Women Want To CONTROL
This statement might make you angry!
But the truth of the matter, it is the truth...
Hello Ms. Bossy Pants, how does your garden grow?
"Well, it better do what I tell it to do!"
I can write this blog post because I am a woman!
I know that my strong sin nature desires to lead and to control!
Women are known for their strong opinions in most arenas.
Women in most households will run the whole place dominating
Conversations and about who what and where with most other things!
You have all heard the phrase control freak...
Well, when you first start learning to become a biblical woman,
You quickly see the force behind your always wanting to control!
And I think it is a wonderful character trait,
To run your household well, and with efficiency!
But in our sin nature our desire is to control our husbands!
This is where we usually have to pray and work out our salvation;
In this area of becoming not dominant, but submissive.
Most men are pretty lenient with how we can have the freedom to
Organize and run our households.
But then we have some troubles knowing when we need to stop;
Controlling and manipulating our husbands.
Sometimes I am not even aware I am doing it, so then the Holy Spirit is gracious
and He helps me see the error in my words or my actions.
(It is usually a bit of both)
I am always learning and I have been married for years,
But I can tell you this dear ladies it is never to late to learn to
become more in line with scripture in our marriages.
I think most of us want to control our Husbands out of fear!
Fear of whatour Husbands have done or what they might do!
But when we pray and train ourselves to stop this excessive controlling;
We might just find that the world does not crumble and fall apart.
If we would but learn to control our own thoughts and our words;
We would become that gentle and quiet one spoken of in scripture.
It does not mean you cannot voice, your heart or opinion!
It is just done with a different attitude and not an expectation of the
Outcome of him to follow your ideas or how you think it should be done!
I spoke therefore you do!
(In your MOMMY voice)
You are not his mommy!
And he also has to learn to lead his wife and children!
Pray for him and work hard at doing YOUR part.
But if you will not stop FIRST controlling and manipulating him;
He cannot do what he is suppose to do!
We hear this all the time, well if he would just lead then I would submit!
Well girls that is not how it works...
He was created first and we must follow,
He is not to follow us...
Control feels like power to so many of us!
But to serve and to obey is like having a lovely opportunity
to act and be like Christ example to us!
I appreciate your visit to this blog!
I desire to live my life
~From Glory To Glory~
Hello Ms. Bossy Pants, how does your garden grow?
"Well, it better do what I tell it to do!"
I can write this blog post because I am a woman!
I know that my strong sin nature desires to lead and to control!
Women are known for their strong opinions in most arenas.
Women in most households will run the whole place dominating
Conversations and about who what and where with most other things!
You have all heard the phrase control freak...
Well, when you first start learning to become a biblical woman,
You quickly see the force behind your always wanting to control!
And I think it is a wonderful character trait,
To run your household well
But in our sin nature our desire is to control our husbands!
This is where we usually have to pray and work out our salvation;
In this area of becoming not dominant, but submissive.
Most men are pretty lenient with how we can have the freedom to
Organize and run our households.
But then we have some troubles knowing when we need to stop;
Controlling and manipulating our husbands.
Sometimes I am not even aware I am doing it, so then the Holy Spirit is gracious
(It is usually a bit of both)
I am always learning and I have been married for years,
But I can tell you this dear ladies it is never to late to learn to
I think most of us want to control our Husbands out of fear!
Fear of what
But when we pray and train ourselves to stop this excessive controlling;
We might just find that the world does not crumble and fall apart.
If we would but learn to control our own thoughts and our words;
We would become that gentle and quiet one spoken of in scripture.
It does not mean you cannot voice, your heart or opinion!
It is just done with a different attitude and not an expectation of the
Outcome of him to follow your ideas or how you think it should be done!
I spoke therefore you do!
(In your MOMMY voice)
You are not his mommy!
And he also has to learn to lead his wife and children!
Pray for him and work hard at doing YOUR part.
But if you will not stop FIRST controlling and manipulating him;
He cannot do what he is suppose to do!
We hear this all the time, well if he would just lead then I would submit!
Well girls that is not how it works...
He was created first and we must follow,
He is not to follow us...
Control feels like power to so many of us!
But to serve and to obey is like having a lovely opportunity
I appreciate your visit to this blog!
I desire to live my life
~From Glory To Glory~