagram!
I was so pleased that someone saw just a picture of this desert,
And wanted to try it!
I enjoy making this for many special occasions!
Pumpkin is so good for you!

You may want to try this or at least copy it and out it in your recipe file.

I plan on doing some baking today
(love sugar, sugar cookies)
Now, is that even possible? LOL

Also making a few Cheese Balls with my darling Amy
It has been a super warm winter so far!
But the winds make it chilly, and the sun setting so early!

I was left an amazing uplifting comment on my last Blog post;
Well, lets just say I cried!
Because, I was truly thinking I was not making a difference anymore!
But thanks to this kind and generous Lady, I was refreshed
Thank YOU...

Making Every Season special
Making every moment count
Making gifts wrapped in LOVE...

Living From Glory To Glory
~ xoxo~

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Making Memories In All Things...

Making Memories, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What A Glorious Season...

I made this Christmas wreath last year at a huge florist store.
Everything to make this wreath was provided!
The choices were amazing!

I have found myself a bit nostalgic lately;
I miss my Mother, as she is not with us here, but in heaven
with her heavenly Father...

We do the best we can without the ones we love during
the most wonderful time of the year!

I feel that the world is just a kinder place during this season!

Making memories are so important; not just for the holidays.
But, rather making the time to celebrate Birthdays, and Anniversaries.

I am hoping that for I hosting and having Sunday dinners here will leave
A long lasting loving impression on my family!

Remember that making memories do not have to be expensive;
Making a family recipe for a holiday or birthday

Looking to improve in areas that leave a lasting impression!

If you need to give yourself a pep talk to push through;
That is perfectly normal!

My hope for writing this Blog was to encourage others!
To not give up doing their best to make their lives and homes,
A better place, filled with good memories and LOVE...

If we are not teachable or willing to learn new things;
And to NOT forget the Old Paths.
We will be left a little bit emptier!

If I say something to you that hurts you;
Think of it this way;
Just maybe, I have learned the exact lesson myself the hard way!

I desire to be the Queen of this little castle, but at times my crown
is a bit tarnish or covered in dust.
I also need a helping hand and words of encouragement!
Plod On Dear Ones...

May I try to be the kind of woman who can help straighten another woman's crown
 without telling the world that it was even a little crooked.
 As I can attest to the fact of my crown leaning so far over at times it almost fell off.

Christmas Memories, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

May you all take the time to make memories,
And enjoy each and every occasion!

I want to thank you all for reading my Blog all these years!
I appreciate each and every one of you!

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, December 7, 2018

Puppy Training Part 2

Puppy Training, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I was at a quiet field one day
and there happened to be a dog
show going on at the time.

I stayed to watch and was quite
impressed with the beautiful animals
that were being shown that day.

Part of the program included
a competition to show the
dogs' abilities in obedience to
the commands of the owners.

The pups were adorable as
they came frolicking and tumbling 
onto the field.

They were not very mature
and most had a difficult 
time responding to their 
masters wishes.

Especially adorable were the children
trying to get their own puppies
to sit, roll over, beg and follow.

At one point,
once the pup was actually
sitting and listening,
they were offered
temptations to ignore the
owners command to sit still,
such as a yummy treat placed 
away in front of them, or 
the judge calling to them
to leave the owners side.

The older dogs were even
enticed to run off by
little poppers going off around
them as they sat at their 
masters feet.

It was all quite entertaining,
and the dogs were trying their
best to listen to their owner's
wishes, but all in all, most
of the contestants weren't
having the best of luck 
getting their precious pups in line 

At one point an older gentleman and his
beautiful older dog came on the field.

He asked the dog to sit and stay.

He then removed the leash from his pet,
and walked across the large field behind 
a building and out of sight from his dog.

The dog never took its eyes off that building.

Treats were offered. .
she didn't flinch an eye
to look at them...
just kept her eye on that building.

Small firepoppers went off near her,
you could sense a bit of a
ruffle in her fur, but her eyes
remained focused on the building
where her master had disappeared.

Other tactics were taken to get the
dogs attention and obedience off her 
master, but it was to no avail,
she held her ground and kept
her eyes focused on the last
place she had seen her master.

At one point from where 
I was positioned I could see her
owner quietly step 
from behind the building.

He said nothing but just stood still.

The dog saw him too, every muscle 
in her body was alert to his presence,
but she stayed put just as he had told her.

Soon he lifted his hand, and without
saying a word crooked his finger in
a gesture for her to "come!"

Like a bolt of lightning she lit out
across the field as fast as her
feet could carry her to his side.

What a happy reunion!

Her delight at simply being
reunited with her owner was a joy,
and his pride in his dog and her 
beautiful obedience was quite evident.

The next day as I was driving on
the freeway, I was pondering what I 
had seen between the 
owner and the obedient dog . 

I wondered at the dogs
happiness with being owned and 
obeying a master.

As I drove I saw a dog lying on the side
of the road. It obviously had been 
struck by a vehicle and had died
along side the road.

I'm sure that dog had revelled in
his freedom from restraint and
ownership, and I thought about
the joy it sometimes feels to have
no one controlling what you do, especially 
when one is young and carefree.

At the same time I realized that 
while this dog had full freedom to
run wild and free,
it also had the burden of finding
warmth from the cold and the pressure
of seeking food to fill his empty belly,
plus the loneliness of having no
owner to care if you are well and nurtured.

So, while this dog was lying dead on
the road I thought about the well
trained dog I had seen at the dog show.

While she rested warm and full
in front of her master's fire in his 
home, loved and nurtured, but not
free to run wild, this other 
dog died alone
running free as the wind.

There's a truth here.

Jesus asks us why do you 
call Me Lord, when you don't obey Me ?

He said if anyone loves Him and obeys
Him, He and His Father will come
and live with that person and
they will make their home with that one 

Many today call Him Lord,
but no longer believe His words are meant for them to obey.

We as a culture, 
now reap the full 
harvest of our rebellion 
and wild freedom.

Broken homes.
Rampant drugs.
Murder daily.
Gross immorality.
Killing of innocent babies.
Hatred of parents.
Churches filled with false teaching.
Women dominating.
Men following.
Children rebelling.

We are now a nation
under the full wrath of God.

We have left His will.

Now we will have His fill of 
reaping what we have so
belligerently sown.

Our full harvest
is now ready to be brought in.

What a deep sorrow

It's a fearful thing
to fall into the Hands
of the Living God.

If you are a Christian,
and if your heart desires
to see good for your own
home and family,
it is time to repent of all
known sin, fall on
your knees and seek mercy
from the Lord.

No more compromise.

Jesus must be Lord of all.

Focus your eyes on your Master.

Seek to obey Him with
all your heart,
all your soul 
and all your might.

Pray without ceasing.

We serve a mighty God.

But He is ONLY God and Master
of those He can lead.

If you want to run free,
He will not stop you.

He gave you your terrible freedom.

But you will not be resting at
His fire and being fed by His
Hand as His full wrath comes
upon this evil country of rebellion.

God will not strive with man forever,
and the blood of millions of murdered
babies cry out for His vengeance.

That vengeance is here.

There is no politician or religious leader
who can save you or your family.

There is only One Name by which 
we can be saved. ...Jesus Christ.

He will cover your home
only if your heart and mind
are obedient to Him.

The hour is late.

Come out from among them!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How To Make Dish Cloths Made From A Drop Cloth...

This is an easy and inexpensive hand towel you can make;
 for yourself or as a gift for others!
I did both, because using a drop cloth allows you so much more fabric!

Firstly, I purchased a new drop cloth and washed and dried it!
This was the brand I bought from a local hardware store!
As you can see it is a very large size of material!
And is 100% Cotton
It is a very soft cotton and very sturdy.

After the Drop Cloth was washed and dried, I then began cutting out,
my hand towels, using a size I liked from a kitchen towel I had.

I cut so many out, I truly cannot remember how many I got from that one drop cloth.
One drop cloth I think was around ten dollars!

As you can see once they were ironed and hemmed each side,
 I sewed on a piece of fabric and,
added a bit of sturdy lace to them also!

I was able to use scrap material to embellish them and added bits of trim.

I did make these in an assembly line fashion as it made it go quite fast!
I also had a dear friend come over to make a few for herself and some gifts.
Everyone loved these hand towels as they were soft, sturdy absorbent!

Not to mention very pretty and unique and useful!

All I can say is if you need a lot of fabric for cheap for a craft idea or
a home project. Is to look into purchasing and using a drop cloth!

You can make reusable gift bags!
You can make curtains!
You can make dusting cloths!
You can make Burp Cloths!

There are many ideas out there, that require an inexpensive, and sturdy fabric!

Try this and I think you will be pleasantly surprised!

Blessings To You Dear Ones!

Hugs, Roxy

Friday, November 16, 2018

Beware Of Empty Conversations...

Light Upon Our Words, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Empty Conversations

I have been thinking a lot about the time I use every day in my
conversations. Now, that being said, what I am thinking is this.

Are my words in my conversations considered;
Shining sparkles of truth and joy?
Is what I am hearing from others considered worth repeating?

There are many people who talk incessantly and never say anything worth repeating.

We need to ask ourselves if our conversations are built on
Empty, idle words, not even worth remembering.

We all know of at least one person that just talks and talks!

But when you walk away or hang up the phone;
Do you feel comforted?
Do you feel like a word of encouragement had been given?
Can you repeat what you have heard?
Was the conversation considered noble or good?

Life is short and the days are even shorter;
So may we all be mindful of our conversations!

We all laugh over the quote
Blah, Blah, Blah!

But truly are we doing the same thing?
Do we just talk to hear ourselves?

May our words be few,
 But chosen like a beautiful ripe piece of fruit
Or flowers that smell heavenly!
If our words cannot equate to a bowl of luscious fruit!
Or make a lovely banquet of flowers.
Be still and ask the Lord for His Words!

Blessings To All Of You;
May This Letter Inspire You To Use Your Words Well!
For as always I desire to live from Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

What Kind Of Mother in Law Are You? What Kind Of Daughter in Law Are You?

What Kind Of Mother In Law Are You, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What kind of Mother in law did you have?

I feel very strongly that so many women have missed out;
On one of the most valuable relationships!

Why do these relationships from both the son in laws or daughters,
Turn so sour and hateful anymore!

To allow the enemy to rob us of another member into our families;
from either the parent or child that has gotten married!
This is so rampant anymore!
I have heard so many young ladies say that their Mother in laws 
are just so mean and terrible to them!
Undermining them, and their child's choice of a spouse.
Then the child is torn between loyalty to one's wife or mother or father.
We are told to leave and cleave, but not to cut one's heart out!

Does this all stem from our selfish, controlling motives?
Like a two year old that will not share!

Now, grant you there are a few of these relationship's that looked
good and healthy, but once they married, Then the wolf appeared!

So many have identity crisis, and have come from broken homes!
Many look upon the Mother or Father as old fashion!
They are afraid we will take some of their children's affection away!

Controlling and causing an uproar at every opportunity!

The pain and sorrow that these individuals have cost a God fearing mama's heart!

It's shameful...

Let me remind you of even in the book of Ruth;
She told her friends that her daughter in law was worth more 
then seven sons!!

We must stop this horrible cycle;
So may we all encourage others to look at their in laws and also
the sons and daughters, we give away to their chosen spouse differently!

Look, no one is perfect and no one is going to look or do the things
you do or even enjoy, we all have been raised differently.

If you do not, at least for yourself to decide and with the Lords help;
To be the best Mother In Law you can possible be...

Love is a choice!
Do you always have to be right?

I was given a little plague from my Mother In Law
and it had the sweetest poem written on it!
I loved my Mother in law so very much, I wanted her around!
She loved me and taught me many good things!

Now, My daughter in law has been given that same plaque!

It truly breaks my heart for all the confusion and hurt that
comes from this kind of behavior!

If I can, I will try to always lead someone to reconcile the best they can;
But, If there is none to have, stop calling or trying!
Just Pray And Keep Away
Leave them alone, and just maybe they will come to their senses!

Always learning...
Hugs, Roxy

Here is a picture of the poem that was given to me almost 40 years ago!
I still miss my Mother in law...

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Goodness Of Honey...

Honey, Living From Glory To Glory..

If you are looking for all the values on honey;
This is not what this post is about!

I just feel that honey is so rich and is made by little bee's
That work so very hard to produce a rich amber sweetness!
Liquid Gold...

Honey Jars, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Honey comb you can chew with the wax in it (yummy)
Royal jelly for strength and endurance!
A teaspoon in a cup of warm tea or coffee.
A teaspoon taken for a scratchy throat!

But, oh on a biscuit or cornbread!!
Now, were talking.

And it looks so satisfing sitting on your counter!

Buying honey from a local source is the best for your family!
Have you ever tried Bee Pollen?
I love that stuff...

Honey Bee, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hello Little Bee
Are you afraid of Bees?

A Field Of Clover, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Every different flower makes a very unique tasting honey!

With all these things in mind, I think you might want to have some
beautiful liquid gold on hand!
Enjoy The Little Things

Blessings From Above, Right Here On Earth,
Sweetly, Roxy


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pretty Fall Tea And How Fall Is A Time Of Transition...

Fall Tea, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Fall Tea
Fall Is The Time Of Transitioning...

I often think how gracious our Dear Lord is to allow us this season!
The transition can be a hard time if it happens too quickly.
It is so much easier to be able to change slowly.
Like the leaves on the trees, they take their time changing!

Sometimes when we think of it when the suddenlies happen,
We can be in shock and it causes great stress on one's self,
And the home life, even children feel the stress and tension.

We can save ourselves some grief, if we will give ourselves time to adjust!
Yes, some things are out of our control!
But, when we can do things in stages or gradually!
Less shock and more acceptance.

I pray often for God to give me the grace and strength;
needed for what each day and season might bring!

I am always looking for the bright side;
But we must climb higher to see the sun at times!
Everything is work,
 But we can make it fun or rewarding just by our attitude!

Remember, even if you have nothing planned for the day;
Take a shower and get the ugh off!
Get outside and walk around and breath deep!
Take control of your thoughts!
Be your own advocate and make wise choices!

Start making a list of activities and things to create to keep
yourself moving and growing!
Being flexible, so when the changes come you can bend and flow!

Always, Roxy

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taking The Road Less Traveled And Enjoying The Journey...

A Country Road, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

It is more blessed to give...

This road is a road less traveled...

Life is filled with many back roads, some have had the most
amazing things to see and discover!

We just had the privilege to have our dear friends Lydia And Stanley;
Lydia@ Home Living Blog
Came for a few days to visit our home and stomping grounds.

I tried to get a picture of us girls together,
But the camera was not going to do us any favors.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Friends

My plan is to get into my Fall mode of shorter days.

Getting outside for a walk even if the weather is not perfect.

Spending more time in the early mornings, praying and reading the Word!

Using the crockpot for those easy, delicious dinners!

Watching more sweet movies that make me happy and cry!

Writing more emails and letters to those I miss!

Being kind to myself

Being more aware of what is the better choice in foods and company!

And to remind myself to create something beautiful every day!

And giving myself the freedom to rest and relax!

Remember so many are stressed and are living with the
consequences of making bad choices;
But I truly believe we all just want to be loved...

Life can be so very hard!
Just think, If we did not have all these trials we would be bored!
Hold Steady
Remember when you have done all you can do;

Hope some of you tried making that creamy Pumpkin Soup,
Because it is super delicious!

May each of you be strong and courageous!
Much Love, Because the love of Christ compels me.

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, October 14, 2018

How To Make A Creamy Pumpkin Soup...

How To Make A Delicious Creamy Pumpkin Soup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Delicious Cream of Pumpkin Soup

2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 cup minced onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 can unsweetened pumpkin puree
1 can evaporated milk
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon white black pepper
2 teaspoon chicken boullion

Garnish; Parmesan cheese
Sour cream

Heat oil in a heavy stock pan over medium heat, so it does not burn.
Add onion and garlic, and cook, stirring occasionally,
 until onion is tender, about 7 minutes.

Add pumpkin puree, evaporated milk, salt, and pepper.
Bring to a boil, Reduce heat to low, cover and cook 5 minutes
to blend flavors.

Place in a lovely soup bowl;
Garnish with parmesan cheese and croutons.
I prefer my own homemade croutons made from French bread.
Drizzle with some sour cream.

Eat and Enjoy

I make this soup almost every Fall Season!
It is rich and very elegant...

This is one of those all time keepers for a homemade soup!

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of The Lord, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have been really thinking a lot about how we as Christians are silenced!
We do not speak up because we do not want to offend others;

But truly if we are called to be the light of the world;
It is not something we have to do, or make a conscious effort to do so.

It is like the stars, they do not have to be told to twinkle or shine;
They do it because it is what they do!

It is not my desire to try to go around offending others that believe a lie!
But, I am tired of walking around being silenced in the little things.

It should be natural to say:
 Praise The Lord
Thank You Jesus
Jesus is Lord
Saying grace
Bowing My head
Quoting Scripture In Day to Day Conversation

This Little Light Of Mine, I am going to let it shine!

A very tiny light can be seen in the darkest night!

I have lived long enough to see so many supposed Christians;
Turn their backs and Hearts against and away from the truth!
The Great Apostasy!
They never truly believed...
Sad. but true!

They are always learning, but never knowing the truth...
Deception is something that looks right or important!
It's once again the syndrome of look at me!
I am religious
I know the deep things...
I studied this for a long time!

I will no longer be silenced!
I will be like the stars that shine every night without being told to!

Twinkle Little Star, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Blessings, Roxy

Have you experienced this also?

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Your Home Will Reflect Your Style And Heart...

Country decor, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Country Charm

I think it is the little things we have in our homes that give it charm.

I know that when I go to a home that has its own unique style,
I like to take notice of what they used and how they have arranged it!

Everything does not have to be magazine beautiful!
But, rather inviting and welcoming!

Many ladies will go through different phases in decorating.
I like changing colors for my curtains and throw pillows.
I also like to change out my rugs!
But mostly, I enjoy changing and rearranging my little things.

I have so many little country and farm looking decor.
The look may be a bit vintage with a bit of country!
I adore classic lace and roses galore.

But a bit of this and that and balancing the colors make it homey.

I am also drawn to birds that just fit in small areas.
A little blue bird and cardinals, and even a few brass ones.

I like to change out table toppings and doilies to freshen up a room!

Your home can reflect your mood and style.
Being aware of keeping things clean and washed like your curtains.
Cleaning and washing the nick knacks can make a room shine!

I enjoy washing the throws and having them clean smelling.
It always feels so nice to climb into a bed with fresh clean sheets!
I will even, in the middle of winter hang our sleeping pillows on the line.
They smell so fresh!

Little home; how I love that you keep me safe and warm.
Cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
I have a place to call my own!
May I always keep you clean and tidy;
And keep you filled with prayers and treasures!
For Home is where the heart is...

Blessings, Roxy

Country Cow Given to me from a dear friend... Living From Glory To Glory...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Divine Interruptions...

A Lovely hand Crafted Sage Green Pitcher, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The unexpected moments and situations...

We must consider divine appointments, we encounter often.
Many things happen to us that may feel like an inconvent interruption.

But, if we would change our perception and look to see what,
God is doing!

This lovely hand crafted pitcher can be filled with just about anything.
But, I can make a choice to fill it with fresh, clean water, or cold delicious milk.
Or I can use it as a container to place some beautiful fresh flowers.

When I am on my quest to do a chore or an activity;
I become so focused at times I have missed many opportunity's.

I pray very often that I might be in the right place at the right time;
Just as I pray please keep me away from anything that is not from You!

I want to be a vessel that is used, but not abused!

Being wise is spoken of as being as wise as a snake and gentle as a dove.

I want to hear, and see when these interruptions happen to me!
I do not want to miss a divine appointment!

But mostly my days are filled with little things;
The choice to do what is useful and sweet for making our HOME lovely.

But, when we at least stop for a moment!
Lift up a prayer and give what we can!

Silver and Gold I have not;
But what I have I give to thee...

 An interruption may be a divine appointment the Lord has schedueled for the day!

Have you looked at interruptions as a chance to pray and to serve?

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Receiving Mercy...

Receiving Mercy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Giving Mercy
Receiving Mercy

How we can be plagued with guilt and grief...

Giving mercy is so biblical; But receiving Mercy is different!

Sometimes we look back and we can see the mistakes we have made;
Raising our children, are early days of marriage!
One of the things that can keep us awake at night is guilt or grief!

We must learn to forgive ourselves after we come to our
Heavenly Father and asked for His forgiveness;
Give it up to Him...

Why take back the guilt or sorrow?

I like to do a little symbolic body action at times;
I give my leg and arms a little shake and shake that thing off!
Sounds silly, but sometimes I feel like that thing just is clinging.

Learning to control one's own mind is a powerful thing!
Too many times we begin to have what the Word calls
"A Vain Imagination"

Take a hold of your mind; only allow what is good to take root!
Clean thinking is what will give you the wits to discern!
The only way you can tell the truth from a lie is to study the truth!

If you believed every commercial and ad that came across your path;
You would be filled with nonsense!

You do not have to live under guilt or grief!
Shake it off, and do not invite it back!

Mercy Will Always Give You More...

Thank You All For Visiting!!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

Sunday, September 9, 2018

A Gentle Quiet Spirit...

Fried Zuchinni, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Making Time To Enjoy...

Savor the flavor of those wonderful things that last for only a short time.
When I stop to think back over some of the most vivid memories;
I can truly say they are the things that smell wonderful!
Or the warmth of a cozy kitchen,
Seeing the steam rise from a freshly brewed cup of tea!
And the aroma of a pot of coffee brewing!

I can still feel the warm fuzzy feeling, when someone spoke
A wise and loving word to my weary soul!

Over the years I have learned the importance of encouraging myself
As the Psalms speak of as David did for himself...

Tell me how do you encourage yourself?

I can feel as small as a we bit of sand at times;
But the vastness of My Fathers World will calm my beating heart!

I think in order to truly have a gentle, quiet spirit A woman must
Learn the fine art of encouraging one's own self!
And to learn to appreciate doing things that bring
fulfillment and joy
~small comforts to one's own heart~

I enjoy thinking of one thing I might do daily to bring a sense of well being;
to my HOME and to those that I can inspire and touch with a bit of being,
content and happy...

Being close to those that want to be close to you!
It's not always about reaching out!
But taking hold and staying steady...

As Always: 
Because He lives I can face tomorrow!!!

Living From Glory To Glory

Love, Roxy

Monday, August 27, 2018

Can You Tell The Differnce Between The Real And The Mass produced...

Fresh Veggies, Living From Glory To glory Blog

Garden Fresh

Can you tell the difference between the real and mass produced?

Sliced Tomatoes, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The real will have a fragrance and a taste that can not be truly imitated!
It will not be perfect in size or shape!

We are living in a time of the mass produced and the knock off variety;
Art Work
Even what is written may bot be authentic!

Be your very own best self!
The way you cook and prepare food is just your taste!
You dress with your own style and flare!
The purse you carry says I got it in the bag!
Your time is the gift you have been given to day!
What you draw or sew or even when taking pictures, tells a story!
Write from your heart, and choose your words with a word picture!

Have you ever bought something thinking it was the real deal?
Buying something you thought was nothing great;
And found out it was priceless?

I Love to iron my clothing, even my T-shirts!
It always makes me feel a calming sense;
like everything is okay...
Ironed T-shirts, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Everything can have an artful dash to it!
I enjoy painting in this season of my life.
Watercolor Painting, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

I was thinking about how hard everything can be!
We can say over and over again
"If Only"

There are no ifs...

And then...

You are the author of your life;
Write the story well!
Give God time and room to work in all things!
Be wise, yet be a gentle spirit as the world has to many hard noses!

If you are in a tough season, do not be so hard on yourself.

I am a happy person, because it is a choice!
We are not to be a social gospel, but rather a heart for home;
And our mission field is our plot of land and home!
"No matter the size"
Be real!

Stop being angry or afraid, it will produce a rotten life...
You can do this, because God's got this!
just hang onto His Hands...

Blessings, Roxy