Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2020

Blogger Has A New Format...

Everything Changes

Blogger has a New Format...

We can all get a bit weary over all the different changes life throws us!

But. there is always a but...

If we do not go with the flow and learn the newest curve is some things,

We will become stuck!

There are some things I never plan on changing; But here again lies a problem,

We are always being renewed day by day!

Every ten years our bodies change. And once again we must adjust.

We are given an option to revert to the original format on Blogger.

But then, I become not able to change with the times of Blogging!

Can I be molded in such a way that I become hardened, not teachable?

Technology is always updating.

Sometimes I just want to give up and say I am sick of these new normal's!

Wearing a mask everywhere you go!

Still not feeling completely comfortable or safe!

Blogging has been a great source to connect with others;

Some are like minded, some come from a very different culture and nation!

This year 2020 has been such a challenge friends;

I can't even go into all that...

Because we must learn to grow in Christ and learn the new things.

Some our even required of us!!

Well, I have some new things I plan to share with you a bit later!

I am working daily in my home to complete the remodel,

 and I have purged a few items big and small.

What are your thoughts of the new format in Blogging?

I have a problem already on this new format-

My new Blog Posts are not showing up on my followers sidebars or mine for that matter!

Have you noticed any problems if you have a Blog?

What are some things you are doing to learn something new?

Hugs and a big miss ya all!

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory



Friday, April 10, 2020

Have you Ever Had A Mentor In Your Life ToHelp You And New Blog Design...

Baby Chicks, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Happy Spring...
Time for New Beginnings

I am very happy and blessed to have been able to have my Blog
Living from Glory To glory
Revamped and updated!

My old blog was starting to malfunction and things were not working;
Weird images just popping up!

So I had this beautiful photo that I just loved;
So with a very talented Designer, she made me a Header from the photo.

If you are needing a little help or a complete makeover!
~She is very professional and talented~
Here is her Link

Have you Ever Had A Mentor In Your Life To Help You Become A Loving Homemaker...

Hope for All Homemakers... 

When I was a young woman, and newly married
 I remember feeling like I was finally
Going to be able to do what was in my heart to do! 
Making a Home filled with things that I loved!
And people who called our house a HOME

I didn’t really know at the time,
 How long all this might actually take! 
But it was in my heart and it was a seed,
 That had to grow and mature. 

I feel a special kinship with others that want the same things. 

But we all know life does not come with MapQuest! 
Everything is a journey and sometimes it’s a bumpy ride. 
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmothers house we go! 

When I was a young girl still in school, we had classes that taught us; 
So many skills to run and manage a home one day!

Home Economics is no longer thought to be important. 
And some of us had a Mother or Grandmother to help
Teach us practical homemaking skills. 
And tips to do things efficiently and cost effective. 

But there is the Biblical sense that we are told in scripture for the older, 
Woman to mentor the younger woman! 
To love their Husbands and their children... 
We all need love and support and guidance to be keepers of our Homes! 

Good homemakers do not come with a booklet with the
Directions and steps of 1-10 ...
But rather live and learn, and with many detours!

But homemaking is rather a recipe that can be changed
Or modified,
To fit your location and budget size!

Because we are all so different, but some things are universal!

Maybe we can all look for opportunities to help,
 Love and encourage each others as being home makes.

We have had this stay at home order for weeks now;
I was just hoping many women would have had a real change of heart,
And the desire to make their homes the best place.
And we would all want to stay close to home,
If even just in our hearts...

May being a homemaker never stop being in style or the most important role!

Pray about being a mentor or even looking for an example to learn from!

 And may you have a new beginning in something good...

Much Love And Blessings


Monday, March 9, 2020

The Importance Of Celebrating Those You Love, And A Video Clip... Birthdays And Special Moments

Sending Birthday Cards, Living from glory to glory Blog...

Learning to celebrate others,
Showing honor and making others feel special!

I was just thinking about how lovely it is when I receive an inquiry
About how I am doing or feeling on any given day!
But when we stop to think about sharing special days;
Of those we know and care about!
Especially those we love in our families!

It's about giving honor and showing that the other person matters!

We are pretty self absorbed these days and just so busy.

Give honor where honor is due!

It is not too late to purchase a pack of note cards or birthday or get well ones!
And try to send ONE card a month...

Or just a quick note on a single page!

Or you can send a card through email!

Well, I just wanted to say thank you for those that have
Been coming to this Blog for so many years!
Blogging has just been a wonderful source for me to;
Encourage others...

I have written over 900 hundred blog posts to date!

I keep asking myself, should I keep blogging?
Well, until then
Blog on and Plod on...

xoxo Roxy

Thursday, June 28, 2018

How To Get Back Your Green Padlock SECURE Symbol Back On Your Blog...

How To Fix Your Blog To Get Back The Green Padlock, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Is Your Blog showing NOT SECURE

Is there a circle with and Exclamation Point ! in the middle of it,
Before your Blogs name in the Address Box ??

Well, You need to try to find out why!!!

Google has changed a few things as I am sure Blogger has also;
The World Wide Web is always changing;
Threats loom out there!

But I want to share a few things you can try to fix it yourself!
But, You still may need some real technical support.
Here are a few things to try for yourself first!

After all Blogging is not for Dummies!

1. Go to your DASHBOARD and hit SETTINGS
Under the Basics you will see, Basics, Publishing, Then
HTTPS Redirect,( If it says NO Click the Arrow and hit YES)

Hopefully this will give you back the Green Padlock that is a must.

2. Also I found this amazing site you can enter your Blog address into;
And it will give you any errors that might be in your HTML or another problem source.
It is a tool called---- Why No Padlock
Google this and give it a try!

Mixed contents is no longer being given the Green Padlock!

Blogger: How to display a Cookie Banner/notice
3. Also you will need to add the I use COOKIE NOTICE
You can Google this site for a free one;
Support. pigdig  // Blogger Cookie Notice 
Just submit...

I did not put direct links to these sites on my blog as it can cause problems also!

I hope this may help a few of you Bloggers!
It was so hard to figure out all that was causing this prompt A circle With this!

I was just stumped, I managed to figure out most of it, but still needed
some support from a wonderful man that was a God send!
Thanks Jon !!!

I am now planning on trying to write something on a fun and easy subject!
I was thinking about starting a NEW BLOG...

~Still Thinking~

Do You Still ENJOY Reading THIS Blog???

As Always, Love Going Out To You All...

Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Blogging Changing?...


Well. Let's celebrate...

We have another season upon us!

It has been a very cool spring here in these parts;
And I have enjoyed it very much!

It's time to get your June and July And even August mode in gear!

Bug spray
Drinking enough water
Wear eye protection

But most importantly;
Taking time to enjoy the moment of each day!

I am not sure lately what to blog about;
I have been just so enjoying working on my Doll house!
Watering my flowers and greenhouse!

I have made a few very sweet friends through blogging all these years!
Grateful for that...

Hank wanted to say Happy Memorial Day!

I am looking at revamping my sidebar;
So many on there anymore, I do not have any feedback.
I lost my whole sidebar a while back, and not sure what I
Want to use it for anymore.
Asking your opinion on what you like or dislike
With my choice of blogs I share on my sidebar.
Are they useful for you to find other blogs?

Have you found a New Blog lately that you enjoy?
How many comments do you leave per week?
Do you wish we just had a like button?
(Just added a Like, and Interesting and Important Button)
Just BELOW each post.
Never knew you could do that!
Do you leave comments via using your cell phone?

The reason I Blog is because I enjoy the connection!
I blog because it is enjoyable to write a post!
It is nice to have a little spot that is all your own!
You can share your heart and ideas and encourage others!
You can even share a warning to help others stay safe!

I still think blogging is a classy magazine of real people;
That we get to get a glimpse of their lives and homes!

Well anyways, I do hope you all enjoy yourself this

You're always welcomed Here!!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Blogging For A Very Long Time...

What I do like about blogging, Living from glory to glory blog

Growing Our Blogs;

Is it the same as growing our Spirit, Souls and Body?
Well, yes it can be in a way, but spending time with the Lord
Should take first place! And being truly present while homemaking.
We can now all attest to always having a device in our arms reach..

Blogs are BIG business!
There is money to be made;
Believe me, I understand this, when I was a young wife and a homemaker;
We called these avenues Cottage businesses.
Do you make money from your blog?
I have never earned a penny!

What I love about Blogging and What I do NOT like about blogging!

What I like about Blogging

1. Connecting to those like minded.
2. Being inspired and encouraged.
3. Growing in my homemaking skills.
4. Learning ways to be creative.
5. Praying for requests we hear about
 from other blogger's.
6. Being allowed to speak into other women's lives!
7. Reading about  new idea's for decorating my home.
8. Finding all the Yummy recipes to try and inspire my cooking.
9. All the great ideas for natural health and beauty tips.
10. All the amazing photos and art we share with one another.
11. Our love and devotion to Christ!
12. Our devotion to our Husbands, and families.
13. I appreciate those who will leave me a comment (Thank You)
You Know who YOU are :)

What I do Not like about blogging.

1. Word Verification!!
(You can select registered user only, and also use Comment Moderation!)
2. Too many ads; so it takes too long for loading up!
3. Not having your name where we leave comments.
4. Those that never take or make the time to comment on your posts.
5. That is doesn't have just a LIKE button :o)

~I just wanted to mention that I do not mind an Etsy Shop! ~
I have purchased many lovely and sweet items from them!!

Oh, I have been blogging for eight years in August!

Are you ladies enjoying Instagram?
I find it very nice to just get a quick glance at what others are doing with no drama :o)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Keeping My Spirits Up In The Winter Cold...

Snow, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Winter Wonderland

Remember when we were children and when it snowed?

There is just something about the wonder of it all!

As I have gotten older I think I can better understand why so many
go south for the winter, they call themselves snowbirds.

I do hope you are all getting settled after the Holidays!

Yesterday I went to the store and bought myself some turtleneck
shirts to go under my sweaters. I think the layering helps
to keep the body heat in. They only had a few in my size left
 at the store. So when I got home, I ordered a few more online.
I got enough to have to keep warm this winter.

I love the change of the seasons, but driving in snow is
not my idea of a thrill!

Years ago I remember driving down a hill and doing a complete 360
When the car finally came to a stop I was so relieved I was alive.

I bought a few charms to make myself a new necklace.
I enjoy making them for myself, as I can find the right colors,
I want for a few outfits I have.And I enjoy wearing a necklace.
Do you wear a necklace when going out?

Yesterday I also bought a few items of food that will be nice
to have in case we get a lot of snow!

Do you ever buy a whole chicken and cook the whole thing
so you can get the broth for soup?
This is my plan for today!

I have also started my read the Bible through in a year plan!

Last Sunday we played Dominos, and we played a game called Train;
It was so much fun!

My plan for today is this
Reading my Bible
Dressing in layers as its freezing outside!
Putting my chicken on to roast in the oven!
Practicing my Piano...
Crocheting some of those little Oreo cookie magnets!

I will be staying in where it is warm and keeping myself busy!

I added a few new ladies to my sidebar;
As you all may remember I lost all of those I had on there!

Do you have a list of other bloggers on your sidebar?
Have you found a New Blog that you have found interesting?
Is blogging something you still enjoy doing?

What do we as a blogging community enjoy the most about blogging?

Looking for a bit of feedback;
May you all have a blessed rest of your week!!

Always, Roxy

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Russia Has Taken Over Our Blogs Or Referring Spam...

What the heck!!

Need some feedback...

I have been getting tons of hits from Russia!!
When I say a ton I mean it!
I had 1716 pageviews, But it does not land on any blog posts!
All my traffic is from Russia...

At first I was so excited thinking, wow I am getting out there!

I have lost sleep over this disturbing thing that is being none on
MY sweet little blog...

Danger, Hackers have invaded blogger!
Or we are being Spamed To Death...

But yet I have had no extra
spam or no traffic on any post!

Please let me know if any of you are experiencing the same thing!

So after some investigating I now think I am just a little blogger
with a URL that got on a hot list.

This is called referer spam.

Nobody is actually viewing your blog from these sites - and nobody knows about these links, but you, since only you can see your Stats logs.

There are no actual links to your blog, from these websites - nor is your blog content being read, from anybody's computer. Neither your blog's page rank nor reputation is affected, one way or the other, by referer spam.

Referer spam never stops. You'll stop seeing a specific spam URL, when the spammer switches to a new URL. They only switch to new URLs when Google blocks the spam advertising the current URL. 

Do NOT check out the very odd names of referring URL,
as this sends you to unknown sites with some bad stuff.
And can also cause you to make the problem worse!
They actually hope you will do this!
Do Nor Click On UNKNOWN URL addresses.

So I guess I will just be grateful that I am going to be
seen as not productive as with running with the big dogs!

Geesh, what ever happened to plain and simple
And safe and sound??

So now, I think this warrants some blog post on Russia!

They really do have such lovely blue and white china...

My Comment;
I will not fear or be afraid! I do find it all very weird and I do not like it! I think these things are going to happen with all our technologies and such. But it does make one to be very aware of what you put on your blog posts! And people are stealing what you write and post! You have to be very careful and we should be cautious! But I guess they feel they can take what is not theirs and use it for profit is sad.

I was told that it may eventually stop, but if not I am not sure what we can even do about it!


I think they may be trying to crash our sites and confuse blogger in the long run!
This is like Spamming Zombies!
I have heard of this, but not a clue as how to do it-
Locking IPs and Visitors by Country, 
Blogger will have to address this problem or all our analytics will be  off and we all could be hacked blind!

This will affect our server load and our safety vulnerabilities, Do not open the unknown names of the sites that show  ity-ibity, check your site,  so many of them, I cannot name them, but if it is not from another friends blog or a name you trust if you follow it back it caused more spam and bad traffic from a spammer zombie!!

Dear Russian Ladies, if you're really reading our blogs would you be so kind as to leave us a comment?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Comment Box Or No Comment Box...

Allow Comments Or Not? Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

How Lovely...

We are all searching for the true peace and strength that come from the only truth
And stable thing in this entire universe...

I always enjoy the blessings and freedoms that come with
Being a wife and mother!

I have choices every single day!

I can be a part of the chaos and darkness and wring my hands!
But I have chosen the better thing.

I will sit at His feet and meditate on His word...

Some of you had noticed I had taken off my comment box,
It was not because I had to;
But I wanted to see if I wrote a post to get comments!

I realize that that was not the case;
I have had my share of women who hate what I love...
I do not have time to comment on most blogs myself,
(As I have only so much strength and time)

My heart wants to please my Father!
I want to use my time to love my family!
I want to write posts, that inspire and challenge others to think!

I can see that the darkness is getting darker,
But I have always chosen the light of Gods Word...

Can I be a voice in the wilderness?

Yes, I can do that!

I will try to always be my Utmost For His Highest...

I am but a whisper in a very loud world that says look at me!

I do not want to silence those that share a comment that helps others.
We are told to use our hearts and minds!

So I will try to hang onto what is good!
I will choose what portion He has given me!

We can not run away from all that is good and holy,
Because of a few bad apples!

Please always feel like what you say and comment on matters!
We all need to have a friend and a place to be safe!
What are your thoughts on having a place to comment?

I do not want to appear fickle, I just need to do what is right!
And as you all know, sometimes it takes a while to know what best
Suits you and your family...

Maybe it was very wise to take off my comment box,
I will see and if it feels right then it will stay.

Sometimes I just want someone to tell me what to do!!

May I ask your Opinion??
Is having a comment box on this particular blog a good thing,
Or is it easier to read and run?

As I prefer at times to just read and ponder!
By the night time I have very few words left...

I appreciate your input...

I will pray about this again and I will see if I have an answer as what to do!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Our Spring Tea Cup Exhange...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 (Old Country Roses)
From Royal Albert

My Lovely Tea Cup From Our Tea Cup Exchange

I received this lovely cup with many goodies in a pretty round decorated box!

I received it from a lovely blog called

There was a vintage apron tucked inside her box!
A spring in bloom sachet set package called
"Lilacs in bloom."

A roll of vintage lace of pretty pink and beige in color.
(I will use this lace for something special)

A linen cloth with flowers on it and a very pretty blue and white handkerchief.

Also a pretty little bag with small mint green hand soaps!
And also a wee little doily made of lace.

Also, there was an array of different tea bags to choose from!

And the box she sent it in, was decorated very pretty!

Tea For You
Tea for two is always better...

Loved that sweet handkerchief!

This tea cup exchange was really fun for me!
I enjoyed receiving this lovely package in the mail.
Thank You Pam from...

But I also had fun making up my own little gift box and
Mailing it, to now a very new dear friend!
Tonia from...

I hope all you ladies enjoyed the spring teacup exchange, as I know I did!
And Thank You Stephanie for all the hard work it took to put this together!!
Here is where we all will be sharing our gifts and teacups and mugs.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Meeting Real People From Our Blogs And Real Friendships...

Deborah And Roxy

Meeting a dear blogging friend from,

Some girls just want to have fun...

When you are a blogger, you interact with so many different ladies,
From all over the world.
Some our young some are older and wiser.
Sometimes it is a bit hard to realize that they are real and have different
personalities and qualities.

Some are just in the beginning years of marriage and families.
But they all seem to have the same desire is to love God;
Raise their children and to be a good wife.

So yes, we seem to have that all in common.

So when you are given a chance to get to know a blogger a bit better!
Now, is where it gets fun and interesting.
Years ago we might of had a penpal to write to.

But through blogging we can email and send pictures to them!
We can even exchange addresses and write or send a gift!
You can even exchange phone numbers and have a nice chat!

Deborah and Amy

Also my darling daughter in law got to go with me to meet Deborah!

We all truly had a lovely lunch and great conversation!
Sometimes we can really get a sweet friendship through blogging.

My thoughts were very much matched what Deborah would be like.
She is kind and warm and gracious, and truly loves the Lord.
She is real and sincere and I loved meeting her!
She looked beautiful and her hair was darling!
(Remember her post on going natural)
And she did grace me with a lovely tea cup and a bag of tea.
It was a pretty white and black pattern.

All I can say is this;
Amy and I thought it was a lovely time visiting and sharing our hearts!
We loved meeting you, dear Deborah!!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

There Are Real People Behind Blogging...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

There are real people behind blogging...

I just wanted to share with you ladies my visit with a dear blogging friend!
Her name is Stephanie from Enchanting Rose!

I just feel sometimes we do not see the hand extended to each other through blogging.
We are real people with families and homes that we are called to tend and water!

We are all sowing seeds of either weeds or flowers with our words;
All words produce something;

So may this post about blogging encourage you to try to see the person,
behind the post that are written on our blogs.

This was a powerful lesson that helps us to see that we are really
impacting another person!

My visit with this lovely lady was so precious!
~She has a very cozy and lovely home~
She gives the gift of hospitality and her crafts have inspired so many from her Blog!

We had a delicious dinner and some good laughs!
We connected and found comfort in the memories we were making.
We were able to take a few pictures to share with our other blogging friends!

So what I wanted to say to you about blogging today is this!
You can make life long friendships with some wonderful people out there!
We must remind ourselves that they have feelings and long to be recognized and
Appreciated and to comment on their hard work of writing a post!

The connection is something that we all long for!
And when you find like minded ladies that love the same things you do!
Wow, what a blessing Blogging can become...
Through Blogging you can make friends all over the world!

I appreciate it when we can see the hearts behind the purpose of why we
Write and Blog and Comment!
May your Blog be a source of inspiration to others and to know
That a real connection is in the making!

I realize we cannot spend too much time on the computer as it is not healthy!
We need to learn to do it in moderation...
Keep an eye on the amount of time you spend sitting in front of your computer.
Find a few ladies that you have the same heart and interest and invest in them!
You can be kind to all!

Make a Blogging friend today...

Friday, March 6, 2015

How Comparison Is Wrong...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog
The Source: The Tea Time Magazine


Now when you are out shopping, and you're in the fruit aisle,
And your comparing apples or oranges for their size and looks.
That is considered to be wise.
When we use our resources and manage things well.
Using coupons, finding the best deals, buying while on sale.

But to compare yourself to another person is very wrong!

Each person is on their own race and can be anywhere in the process.
Some are starting out, some are half-way.
Some have taken so many detours, they have lost their sense of direction.

We can use others to help us in making decisions, and even
Imitating someones cooking or decorating ideas.
This I believe is being encouraged by another and responding by
imataining their ideas.
Or, you may be a person that you do not want anyone to copy your ideas!
But I find it a great compliment when someone likes what I have done.

God tells us in His word to imitate Paul or copy James;
Trying to make good choices in any arena of life is a good thing.

I love it when one of you ladies Blogs inspire me!
You make me laugh and giggle,
Your crafts and recipes have helped me to create beautiful things!
I have felt challenged and invigorated to try something new.

I have read words of wisdom that required a change of direction.
Some Blogs have taught me to hold steady!

I have seen posts of an artist that I did not even know who existed.

I have read posts and some comments that encouraged me when I was weary!
A comment or an Email can fan a flame dear ones!
The Bible is filled with encouragement;
You say you never need to be encouraged...

I think that the gift of encouragement is one of the very best and most needed;
in our world and lives and families. And in our walk with Christ!

Do not compare yourself with people!
But line yourself up with God's word...

A wise woman once told me;
Try to stay humble in God's sight
Walk in Love
Stay true to myself
And be faithful to God!

I will tell you this one thing;
If you will encourage another, and help them stay the course;
It will go well with you...

I ask tough things of others, I speak truths that are uncomfortable;
I call you up to a higher calling...

Is your blog a beacon of light?
Do you leave comments to help and encourage another?
Do you stay the course?

I do not care if someone thinks I am a bit fruity (A Fruit Loop)
I just want to bear fruit...

Please make this a rime to encourage someone today;
Make this a year to bring the gift of promotion to others;
Lift them up in prayer
Encourage them with words
We are bloggers and using a social media for good!
Nothing wasted, nothing lost!

We are all the same; and we are all unique...
A special treasure

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why Blogging Is Alive And Not Dying...


Bloggers, Blogging, Glory to Glory Blog

We Are Bloggers...

The world of media has said blogging is dying---
But, I think that is not true for many reasons!

The world is running at such a fast speed that it can't even catch up with its self.

Video Chat

But we are a rare breed dear ones...
We love the idea of a corner of our lives that we can bask in a unique space.
We have words and thoughts, that is like a good cup of tea;
It must steep for a while,
That is how it gets its strength and the fragrance fills the room.

Blogging is a little bit like an apron;
Not everyone still uses one;
But it is really nice to wear when you need to be covered;
And you seek to be inspired...
And even look cute and stylish...

Our Blogs are like a sewing room or a craft room~
Or a photography room!
Filled with lovely things
(Words and pictures and a taste of something sweet)

No drive thru- fare will fill our longings of good and steady hold you over context!
With a dash of real and the spice of life, and just enough salt
(To bring out the flavor)

We are Bloggers...
We are not a fad to tickle a quick fancy;
But rather to be consistent and realistic...
To dream and to inspire...
To challenge and to endure...

We are not a people who are of a one night stand!
We have integrity and worth;
As we encourage each other to fulfill our most important calling!

All good things take time;
Building a blog is like a family;
We learn to trust one another!
We pray for one another!
We watch each others children grow!

We laugh and crack each other up  LOL
We feel touched and our hearts move with compassion...

We live in our HOMES
We make our houses into HOMES
We learn and grow into His image...

We learn new skills to run our homes in a frugal way that gives honor,
To our Husbands, as onto the Lord!

We mentor one another with Godly wisdom...

We take joy and pleasure in the simple things in our lives!

We pray for the hurting
We pray for those who have lost a loved one!
We warn when we are aware of the danger...

We become better cooks and homemakers...
We learn beauty tips that help us to feel beautiful!
We learn ways to be healthy;

We learn how to be Godly wives!
We learn so many things that we did not know as to how to make
A wonderful marriage!
 (Yes, It is work, but a labor of love)

We learn how to grow gardens and flower beds!
We learn how to live off the land, no matter the size..
(City or country)

We gain confidence to learn how to sew or knit or crochet!

We stop believing the lie that the world tells us
 that being a homemaker is not important!

We are not alone...

We are Bloggers
Home and Hearth
Love and Calm
Tea and Coffee

We are not dead...

We live and we will blog, maybe always!
Things will come and go...
But what you grow and prosper in usually lives a long time!
For the roots go deep;
Then the fruit is produced, to feed others!

Don't give up!
We need each other...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Why Leaving A Comment Is The Most Important Thing About Blogging...

Living from glory to glory blog

Why Commenting is maybe more important than the content of your writing!
Shock Waves reverting within Blog Land...

Do you know what validating someone means?
Sure you do!
It is saying something to someone that connects you.
It says I can see and hear you!
Now if you want a private blog as a journal (Great)
But if you are going to join every Link Party and never leave a comment,
on another blog post that has been written by another
 you are being unfriendly and self promoting!!
If God has called you to Blog in a community;
Then I can tell you this one thing;
YOU are not an Island in a stream!

We all have a piece of the puzzle,
We don't do this life alone;
We are a body!

May I ask you this question?
Are you Blogging for yourself?
Or the sake of others?

We might just be missing the whole purpose and benefit of Blogging.
If we do not MAKE time to read other people's post they have written.
Or MAKE time to comment on them!

Your Blog will grow if you do what Christ has called you to do!
I want to prosper with His leading and to bring others along side.

I realize you will not have time to comment all the time;
But NEVER...
Shame on you!
It is like totally ignoring those who come to visit You!

It is important to comment on maybe a new blogger
 Just to say hello or welcoming them to blogging!

If your Blog is so big now and can't do it, find someone who will for you!
Or, maybe an email once a month; you could do a bulk send out;
Not very personnel. But is better than nothing...

He has told us to encourage one another!

Word Verification;
Take it OFF
And for those who use Word Verification, Switch to registered user!
Or comment moderation!
 Or take off the comment box...

No Reply Blogger;
That can be frustrating when you want to reply back to someone!
Set up an account and allow others to contact you!!
Go to your Profile and add an Email
(Use a different one for your blog if you want)

Kind and encouraging words!
Only debate on blogs that are open to that type of response.
You have the right to delete any comment that offends or brings strife.
Comment back in an Email or go to their blog and comment!
(Most people will not return back to read your reply)
You also can allow anonymous if you use commenting Moderation.

Blog Lists;
Add interesting blogs you enjoy!
Not having a blog roll seems a bit (self)
Choose just a few if you have trouble with loading!

I have been on blogs that have more advertisement, then anything else!
I find these a bit over the top!
(They are hard to load up and takes way to long)
Just keep your readers in mind...

Be consistent with writing your post!
Once a week, or twice or everyday!
Write a few posts and have them in your drafts!
Schedule when going on a holiday!
Keep the post or articles not too long.
(Unless of course it is a book)
Add some pictures!
Find your voice and your space and blog!

Starting a Blog
There are now more blogs being written everyday.
They say there is a community in every aspect imaginable.
Find what really interest you
What is a desire of your heart?
Is this a subject that can write often about?
Writing what you are passionate about is very important!
Is this a season in your life that will allow you the luxury of blogging?
Having a Blog requires discipline and stewardship!

Public Blog Or Private
A public blog is for everyone to read!
If they find your address they can read the context;
Most bloggers I feel are writing for a specific audience.
A private Blog can be good for keeping family pictures and information.
Or for maybe a small group dealing with special issues.
Or if you just want a private journal for your thoughts.

Link Parties
They can be very fun and a great way to meet new bloggers!
I have a page on the top of my blog showing the parties I link to.
This is where you need to leave comments, at least one!
Thank the Host!!
Read the rules!
And if you are the one hosting the party;
(Please keep the rules to a minimum)

Types Of Blogs
Mommy Blogs
Home Repair
Marriage Advice
How to Be A Homemaker

As you can see the list can go on and on!

Write what is important to you!
May it bless others and honor God!
Make friends all over the world!
Writing is a wonderful way to express and grow in many ways!
Being kind to others is a lovely thing;

Did this post help you in anyway?
Do you have a thought that I can add to these ideas?
Remember, blogging is a community...

Just a last note reminder;
This is not to be a burden or a rule. but rather a real connection
With a few, then a ton with those who have no interest in you.
Remember, we have our lives we are called to live :o)

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