Monday, April 30, 2018

Clean Thinking And Living...

Pretty Tableware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why we are told to think on everything lovely...

The human mind has become the dumping grounds;
Just think of all the trash you have heard or seen in the last month!
Scary and unnerving if you dwell upon it!

But, we must learn to sort out the clean from the filthy;
We were given a conscience to help guide us and keep us on track.

Do I have to listen to all the bad stuff?
Must I be exposed to all the darkness?

Heard any bad, rude or crude jokes lately?
Did you see a commercial that made you blush?

The world talks about clean eating;
Ha, what about clean thinking and living!!

People care more about eating the right foods
 then what their spiritual hearts are being exposed to!

If there is one thing I am truly praying to overcome is saying
To the airwaves of garbage and to what the world calls
eye candy.

Lovely is kind and morally pure.

Many think that it is okay to share every private detail with you!

A wise woman learns to be discrete, but also practices it daily!

Going to the library use to be fairly safe;
But now days the books are laced with infidelity and sin!

I always dread summer, and the fact of all the immodestly dressed women.
I enjoy seeing ladies dress pretty and summery;
But without seeing all the flesh, the three B's

Do All Things With Love
They way you think!
The way you dress!
The way you share your private matters!

Are you sure your house is built upon the Rock;
And not the sinking sand!

Do not become seared to what is unclean;
Be watchful, guard your hearts and eyes!

As Always...
Because He Lives,
I can face tomorrow...

Love, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Right on,'s everywhere we look and even where we are aren't trying to look. "The world talks about clean eating; Ha, what about clean thinking and living!!" nailed it, girlfriend!

  2. Thank you for these timely reminders. As much as we try to keep our home as a safe haven, when you step into the world, as we all must, we are bombarded with immorality and trash. We need to guard our thoughts AND our eyes.

  3. You hit the nail on the head! I like summer (not the high temps) but always dislike the shedding of decency that seems to take place.
    "People care more about eating the right foods
    then what their spiritual hearts are being exposed to!"
    This is so true!!!
    Hope you are well, my friend!

  4. Thank you for your words of wisdom on discretion. We are inundated with all the filth around us...I find that staying home and to myself is a good way to keep my children and I from it.
    Yes, summer is such a hard time, for women and men to dress immodestly. I teach my children that both men and women can be immodest and we must be mindful of it.
    I also stopped going to the library, nothing but filth was being advertised for my children to see. Now I look in a used book store, and at the free store...sorting through what is best to bring home. It's increasingly harder to find wholesome books for my family to read. Sometimes we just stick with the Bible and nature books.

  5. This post ought to be a poster sold in stores!

  6. thewarmfireplaceMay 1, 2018 at 2:28 AM

    Thank you for your wonderful post.
    God bless sue x

  7. We are called, as believers, to live a Godly life so others can see Jesus in us.
    It's hard not to hear or see things we rather not hear or see. Some days I just go to my quiet place and try to shut it all out.

  8. This was wonderful to read, and refreshing to my heart! I loved the reminder that we should be thinking on the lovely. So many times we get wrapped up in the bad and dwelling on these things. But we shouldn't do that. God tells us not to. He knows that it isn't good for us.

    Amy Jo

  9. Yes, I really try not to absorb too much of what's being put out there. Some things you just can't unsee!

  10. A letter filled with Godly wisdom.

  11. Amen! I am thankful I was reared by a mother who always dressed modestly and taught me to do the same. Thank you for your wise words and your beautiful blog. It is such an encouragement to me. In His light and with love, Wendy

  12. Hi Roxy, I use to visit your blog years ago, then got busy. Lately I've remembered you again, and am so grateful to see you are still active. Thank you for continuously blessing us with your spiritual wisdom, and everything lovely. God Bless you. (IT)

  13. I know exactly what you mean! As soon as I walk out the door, I'm hit with all sorts of trash... and it's hard to see our children and grandchildren having it dumped on them all the time! Your words affirm what we're supposed to be doing – praying a covering of protection for our eyes, ears, and hearts. Thank you for these words of wisdom! Hugs and blessings to you, Roxy! ♥


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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