Showing posts with label Pearls Of Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearls Of Truth. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Are You Suffering From Spiritual Drowsiness...

 Have You Been Rocked To Sleep, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Spiritual Drowsiness~

Spiritual drowsiness can happen when we are not aware

Of the culture around us is moving so fast toward destruction

And being lulled into apostasy.

Almost like being rocked to sleep.

Or when someone falls asleep at the wheel while driving.

Another example of spiritual drowsiness while in 

Sunday Service, You feel tired and not alert.

Will coffee help?

Maybe, but probably not;

Because we are tired...

Some  people our in the streets screaming and swearing,

And that is even less effective of getting my attention.

It's like the enemy's chatter or what I call

Talking Heads

The Tower of Babbling

It makes no sense...

We must wake-up and ask for clarity.

Gird-up the loins of your mind

Put on your thinking cap

Shake off the lethargic spirit

The real truth must constantly be repeated!

Focus and ask for clarity...

Get off the fence

Set YOUR Alarm

Get-up you sleepy heads

We got work to do today!

Be cognizant of what direction you are traveling in!!

Like the saying: When one is lost while traveling.

"I don't know where I am at, but I'm making good time!"

Blessings, Roxy

Gosh, it feels good to write again...

Jesus asked do you love me?

Then feed my sheep

Even if you give a drink of water in my name

You have done it unto me...

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Beware Of Calling Evil Good...

Holly is just beautiful, Living from Glory to Glory Blog...


When seasons change...

The last four years have been the most ridiculous time ever!

The leadership of most everything wanted to enforce us;

"To offend God rather than man"

The scripture than says

Isaiah 5:20:
 "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
 that put darkness for light,
 and light for darkness;
 that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

They wanted to silence everyone, but themselves!
Typical control...

I chose to spend my time being busy doing what really changes the World.
Being a homemaker...

But when someone tells you to be quiet, and it's control,
You must find ways to speak lounder without words.

I did coninue to write!!
Just not on my Blog,
 But I never stopped writing truth.

~Here are a few one liners~

Feelings are not Facts
Our attention span is getting shorter-n-shorter

Avoidance Mode; people and situations that cause distress
And robs you of your peace!

Stupid is as stupid does...

No one can make you feel inferior without your permission
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Don't join a movement

Don't except the lie, freedom is not a license to sin!

Hard times make tough people,
I's no sort of world for cream puffs these days!

Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!!

I could go on and on!
But I will leave you with this dear readers;
Never give up!!
Delay the Decay
Fight Fight Fight

Blessings and Love
Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Are You Being Brainwashed...


Are you being brainwashed?

Brainwashing does not just happen over night.

It happens slowly and methodically.

Ask yourself this question...

Is there anything you once were just appalled or disgusted with?

Or you knew it grieved your spirit man, or the heart of the Father?

And are you now not as shocked or upset over this thing?

Then you have probably been seduced or brainwashed!

We will be accustomed to a culture that breeds excepting,

Anything and everything that they believe is a reality to them.

Years ago this thinking was called delusional.

When we see a wrong behavior in our loved ones,

We can rethink what the real truth may be??!!##

We can then see a change in what we believe...

Remember this, we are all being told we must be tolerant.

The brainwashing influence of modern culture has caused people,

To be confused and discontent...

We have been taught to have an attention span of a flea.

Are minds just become a flighty thing.

Not focused or discerning of truth!

Being discontent and dissatisfied is what opens us up to our

fleshly desire, which will breed an open mind to being

Controlled or conditioned on what you must think!

This is called BRAINWASHING...

This is why we must be very aware of what we are thinking!

We must be careful to hate what God hates

We must speak truth in LOVE

When you are faced with the truth or being told a lie

Can you discern between the lie and truth?

Can you make a difference???

I believe just one truth can make a difference...


Do any of you miss my Blog Post?


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How To Be The Wise Woman That Builds Her Home...


Proverbs 14:1 Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~The Wise Woman Builds Her House~

I have always loved this scripture and have desired to be this

kind of woman in my heart. And to learn as how to actually

build my home with wisdom!

Proverbs 14:1

Wisdom does not come without discipline and following Christ.

But you can be this woman if you put your heart into it!

God has asked us to be this woman...

So he will help us in this endeavor, because it will bring

His glory and His presence in  your life and home.

To build anything that will last in this world, must be

Built with Love and Filled with Love

Building your home is something you do every day!

Line upon line

Precept upon precept

It takes setting your hand to the spindle and working it into

something useful and kind and cozy.

A wise woman creates a household that is characterized;

 By Love and a nurturing atmosphere.

Think of those simple things that bring love and life to your home.

Love is an action word...

So many things we do in any given day can turn into

nothing long lasting. It is called wood, hay and stubble.

We want to build a firm foundation made to last,

And to be able to endure the trials and testing that will come.

Choose your words wisely and your actions!

As once they are spoken or acted out;

We cannot change them!

We must learn to be that wise woman...

Pray for your family

Pray for your loved ones

Keep a clean home

Be kind

Serve meals and a refreshing cup of tea or coffee

Listen and respond with compassion and encouragement!

Fill your home with treasures that bring light and love!

Do not become cold and frustrated and giving up

Of Hope and Love to those whom God has given you!

The world and especially this country has tried hard

To destroy the family.

A woman can turn the tide, just by being a Wise Woman

in her home and standing on what is true and profitable.

Do not allow the world and it's way to lead you astray of

what will bring God Glory!!

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Sunshine Or Shadows...

Cream Always Rises To The Top, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Goodness is more noticeable as the shadows grow deeper.
I have had the privilege of seeing the goodness in so many people!

I always have this little picture or analogy of when we
had fresh milk and after a little while the cream would
come to the top of the buckets.
It's my most favorite part of the milk.
I like to think that this goodness is like the cream;
It's rising to the top...
So I believe those that persevere in these days and times,
Will be like cream rising to the top.

I think we all have been seeing and hearing and experiencing
so many troubles, it's felt a bit like the shadows 
that are growing longer and darker.

But, We must be like the sunflowers just keep following
The Sunshine...

We all know the darkness will be exposed!
And that the truth will prevail!

Now, this cream has many uses,
We can have ice cream, and then don't forget the butter.

In other words, we have a wonderful future!

"For surely goodness and mercy,
 shall follow you all the days of your life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"

Psalm 23:6

Don't allow others to stand in the path of your sunshine!
They are like the long shadows.
Just step around the thing that wants to steal the light.

*You can't stop the cream from rising to the top*

Don't be caught off guard;
You know the shadows are moving closer,
They're getting bolder!
And actually they're telling you what they are doing.
Whatever they accuse you of is what they are doing!
Now, Let that sink in... 

~Hope for the best
Prepare for the worst~

Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood...

Don't Be Easialy Offended, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood,
The Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him.

Isaiah 59:19

Sometimes you may feel all alone, But it is not true dear ones!

We can all see a fundamental change that is being implemented!
Many true Americans still believe in one nation under God...
There are many that have been groomed to see a greater good!
But it is a lie!

Everything does seem a bit off!
But none of this is a surprise to God.
We are in a battle daily!
There is a spiritual fight to rob you of your peace!
And we all know the enemy will use other people.
But don't take the bait...

I read a book years ago call the Bait Of Satan
By John Bevere

I do not endorse this author personally, as it was a Bible study
we did many years ago.)

The main point in this book was this;

~Don't Be Easily Offended~

I have seen and heard about more people that have been
just lambasted lately!
Maybe it's the heat!
Maybe they are just not able to regulate their emotions.

I do know even for myself, 
I have been on the receiving end of these assaults.

Just remember when you are falsely accused;
Remember who the accuser is!
The enemy has to use someone to hurt you.

It may take you a little while, but just forgive them!
Because if you don't it will stop you from doing what God
 Has given you to do!

Sometimes it's just easier to limit your time with others.
Stay off social media more.
(There's better things to do with your time)

Be very wise in truly knowing who is a friend!

Keep to yourself more...

Be kind as you can be!

But stop being naive about the dangers in our world!

And I am so sorry for any of you that have been attacked or accused;
Especially when you know in your heart you did nothing wrong.

Many times it is from the accusers own pain and rejection.

You do not need to try and vindicate yourself.
Just ask God for wisdom and repent for anything 
You may have been wrong about.

Check to see if there is any motive that doesn't please the Lord.

Remember do not take the bait from satan; 
He is a liar and he causes division and destroys
Whoever and whatever he can!

Stay strong
Stay focused
Stay close to the Lord Jesus


Forgive others
Forgive yourself
Forget and keep moving ahead...

Blessings, Roxy

Everyday Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, April 10, 2023

Doing What Is Right With Patience And Kindness...


Patience is a virtue, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Doing What Is Right~

So much foolishness I see in the world.

So many making bad choices.

But, So very thankful that we can do what is right!

We make choices everyday, all day long!

Firstly, I wanted to look at patience in the heart of a woman.

Patience is a virtue that is so very precious anymore.

That is why we are told to be slow to speak;

And quick to hear!

The good and meaningful things in life take time!

As we learn each day to wait for something,

We are learning patience.

Even in sorrow and troubles we mature.

Bringing new life into this world takes a long time.

Having a happy solid marriage takes patience.

Cooking and baking from scratch.

Making a gift for someone.

We have lost the art of enjoying the journey;

"Take back the joy in taking care of someone or something"

Use your voice, Use your hands, Use your gifts

Be mindful of this day and even the moment!!

This is the day and season to choose to do what is right!

Being quick is not the goal!

To be part of the woke majority is not going to help.

Being all inclusive is not godly.

But, Being kind to all is precious!

Taking joy in the process of all that you have to do is a gift

To yourself and to others!

Don't stop now...

The way you run your race is as important

As in finishing it!!

Happy Spring...

It will be so amazing when we all get to heaven;

And we can fellowship together...

~Keep looking up~

~keep growing in Grace and Kindness~

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Words With Life...

Holy Bible, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

God's Word

God's Words are living forces (alive)

Powerful that if you allow them to take up

Residence in you, it will produce fruit in your life.

God,s Word will heal your heart and mind and give you comfort.

Read the Psalms.

If you need wisdom read the book of proverbs

There are 31 of them, you could start with one a day.

Like a vitamin for your spirit man.

There is so much negative talk now a days!
But we can be different!
May our words be like honey;
Sweet and healing!
Honey is medicinal and last forever.
Some words are like butter, they fill that deep down empty void.
We need food for our spirit man.
We are told we can't live on bread alone;
We need the butter and cream and sweet of the living word!

Don't allow yourself to dry up!
Anoint yourself with His Word!
Read the scriptures aloud...

Just a sweet reminder of some post on my other Blog;
It's called Rose Fountain Of Blessings!

Here is the Link to it if you would like to read it!

Your Words Either build up
Or tear down...

Sharing Words that are seeds, which can bring a Harvest;
In any season...

Read the Word like your life depends on it!

Living From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy

Vintage Flower Seeds, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~May Our Words Produce A Sweet Fragrance~

Monday, March 22, 2021

Character Matters...

Godly Character, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

Character Matters

The World is telling us what matters...

But may I be a voice that is allowed to say what I think matters?

Or will my opinion or view be cancelled.

 In this tidal wave of a socialism climate

 of telling me what I should think, say or believe?

Personal Character

Firstly we are not robots!

Our character is developed gradually by our decisions 

under God's guidance.

As we all know we are not finished growing in Godly Character.

I believe we learn it through the fruits of our right or wrong choices.

Other words we can learn from our mistakes!

Godly Character is really a heart issue:

It starts with our innermost thoughts,

God knows what goes on inside our minds!

I have watched some pretty disturbing clips on the news;

And it seems that many grown adults are throwing

a temper tantrums in every sector of society.

And mind you they all think they are right and how

they perceive it is correct!

There is a lot of wrong in this world...

But we are not to allow someone else or  a movement to

shape our character!

We can all be influenced, but stop and think;

Are we being programmed?

This is why we must protect and keep our homes free

from the worlds agendas!

We have a calling to maintain truth and peace!


A lie is a lie

We have been given control to manage our homes;

And this will be a bigger influence on world peace,

Then all the protesting and riots, they have never changed anything!

Stop and rejoice in the freedom you have today!

Do not let it slip away!

Enjoy your God given rights and read His Word!

This stuff has been going on since the World Began...

So don't give up!

Fight the good fight...

Your light no matter how small makes a difference;

Godly Character will always have persecution!

Thanks for following this Blog!

Be A voice

Be A Prayer

Be A Light

Be A Faith Keeper

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Learn To Know Your Limits...

Tea Time Or a Coffee Break, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 We Must Learn To Know Our Limits

We are all aware of Speed Limits
They are posted in plain sight along every road!
We don't have to guess at what it might be.

I think it is wise to learn to know what are personnel
limits may be in our physical strength.

Allowing yourself to get burned out daily;
Will cause havoc in your life.
Of course there will be times of a crisis where it is required!
But I believe these are times where God gives us His strength.

What I am referring to is not pushing yourself all day long.
We do need to push a little bit to get an extra chore or task done.

Living in a constant hurry up mode is not healthy!

Learning to stop and take a breather,
Allowing a coffee or tea break;
Does a body good...

The word tells us to aspire to live a quiet life!
1 Thessalonians 4:11

I must use my strength wisely,
To take care of the needs of my husband, family and home life!

We are not suppose to go go go...
We must take time to reflect and ponder.
We are just to quick to speak or to volunteer.

We are all made a bit different, and we all have different
degrees of strength levels.
That is why you must learn to know your limits!

Wisdom is a powerful tool and once we learn something;
We can apply it and be the better for it.

I know some people that can live a fast pace life,
But many more need to go at their own speed.
Being fast or the first is not as important.
As being consistent and doing a job well.

So remember resting or taking a rime to relax is very important!
Don't allow the world to dictate how fast you have to drive;
Or how much needs to be done every day.

I realize the work world will have a quota, but that is different!
I am talking about in your home and your personal time frame.

Learn to do those things that revive you!
Reading A Book
Enjoying a Good Movie
Working on A Craft
Praying With Someone
Taking A Little Nap

Then you will have a better outlook and can carry on!

So rest and refresh yourself as often as your body needs it!

Once again sharing what I am learning.

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, January 25, 2021

How To Make Each Morning Beautiful...

Making Each Morning Beautiful, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Every Morning Is A New Day To Make It Beautiful...

I think we can all relate to this idea;

Because I find my self by the end of each day feeling exhausted,

A bit overwhelmed and spent.

So when I have completed all that I possible could do in that day.

My day is done and I need to stop and do something to relax my heart and mind!

Having a bedroom that is clean and uncluttered and clean sheets,

May help in getting a good nights rest...

If we have not learned to shut out the world's noise and confusion,

And to relax our brains it can be a problem!

Learning to let go and allow yourself to sleep without worry!

I know its easy to say, but truly if you have been alive long enough,

You know worry changes nothing!

So this little post is about starting each new day when you open 

Your eyes is to aspire to make this day beautiful!

Each day as we all know will have challenges, but how we react to them

Is totally in our ability to respond well!

How to make each day beautiful is as unique as each reader is;

We all have the ability to say kind things to others.

To be able to ignore someone causing friction.

We can make our kitchen table look lovely and inviting.

We can ignore our phones every time the ding.

We can work on some craft or a special meal preparation.

We can stop listening to news.

We can look for little ways to make our lives pretty.

We can enjoy a cup of tea and look through a magazine.

We can pamper ourselves!

We can concentrate on new ideas for rearranging a room

 or changing out some furniture.

Sometimes it is as easy as a bookcase or a picture.

I believe if we will make an effort God will supply the energy and creativity!

~Read~ Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,

 whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-

If anything is excellent or praiseworthy-

~Think about such things~

~Truly the state of your thinking can make your day beautiful~

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory Every New Morning...




Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What Goes Around Comes Around...

Life Is But A Merry Go Round...

 What Goes Around Comes Around...

This sounds a bit like the golden rule.

 Some may even call it a full circle.

Some believe in Karma.

But I prefer the saying;

"What You Sow You Reap"

So this is a stern reminder we are all planting everyday!

Seeds come in many forms;

Word Seeds

Deed Seeds

Financial Seeds

Grace Seeds

Encouragement Seeds

Joy Seeds

Can you think of some more Seeds in your own life?

Everyday we must first breakup the fallow ground!

Being kind to someone or praying for them will start breaking up the hard soil.

We can understand this concept and begin to plant good seed!

I have seen that the Lord is true to His Word;

Yes, I know there are still so many weeds to contend with.

But in due season you will have a good harvest one day!

We are not suppose to run around in circles;

But rather run a race in a direction that is God paved!

~Hope You Are Intentional In Planting Healthy Seeds~

Blessings, Roxy

Living From Glory To Glory

{With Great Expectations Of What Is Ahead}

Monday, August 3, 2020

Where The Roses Never Fade...

Where The Roses Never Fade Hymn, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Everything can be but a passing faint memory;
Or it can be something we hang onto with grace!

Some things in this life we must release and let it go,
Some moments in time are etched in our minds and hearts!

Forever is a long time, but eternity is without end...

When we learn to relax and breath from resting in what will last;
We will become more thoughtful and a stronger commitment to truth!

I love flowers, but a Rose is symbolic of something we may not be
Able to describe, but the fading away that happens, we all feel it.

We want to hang onto those beautiful moments and days and years.

Some days you are not even aware of the fade;
But other times it's almost an ache within.

Children grown and now grandchildren grown;
You may not be needed by others that once depended on you.

You even get used to the dull ache of remembering when.
You even become comfortable in your own skin.
The rhythm of your days is slow and purposeful...

"But we will always long for when the Roses will never fade."

The Hymn called Where The Roses Never Fade...

Here is a very sweet, very old hymn that I love...

I am going to  a city Where the streets of gold are laid,
Where the tree of life is blooming, And the Roses never fade.

In this world we have our troubles, Satan snares we must evade;
We'll be free from all temptations Where the Roses never fade

Loved ones gone to be with Jesus, in their robes of white arrayed.
Now are waiting for my coming Where the Roses never fade

Here they bloom, but for a season, soon their beauty is decayed.

~I am going to the city Where the Roses never fade~

Never be sad for too long for all the bygone year's;
For we have a promise that will never fade.

Enjoy and totally embrace the here and now and know the future
Will be blooming with beautiful, fragrant Roses that will never fade.

Blessing to each and every one of you, dear saints,
For we will one day meet on that beautiful shore!
Hugs, Roxy

Hope this inspired you and gave you a bit of JOY

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

This Is Your Chance Ladies...

Woman Are Told To Come Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This Is Your Chance Ladies

Do You Want To Come Home

This thought just hit me this morning;
So many women for the first time are told to stay home...
Because of this COVID

Just maybe this is your chance to make a difference;
I think if you really step up and engage in your womanly ways.
Such as being the light and the heart of your home!
Cooking meals or breakfast where everyone can just sit and eat and relax!

Changing the different rooms around, deep cleaning
And making the rooms clean and fresh and very cozy!
Having a clean bedroom for a child will help them feel safe and special!

Clean out your pantry and really make some yummy easy meals!

Read together as a family
Pray together!
Go outside and throw a ball around to each other!
Bake some cookies together!
Work on a puzzle together.
Rub each others backs!
Throw a tickle in there while your at it!

So many families really do not even know what it would be like;
To have a Momma home full time!!!

Trust me, if most kids, or Husbands were asked,  is it a benefit???
For the Mother or Wife being at HOME...
Many could not even answer that one.

Don't let a crisis of being told to stay HOME go to waste!
Step-up and be the light of the HOME...
Be the one to comfort and assure all that God has this!

Hopefully we have all learned a little something here!

Show yourself and everyone else all you do for the household and family!

Do not make everyone think that having Mom HOME all the time is a drag!

In times of trial and struggle or just everyday stress;
Having someone HOME is a wonderful blessing.

Also, even a single Mom can really stabilize the home working full time.

The point is to show the value and our worth!
Everyone needs HOME...

Blessings, Yours Truly, Roxy

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Being Teachable And To Learn to Love, Take What You Are Given And Do Not Be Stiff Necked...

Jesus, The Lion And The Lamb, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Not Alone

Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit.
Looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God,
And Jesus  is standing at the right hand of God.
Acts 5:55

Dear Ones, God loves a heart fully dedicated to Him,
Even when dedication results in deep wounds.
God loves a faithful heart!
I look at Stephen and I think he was a super hero of faith!
Being a martyr for truth;
Not backing down!
How can my life be a daily offering?
I will need extravagant grace and brutal honesty in my life.
Interactions with the spiritual opposition will happen to every saved person!
Remember the Word tells us they hated Him first.

What and who are we willing to die for?
This shakes me to the core...
The world is shaking their fists at God.

All I have been called to be is a keeper of this Home!
He has asked older women to teach the younger women
But when others want to cleave to their own ways,
And are really angry at God and the world!
We loose a teachable heart.
We become stiff necked!
Hardened in our ways and words!
Sometimes the truth hurts...
But the word tells us this also,
"The truth will make you free"
We are going to be held accountable to what and how we lived!

I remember thinking as a very young woman;
I am never going to let someone tell me what to do........
Or how to dress!!
What to read or not read...
Where I can go!
I will NOT submit...
I grew mean and bitter I trusted no one really.

"But it happened in a blink for me,"
 I was presented with a truth and love,
I could no longer push away!
"He loved Me"
I submitted to the greatest Authority!
My heart melted and I truly became
His Child

And this is where the Scripture of the title of my Blog becomes
Life and my walk through this world...

Always, Living from Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

If You Do Not Have Anything Nice To Say Don't say Anything At All...

Minature Tea Cup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Be An Encourager

To encourage means to in-courage...

We all need to be encouraged!

I want to remind myself of this important biblical teaching.

I was remembering my Mother saying to all of us as we were growing up;
"If you do not have anything nice to say, Don't say anything at all!"

I have had to remember this often in my life!

Because Life is hard and people can be difficult;

And sometimes I just want to tell these difficult people
What I truly think of their self-centered behavior.

In our day to day life we do not always get what I call a do over.

Sometimes we only get one shot to do the right thing!!

Dried Yellow Roses, Turtle Doves, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

One of Satan's greatest weapons he uses is discouragement!

Knowing the enemy's tactics is a powerful thing.

How might this tool be used in the life of each of us?

When we become weary or ill, we have less resistance to discouragement.
When we are targets of hurtful words.
When we are made fun of and they make jokes about the way you talk.
When people ignore you!
When the finances become tight
When everything seems to go wrong
When you have a long spell of bad weather
When you do not have your quiet time

When you just need God to send an In-courager to you!

A Brown Teddy Bear, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I always remind myself of how David encouraged himself;
But, we all know that we are given the examples in the Word;
To encourage one another!!

These are a bit like the days of Noah;
But, I choose to live each day doing a little more encouraging
to others when I am able to do this!

We all must carry on!
Make a nice meal or dessert!
Enjoy the moment!

Cook Books, living From Glory To Glory Blog...


A Lovely White Rose, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

As Always I desire to live in a way that is pleasing to my Lord...

God, please help me to remember that if I do not have anything nice,
To say may I not say anything at all...

Always, Roxy

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I Choose...

Choose The Good Things, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I Choose...

We have so many choices to make each and every day!
So many times we do not realize the power in our choices.
Positive and Negative

Remember the saying;
You have made your bed now lie in it.

Now, what the heck does that mean?
To suffer ones consequences of their choices.
When you have made a bad decision.

Look, we have all made some bad choices!

But we can live in a grace provided for us.
I do believe we can leave that bed of a bad decision.
We can make a new and wiser or better choice today!

Every day is a new day!
We can choose to do better
We can choose to not associate with the wrong people.
We can choose to move in a safer direction.
So any times we are given red flags in life situations;
But we lacked either wisdom or did not want to put forth the effort.

So many problems in the world today.

But YOU can CHOOSE the GOOD things!

A bad attitude or stinking thinking we cause an array of symptoms.

Sometimes the situations take a long time to change;
But while we walk through the fire we can choose.

I remember hearing a pastor say one time that every year,
We have the choice to make it to church at least;
52 times... Each year

We all have the same amount of time every day, and every year!

Today and Tonight and Tomorrow...
We can overcome by the Blood of the Lamb

Get out of the bed of bad choices;
Arise and do better!
It truly is the gift of wisdom to say NO to the condemnation...

Look, I for one will put on my Rose Colored Glasses,
And look at my life with Love and Hope and Forgiveness.

Rose Glasses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Arise and the Lord will scatter your enemies;
If you will look to the hills where Your help comes from!

I will lift my eyes to the hills-
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth
Psalm 121:1-2

Always living and growing in HIM...
Hugs, Roxy 

Friday, November 16, 2018

Beware Of Empty Conversations...

Light Upon Our Words, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Empty Conversations

I have been thinking a lot about the time I use every day in my
conversations. Now, that being said, what I am thinking is this.

Are my words in my conversations considered;
Shining sparkles of truth and joy?
Is what I am hearing from others considered worth repeating?

There are many people who talk incessantly and never say anything worth repeating.

We need to ask ourselves if our conversations are built on
Empty, idle words, not even worth remembering.

We all know of at least one person that just talks and talks!

But when you walk away or hang up the phone;
Do you feel comforted?
Do you feel like a word of encouragement had been given?
Can you repeat what you have heard?
Was the conversation considered noble or good?

Life is short and the days are even shorter;
So may we all be mindful of our conversations!

We all laugh over the quote
Blah, Blah, Blah!

But truly are we doing the same thing?
Do we just talk to hear ourselves?

May our words be few,
 But chosen like a beautiful ripe piece of fruit
Or flowers that smell heavenly!
If our words cannot equate to a bowl of luscious fruit!
Or make a lovely banquet of flowers.
Be still and ask the Lord for His Words!

Blessings To All Of You;
May This Letter Inspire You To Use Your Words Well!
For as always I desire to live from Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of The Lord, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

I have been really thinking a lot about how we as Christians are silenced!
We do not speak up because we do not want to offend others;

But truly if we are called to be the light of the world;
It is not something we have to do, or make a conscious effort to do so.

It is like the stars, they do not have to be told to twinkle or shine;
They do it because it is what they do!

It is not my desire to try to go around offending others that believe a lie!
But, I am tired of walking around being silenced in the little things.

It should be natural to say:
 Praise The Lord
Thank You Jesus
Jesus is Lord
Saying grace
Bowing My head
Quoting Scripture In Day to Day Conversation

This Little Light Of Mine, I am going to let it shine!

A very tiny light can be seen in the darkest night!

I have lived long enough to see so many supposed Christians;
Turn their backs and Hearts against and away from the truth!
The Great Apostasy!
They never truly believed...
Sad. but true!

They are always learning, but never knowing the truth...
Deception is something that looks right or important!
It's once again the syndrome of look at me!
I am religious
I know the deep things...
I studied this for a long time!

I will no longer be silenced!
I will be like the stars that shine every night without being told to!

Twinkle Little Star, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Blessings, Roxy

Have you experienced this also?

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