Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Can Cell Phones Cause You To Feel Pain In Your Head Or Temples?

Cell Phones Emit Radiation, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

The Effects Of Using Cell Phones...

I am writing this article to warn you of the dangers of cell phone RADIATION

Do you really think that using a cell phone that emits radiation is not going to
 Cause a disruption of normal brain activity?

Truly think about this for a minute...

We just take it for granted, we are safe!

But I know that we are seeing now and will continue to see the effects
in ourselves and this next generation, than has grown up with this,
direct contact of radiation to their brains.

Your phone can get hot and it can even ignite!
You must realize the power that is being used.
It just serges radiation and can cause headaches!
Your temples feel inflamed!
Radiation in even small doses can cause cancer!

Look, I use my phone daily, most of us no longer even have a land line!

We have opted for convenience and this new system of connections.

I believe these phones disrupt our sleep patterns!

Make our heads feel fuzzy!

Some people will be more sensitive to these symptoms:
But even if you do not notice any symptoms, you can be sure
You are still getting some radiation!

Brain cancer is on the rise!
(I am not writing this article because my dear friend
 has just recently died of Brain Cancer!)

But rather because of some very strange feelings I have been having
while and after using my cell phone!!

You can use the speaker part of the phone!
Do not hold the phone close to your head!
(Each time you hold that phone to your ear, your head has now become an antenna)


Cell Phone Radiation is real...

What Is The Radiation Emmision Coming From Your Phone?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why I Am Becoming A Loner In This Stage Of Life...


Being A Loner, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Becoming a loner at this time and stage of life has been so different!

I am in no way a loner by choice!
I am a people person to the core;
But may I try to explain this new course of the lack of involvement!

Once your kids all grow up and they leave home;
(As they should)
You no longer have anyone to keep you company while driving around doing errands.
(So now, I talk to the Lord)
You no longer spend your days homeschooling.
(Reading aloud to the children was interesting)
Lack of interaction in that arena;

My grandchildren are very busy with school and their families!
I have them often, but just not as much as when they were younger.
My grown children have busy lives, raising their children and having their friends.

When I did a ladies bible study a while back, I was gone for over 4 hours,
And that was so not good for me or my home.
How can we take care of our homes if we are away for that long of a period.
I have found I also prefer having a one on one visit with my girlfriends.
Or a plan on a ladies tea party for a bunch of us!

Also being gone and running around town by yourself is not necessarily safe.

I went into our thrift stores yesterday and it felt old and out of style.
Maybe you enjoy it more when your treasure hunting with a friend!
Mostly realized I truly do not need a thing...

Also, I have noticed when I am gone all day, it is harder to make dinner.

And seeing your house is in a need of a good dusting and you don't!
(Not Good)

When you meet a friend for lunch, by the time you get home your
Too tired to cook, not to mention gut rot from eating out.
And the money you spend just leaving home!

I have been keeping closer to home!
Cleaning out my desk and paperwork feels so good!
Deep cleaning and getting organized around my home.

Trying to save some energy to be able to prepare a good meal daily.

I am learning to enjoy the quiet and to read and study and create;
For myself and my family and my hard working hubby!
(A Hubby enjoys seeing his home in order and his wife rested)
That is why we need to count the cost of being away from home too often
Or too long of a time period!

We must have the wisdom to know what we should be involved in!
And this applies to every stage of life!!

A Proverbs 31 Lady;
Does not have to be involved in everything that comes down the river!
We need to learn to be content with not being busy and gone!

~Just remember God gives us fruit to firstly minister to our Husbands and our Homes~

Being Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, August 14, 2017

Does Pollyanna Walk Again...


Does Pollyanna Walk Again? Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I watched this sweet movie a few weeks back, and it was delightful!

At first I thought, I didn't want to watch this movie again!
As I have seen it so many times as a child.
But I decided I needed to look at it with a different perspective.

I saw so many things this time that were so good!
She was a little orphaned girl, because her parents died,
And she went to live with her very rich aunt.
This Aunt of course had money, but lacked in love.
Well, Pollyanna had plenty of that!
But it was her way of looking at life...
She always looked at the bright side of everything.
She played this game, that she called,
~The Glad Game~

Being an optimistic person, brings life and hope to others!

In Pollyanna's case she touched a whole town!!

So many wholesome changes were made in individual lives.

One lady was planning her own funeral just waiting to die.
But Pollyanna helped want to live and smile and be happy.

An older gentleman was a recluse, and needed no one.
Pollyanna had a little sidekick, cutest little boy;
This little boy won the heart of this older man.
With the help of Pollyanna!

A young maid was in love, yet could not get the time to spend with him!
Because she had so little time off as she worked for Pollyanna's Aunt.
But Pollyanna used excuses to help her see her boyfriend.

There was also a maid in the same house that was a true sourpuss!
She cracked me up, as her face was always all scrunched up.
Pollyanna's" glad game" about drove her nuts.
But of course she grieved the most when Pollyanna was hurt!

But there was a tragic twist!
Pollyanna was told that she could not go to the town fair!
The reason for the fair was to raise money for a new orphanage.
And of course the Aunt was against the idea, as she pretty much ran the whole town!

But Pollyanna had a part in the fair, 
She was supposed to sing the lead in a patriotic song
 And she just had to be there!
The fair was the highlight of this little girl's life.
She even won her very first doll!

Climbing down the tree was easier, but climbing back up into 
The attic bedroom was a very different scenario;

                         Pollyanna fell out of a tree trying to get back inside her Aunts home;
                                                                She was paralyzed!

                                 This sweet little girl was crushed, as all the gladness was gone!

                           She was taken to the big city for an operation by the
                                                            Doctor and her Aunt!
                                             (The Doctor was in love with Pollyanna's Aunt)

                                            The whole town escorted them to the train;
                                                          Now, My Question is this:

                                                      ~Does Pollyanna Walk Again~

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Country Boy...


Country Boy, Cowboy boots, Living from glory to glory blog...

Time to Reflect...

Here I sit thinking the yellow school bus will be coming down the road!
Well, maybe not!
 I think as all the children have grown up or moved away on this old country dirt road!

I homeschooled my own children, but I have always loved
this time of year when school supplies were being sold in bulk.
Notebooks and pencils and colored pencils and pens galore.

I am not really sure who really learned the most, myself or the children!

These boots no longer fit the little boys...
They are all taller than grandma!

I just thought I would share a couple of thoughts with you all!

I am slowing down a bit!
Freezer jelly sounds easier than canning!
Still trying to teach myself to play the piano!
Entering my Doll house into the State Fair this weekend!
(I will share some photos soon)
Doing a lot of praying for friends and family!
Trying to eat a bit healthier!

I am working on getting my joy back from losing my friend from brain cancer.

Taking a rest from many things I have done for 30 plus years!

Doing what I love!
Staying away from things that cause me stress.
Keeping in touch with the friends that I love and love me back!

I do not want to look back and see that I have just gone through the motions...

Simple Life
Simple Foods
Simple words of encouragement
Simple prayers
Simple truths
Simple lifestyle
Simple in being thoughtful
Simple in just being me...

I want to just say hello and thank you for all your kind words over these many years!

May you aspire to live the life you always prayed for!

Love, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Christ Being Formed In Me...

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Being A Tadpole In A Whale World...

Not Praying To Angels, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Keeping It Simple...

When you try to live in a way that causes you to add this and that!!


Enjoy this day as you are not promised a tomorrow!
Abiding in the peace and joy and liberty of the Father's Love...

I don't look for angel's I don't pray to angels;
But, I can attest to God's protection over my life!

I think we all love the idea of Angels and their ideal image we have of them.
But when you read Ezekiel the seraphim sound rather wild, compared
To our idea of them being like, little babies with wings.

So, when I feel overwhelmed and tired;
And my compass feels broken, I stop!!

I do not think it is wise to jump on band wagons!
Look my life is not a parade for everyone to watch and stare;
To hoot or holler

My walk with the King Of Kings;
Is pretty simple
Yet, deep and rich and full of depth!

I have learned to wait for the leading of the Lord;
I often ask for the Lord to search my heart!
I examine myself to see if I am in the faith!

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

"We all need to remind ourselves of this sweet little saying"

Life may seem uncertain to us at times;
But we can be comforted in knowing we are in good hands!

Tadpoles, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Being a little tadpole in a whale world...

~Christ Being Formed In Me~

Jesus, loves me, yes, I know,
For the Bible tells me so!
I am weak, but He is strong...
Yes, Jesus loves me***

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Driving and Out Of Control...

The Fast Pace Of Life, Living from glory to glory blog...

Looking Up...

When we get in the habit of looking up we can see that everything
Changes and it has a purpose.
But some of these changes are not good and rather frighting!
Maybe we do need cars that do not have real drivers and can drive themselves!

Yesterday my husband and I took a day trip;
It was of course on a major highway.
But I will have to say it was quite terrifying!

We saw people driving in a manner that will surely cause the death 
of themselves or others.

The reason I need to look up, is because down here it is
getting scary and so many are distracted.
Attention deficit at its best...
"Not a Good Thing"

When you live in the country and are used to country living.
The fast pace is un-nerving!

Now, for the record, I have driven far and wide in this great country of ours!
So I am no novice of traffic and big cities!

What I am talking about are people that are so distracted!
Weaving from side to side,
Changing lanes with no signals
Driving in your blind spot
Tailgating and up your exhaust pipe
Honking and screaming at other cars
Music so loud your ears hurt,
And people dancing in their cars so hard the car was bouncing!
Oh lets not forget the one we saw passing cars on the shoulder!
And the merging cars didn't even look at you!
Then we had one car up ahead completely stop, and cars just swerved
To avoid slamming into the back of him!
One time all the cars just started braking and we avoided a pile-up!
Oh, and don't even get me started about all the people Texting and driving!
And almost everyone was on their phones...
The speed is 75 miles per hour;
Not anymore, it is going as fast as you can go without getting caught speeding!
And that is another thing very few State Patrols on the highways anymore.

I felt bad for those who had older cars and no air and not going fast enough,
 And they were just treated like and old, man or women in the grocery store.
"Get OUT of my way"

Where did you get your license my Grandpa used to say?
"Out of a Cracker Jack Box?"

Be very careful, dear ones!
The Highways and Byways are getting very scary!

Defensive driving is a MUST!

Remember, I grew up on the race track...
I know how to drive...

Just because you are a good driver does not protect you
From other drivers on drugs, drinking, smoking pot and being distracted!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fill Your Cup With Good Things Don't Be A Whiner...

Fill Your Cup With Good Things, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Fill Your Cup...

When I was a child, I loved the smell and taste of coffee,
It was such a treasure to have those memories of the old percolator
bubbling and doing its magic. It filled the house with the aroma 
of fresh coffee brewing to be enjoyed!

As I have grown older I now realize it is the ritual and the ceremony!

When we learn to stop and take pleasure in the small things.

Being in the moment and enjoying those rituals.

Many mornings I do get the tea kettle whistling;

Coffee or Tea

So many fill their cups with a bitter whine...

Are you a whiner?

Is your coffee either just too hot or cold or too old?
Is everything just a bit off and not to your liking?
Well, it's not that we should not try to get things in a better state.
But, rather learning to fill our cups with some of the lovely things!

You can fill your cup with sweet memories;
Or bitter thoughts and disappointments!

Everything will not go as you hoped or plan, all the time!

But if you look in the right direction;
I know you will begin to see things more clearly!
It is the condition of your heart!

Please take this little bit of advice!

Fill your instagram and blogs and journals and Facebook
with uplifting words and thoughts!
May your Pinterest boards give beauty and life!

Too much negative media is not good!

A dear friend of mine told me a few weeks back this statement.

"You know why I do not do Facebook?
Well, it's because it causes me to sin!"

Well, whining all the time is sin!
Look, it's not your job to set the whole world straight!
That is the Holy Spirit's work in the individual's lives.

Some people just have to take the long hard road!

But you can choose to fill your cup with good things!!

America, Bless God And Give Thanks...

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Life Is Precious...

A Bird Nest With Eggs In It, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 Life is Precious...

My sweet Hubby was doing some trimming on one of our many
trees and he found this nest with two eggs in it!
I said wait stay up there I want to get my camera!

The Momma bird was making a huge fuss;
Get away from my babies, she was tweeting!

I just wanted to share a few quick thoughts here with you ladies;

I am so happy that all nine of my grandchildren will be here
on our Estate this coming week.
It will be the first time in a whole long three years!

My dear friend kelly is still fighting to hold on to life!
The brain tumor is trying to steal her life!
She is a fighter and she totally trusts Jesus!!

Went to a funeral today and had a reality check...
Life is so very precious!

Have you all notice how fast Sunday comes around again each week?
Not sure why the days and weeks just seem to fly by...

Be careful where you invest your time!
Be careful who put first!
Be watchful!!

We are having a Stayvacation this summer!

Last year we went to the West Coast!
It was lovely and very refreshing...

The Pacific Coast, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

Please may I remind you all to stay humble
Stay strong...
Keep focused on the prize!
Never give up!
Rest only In Christ...

May our goals have eternal implications;
Heavenly minded...

May Christ be formed in you!
Respect your Husband!
Love the brethren...

"For LOVE covers a multitude of sin"

Monday, June 19, 2017

A Little Faith Goes A Long Way...

Simple Faith, Living from glory to glory blog...

~A Little Faith Goes A Long Way~

A cool breeze blowing in the late afternoon, what a sweet little thing!

Flowers blooming everywhere...

"I have been practicing the fine art of being appreciative"

I can feel my heart beating!
I can smell the sweet smelling aroma of flowers in my yard!
The birds are singing such a sweet lullaby tonight.

When you are so very tired;
Lie down and lean into Jesus!
Being tired allows you to totally depend on Him!

We do not always have to take the easy way;
But we sure can stop and rest for a while.

When you learn to look for beauty;
"You will find it"

Anyone who prays for the ability to see beauty;
Will never be denied and will never grow old!

Take your faith and create;
Take time and spend it with seeing with the eyes of an appreciative person!

How you spend your days
Matters more than how much money you make!

What you do matters!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Is Company...

Having A Few Good Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Two Is Company...

Being all by yourself, is not something that
is good to be all the time!

Having a Husband is a gift; Ask any widower what is is like to
Have lost their mate!

Being a good friend is so important!
Having a good friend is a treasure!

If God has given you a mate, consider it a gift!
Being alone is very unhealthy...
You become very self absorbed and may feel depressed.

But, we must also be able to be alone;

Walking alone for health benefits
Your quiet time with the Lord and being in His Word!
If the Lord should call your mate home and you are widowed!
Being alone is not a disease.

But even God said it is not good for man to be alone:
So He gave him a Helpmate.

Many of you may have many sibling's
Many of you may have come from a large family
Many of you may have a ton of friends.

But; Many ladies have their children all grown and moved away!
Your Siblings may live far away!
Your Friends are moving away to be closer to their grown children!
Many are downsizing for practical reasons!

So having a network of a few friends that can be trusted is a gift!

So, you may need to jump start a few friendships in this season
Sometimes, or maybe all the time you will have to be the 
One who reaches out!

Do it!!!

Make The phone call
Write that letter
Plan a get together
Do something pro-active...

May your Husband be your dearest and closes friend!
But, Keep a few girlfriends close to your heart!

Monday, June 5, 2017

A Love For Lemons...

The Fragrance Of Lemons, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

A Sweet Smelling Fragrance

I have been enjoying the scent of lemons lately!
I find it such an invigorating smell!

We all need at times someone or something to spark are living!

I want to reach out and send an exhortation to you all!

The only way you are going to have the marriage you want is to
~ Work on it, one day and situation at a time ~

Becoming a Godly woman is accomplished only
Through being teachable and humble
One day at a time!

How can I leave a sweet smelling aroma when I leave a room?
By speaking words of love and life in a tone of voice
That gives them hope and points them in the right direction!

We must all want to be as kind and joyous as we can!
No one likes a sourpuss!

But we love the fresh sweet smell of lemons!

Look, we will all go through trials.
 But when we;
Become a place of refuge and strength for those who are weary!

That is what a Godly Home offerer's!
Make God and His Word the center of your life...

When we walk with God, we leave behind a
Sweet fragrance that can inspire others to follow.

Make some fresh squeezed lemonade
Make a cold lemon pie
Make a lemon pudding cake
Buy some lemon scented lotion
Buy some lemons to add to your drinking water
But some lemons in a bowl on your counter

Be inspired and inspire others!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Blogging Changing?...


Well. Let's celebrate...

We have another season upon us!

It has been a very cool spring here in these parts;
And I have enjoyed it very much!

It's time to get your June and July And even August mode in gear!

Bug spray
Drinking enough water
Wear eye protection

But most importantly;
Taking time to enjoy the moment of each day!

I am not sure lately what to blog about;
I have been just so enjoying working on my Doll house!
Watering my flowers and greenhouse!

I have made a few very sweet friends through blogging all these years!
Grateful for that...

Hank wanted to say Happy Memorial Day!

I am looking at revamping my sidebar;
So many on there anymore, I do not have any feedback.
I lost my whole sidebar a while back, and not sure what I
Want to use it for anymore.
Asking your opinion on what you like or dislike
With my choice of blogs I share on my sidebar.
Are they useful for you to find other blogs?

Have you found a New Blog lately that you enjoy?
How many comments do you leave per week?
Do you wish we just had a like button?
(Just added a Like, and Interesting and Important Button)
Just BELOW each post.
Never knew you could do that!
Do you leave comments via using your cell phone?

The reason I Blog is because I enjoy the connection!
I blog because it is enjoyable to write a post!
It is nice to have a little spot that is all your own!
You can share your heart and ideas and encourage others!
You can even share a warning to help others stay safe!

I still think blogging is a classy magazine of real people;
That we get to get a glimpse of their lives and homes!

Well anyways, I do hope you all enjoy yourself this

You're always welcomed Here!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

How To Test Yourself To See If Your Addicted To Social Media...

Social Media Addiction... Living From Glory To glory Blog

Hello My Name is---------

Look, we got ourselves a BIG problem here!

Put down your stupid smart phone!!!

Get a life

Oh, wait God has given you one...

 Face book and Instagram and Pinterst;
Truly does not care whether you're dead or alive!

If we are not diligent in asking yourself if you may be addicted??
You may not ever really, truly live in the real world!

"Test yourself"

Do not get on any social media today!

Do you feel discontented?
Do you feel like you have not been validated?
Do You want to check your comments every few hours?
Do You want to post everything you do?
(What you eat, Where you are, Who you're with??)

You may be treating your social media addictions as you would
A secret lover...

Are you starting to feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit?
A bit of Conviction!

Are you on your phone and you can see your real life people
Out of the corner of your eye??
No time for real eye contact?

Sorry, but if the shoe fits YOU have a problem!

Being addicted to anything can bring harm to you!
We are suppose to guard ourselves and our
Hearts and Mind and to our Relationships.

Social Media can become your idol!

Remember to use these medias with wisdom!

No Wonder nothing is getting done anymore...

Living The Good Life while It Is Yet Day!
Get SMART, get off all the drama and live and make your
OWN Biography...

Always, Living From Glory To glory

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunshine Even In The Storms...

Sunshine Even In The Storms... Living from glory to glory blog...

Sunshine Even In The Storms...

Firstly, can you see the lovely handmade doily?
It was made special for me from a kind hearted friend!
Thank YOU Betsy!
I love it so much!
I will say she can whip these things out like magic!
But I know that for me, I do not do this kind of
Handiwork done with such skill.
Its tiny and intricate...
I  love these kind of treasures!

She is a sweet blogging friend and you can find her here;

The reason I am titling this post;
Sunshine even in the Storms is because in real life;
We will have storms, but I can promise you this.
If you will just be patient you will see the sunshine!
In all its glorious warmth and happiness.

We all ache and stumble and even fall down!
(That's another post)

We all have trouble with something!
The point is this;
We have to hold steady...
There is a plot to destroy each of us!
Sometimes with our own words and actions will cause a storm!

If I have learned one thing in this life, it is to hold ON!

I can remember as a young woman thinking how
can the whole world go on as if nothing special has happened?
Right after I gave birth or some tragic thing had just happened!
Well, it is because each of us go through our own trials;
In His perfect timing...
We are told to each carry our own load!
I get that,
And we should!

 But we can help another and lift them up once are trial is gone!

Sometimes we can have so many needs and prayer request;
But we can carry everything to the Lord in prayer!
 Take a rest...
Put your hand back on the plow!!

Break up the fallow ground
Plant Seeds

Thank you for stopping in and visiting this Blog
~Living From Glory To Glory~

Thursday, April 20, 2017

We Need A Few Good Men...

Healthy boys, Country Boys, Living from glory to glory blog

Why Our So Many Young Men Wimpy?

Is it because they no longer can just run and play outside?
Is it because many young boys do not have a Father at home?
Is it because the newest Fathers are addicted to video games?

It seems that the Marines must be hurting terribly for the fact we
seem to be having a shortage of a 
"Few Good Men"

I am confused as to why we cannot realize that boys NEED their Fathers!

And that young boys need to be able to play outside!

Look, I realize we may never get back to our American roots
Family and the Men who love their wives!

But I can see that the children have suffered the most!

The reason so many get into trouble is because no one
is watching them. And back in the day, even a single Mother
had a huge influence on her children.

But what is influencing our children today?

Social Media
Peers, or shall I say peeps.

You don't even see kids outside riding their bikes anymore!

Little boys need bikes to ride!
They need a wagon to pull!
They need a place to build a fort!
They need to hunt rabbits!
They need to catch frogs!
They need to learn to work with their hands!
They need to build things!

God help us!

Raise them up to be "Good Men"

And Not afraid to do right and to love what is important!
They need to learn to love and respect their Mothers!

Our country is drug infested and high as a kite!

Well, so a good dose of truth here!
Sure, we don't want to think this is true, but it is!
So pray for our youth!

First, we tell them just say NO
Now we say its okay its legal and everybody is doing it.

Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, April 17, 2017

How Lifting Up Your Husband In Prayer Is A Bit Like The Dew In The Morning...

Praying For Your Husband, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Times of Refreshment...

Learning to lean on what's true, when you feel the push back to life...

This morning was filled with early morning fog;
And when you live in these parts its not something we have often.

But I can see that when we are moving almost in a fog;
Mentally or physically it feels heavy.

But as I went outside to take care of my chores, I did
raise my arms and thank the Lord!

The trees and the fields of grass and wild flowers need this!
I always think that if I will just take my thoughts and feelings
captive and hold on to what is really true, I can plod on!

And we are told in His word to do just that

So when I think of how I can readjust my focus and embrace
each day as a perfect gift from my Father!

I had an idea in my head this morning of how us
Women have so many emotions and feelings,
But have you stopped to give much thought to what you're
Husband may be experiencing?

They carry way more than we may realize at times!
Just because they don't express it or share it with us.
Does not mean they are dealing with it all!

Take this day and lift up YOUR Husband...

There is something else that I was thinking
~I want a new purse~
And I need a new purse like I need a hole in the head;
But, it is something I can do that brightens up my new season!
Who wants to carry a black or brown purse in spring and summer?

So who of you also enjoy a new purse?
It's A Girl Thang...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Learning To Use A Day Planner...

Learning to Use A Day Planner Book, Living from glory to glory blog...


I am very excited about something that I have just started doing;
I am sure many of you have been doing it for a very long time.

But I just went to Hobby Lobby and bought a Day Planner!

It is very feminine in color and style
It came with stickers and a setup of  the months and weeks!
It has To Do List
Important Dates
At A Glance
Daily Chores

But as we all know that being flexible is key!
Staying on task is important, but being available is so important!
I will be working on this to get an idea for each day and week,
For a plan that works for me!
"I will be using a pencil, just in case I need to erase"

Spring has arrived once again in this part of the world!
What I need is a fresh start...

Fresh ideas for meal planning!
Fresh ideas for reorganizing my home.
Fresh ideas for my blog...
(Many women no longer care about being a Titus 2 Woman)
Fresh ideas to not be distracted
Fresh bread instead of the crumbs left behind in the shag carpet!
(Many years ago we all had this type of flooring)

 Many of us do not even have time to stop and read a blog post!

So, Learning to use this Day Planner will be a good fresh start!
Firstly, I will reassess what I have been doing now,
And what truly needs to be done during this season!

I hope to share a few new ideas for this planner soon!
"It's all Greek to me"

On the HOME front...
~My beloved kitty died yesterday, she was 13 years old~
I will miss her very much, the house feels empty without her!

I can hear the Meadow Larks singing each day now!

My Internet has been down, or moving at a snails pace.
You may ask why don't I comment?
Well, it is nearly impossible most days...

I wish you all a very Happy Season!!

Do you use a Day Planner??

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Ministry Of Kindness Is A Real Ministry...

The Ministry Of Kindness, living from glory to glory blog...

~The Ministry of Kindness~

Do you ever feel like you just do not do enough in ministry?

I think we become allured away from the real issues of ministry;
With the idea we need to be up front or being present in a program!

I once heard a lady say that if the women didn't do it in the
Church it wouldn't get done. And that never sat well with me!

But as I have realized that there are many ministries
We can do from home and wherever we are in each day we live.

Many just want to be seen and heard and that is very valid!

But for myself, I like the backseat!

So, how can I be used and be a help to the Church?

Well, I have taken this to heart and I pray it grows and blossoms!

The Ministry Of Kindness...

The world is just exploding with stuff and things and problems;
But we can be a part of the solution!

Being Kind is truly a fruit and it can fill an empty heart or home!

There will be many tribulations in a Christians life!
But it is in these very things that we can use this ministry of kindness!

We also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulations produce;
Perseverance, character, and hope
Romans 5:4

So when a brother or sister is experiencing this very thing;
We can show them kindness!
Encourage them to Persevere, tell them that when they do this,
Christ will be formed in them!
And tell them while in Christ we have this great Hope...

Minister to one another!

Thank you for all the kindness you have shown me!

Blessings, Roxy

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Are Flowers Happy...

Sweet Geranium Flowers, Living from glory to glory blog

Are Flowers Happy?
Well, I think they must be!

They just do what they were created to do...

I love Geraniums, its like they're just a cheerful and happy flower.
Their color just pops and they make you think when you see them,
Yes, I need to plant some of these bright red geraniums in a pot
And place them on my porch!

We all have a deep down desire to be happy;
And to have others drawn to the fact that as we walk,
And live in Christ, He is being formed in us!

There seems to be a cloud at times that wants to
Block out the light of Christ in our world:
And our own lives!

But I would rather be a little red flower alone in a pot on
The front porch of a HOME that loves the Lord!
Then be the grand finale in the Rose parade.

Simple is better and  being alone at times can be lonely!

But better to be alone and be doing what you were created to do!
Then being a part of the world!

Though none go with me, I still will follow!
No turning back...

Make a spot for yourself that makes you happy!
I love seeing all the blogs that post lovely spots
From their homes! It can be small and simple.
But you can tell it is a happy place!

Be Happy
Be Strong
Be Humble
Be True
Be Organized
Be Polite
Be Unique


Geranium Flower, Livng from glory to glory blog...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Lilly Of The Valley And Little White Lies...

Little White Lies, Living from glory to glory blog

Little white lies...

Do you feel a sorry in your heart when you tell a little white lie?

Little untruths make us vulnerable to the great deceptions in our world.

When was the last time you told a little lie?

It grieves my heart when I have said something that was not true!
It turns me to my Savior and I repent and cry for His cleansing blood!

A little lie is not white at all...
But rather dark and filled with a hole that can become a bottomless pit!

Lies are not deadly for you shall surely not die...
Sweet little lies...

Sometimes we even lie to ourselves!
It's not always what we say to someone else!

Did you know you can tell a lie so many times that it eventually
will become truth to you!

Did you know that a heart that repents of its sin and turns away
It's pleasing to the Lord?

The world lives on lies!
Advertisements and all the gimmicks!
And all those fish stories we have heard or have even told ourselves.

May my words and statements be a sweet smelling aroma
to my Lord!!

When we open our mouths will we speak with fork tongue?

Dear Lord, Please allow me to speak truth in love!
And may my words be sweet like the little white blossoms of the
Lily Of The Valley Flower...

I told my oldest grandson a few weeks back that there was only
Two kinds of people;
He looked at me funny, and I said we are either
Truthers or Liars

Blessings to each of you dear ones that visit my little place!
I pray these words encourage and challenge us all!

Always, Roxy
Living from Glory To Glory

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