We will always be waiting...
Winter always seems longer, when
Spring is right around the corner!
Are you a person who waits with peace and joy?
Have you developed the power of stillness?
"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
Every single day you will have the opportunity
to be patient and still, and to wait...
Waiting is a tool I believe God uses in us too
form Christ in us!
There will be a long line in the grocery store.
You will wait in the doctor's office
You will wait for the pot to boil
You will wait for your first born to arrive
You will wait and wait and wait;
So why not take this God given time to allow Him
To perform a work in your heart!
We wait for every season to change.
We wait for a grandchild to be born.
We wait for a loved one to pass over to Glory.
We wait for pay day.
We wait for a doctor's report.
We wait for something every single day!
"I am waiting for the Lord's return"
~The truth is we can't really hurry up anything~
God's timing is perfect and aligns with everything.
"There is a place of stillness that allows God
the opportunity to work in us, "His perfect peace!"
The striving will wear you out!
Rest and relax in those times we must wait!
Is it easy?? No, but it will produce a silent power
And a submissive spirit within your character!
Allow God to direct all of your days, with patience
and trust!
I so appreciate this season and time of my life;
As I am growing with a few growing pains;
But it's like giving birth, so worth the pain!
Hugs and Blessings to each of you in all of your days!
Love, Roxy
Hi Roxy! Another post of wonderful and godly advice. We taking to our youngest daughter yesterday on patience. She said she had learned patience when she was in bed for three months with her leg in traction after a horrible car accident. She could not leave that bed for 3 months. We stayed with her day and night. She was 18 year old. She is now 53 and understands that God is our patience, He brings the calm!! Thanks again for your inspiration. Love you.