Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Meeting Real People From Our Blogs And Real Friendships...

Deborah And Roxy

Meeting a dear blogging friend from,

Some girls just want to have fun...

When you are a blogger, you interact with so many different ladies,
From all over the world.
Some our young some are older and wiser.
Sometimes it is a bit hard to realize that they are real and have different
personalities and qualities.

Some are just in the beginning years of marriage and families.
But they all seem to have the same desire is to love God;
Raise their children and to be a good wife.

So yes, we seem to have that all in common.

So when you are given a chance to get to know a blogger a bit better!
Now, is where it gets fun and interesting.
Years ago we might of had a penpal to write to.

But through blogging we can email and send pictures to them!
We can even exchange addresses and write or send a gift!
You can even exchange phone numbers and have a nice chat!

Deborah and Amy

Also my darling daughter in law got to go with me to meet Deborah!

We all truly had a lovely lunch and great conversation!
Sometimes we can really get a sweet friendship through blogging.

My thoughts were very much matched what Deborah would be like.
She is kind and warm and gracious, and truly loves the Lord.
She is real and sincere and I loved meeting her!
She looked beautiful and her hair was darling!
(Remember her post on going natural)
And she did grace me with a lovely tea cup and a bag of tea.
It was a pretty white and black pattern.

All I can say is this;
Amy and I thought it was a lovely time visiting and sharing our hearts!
We loved meeting you, dear Deborah!!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory


  1. This weekend I'm driving 6 hours to meet with four dear blogging friends. They all live in the Portland, OR area and I'm in Eastern Washington. I first met three of these dear ladies several years ago when our daughter lived in Portland. We set up a meeting time and that was it! We've been getting together regularly ever since. I fly down for the day or drive down for the weekend. Last fall my husband went with me and struck up a friendship with one of the other husbands. He's coming along this time too. Wonderful friendships have been made through this world of blogging. I'm so thankful to God for placing these ladies in my life. I'm glad you're having the same experiences.

  2. Hello Roxy,
    How fun to have the opportunity to meet Deborah in person! I bet you ladies had a lot of fun getting to know each other. That is great and I wish I lived closer to both of you. What a wonderful experience.
    Take care and have a nice week.

  3. Oh how fun! You got to meet up with Deborah too! I read about Stephanie & Debbie's visit last week and was so blessed! I would love to meet up with some of my blogging sisters one day too! Maybe I'll move to CO and I might have a better chance...lol!

  4. What fun! There are several blogging friends I would enjoy meeting in person one day, you included. :-)
    Have a fabulous week!!!

  5. Hi Roxy, I love that you met up with another blogger-I'm going to visit her as soon as I leave this comment. I would love, someday if I'm in your area, to meet up with you and Amy-you are my kind of gals.
    I've met some blogging friends here-in Longmont, though they don't blog anymore, and my girlfriend that I just saw in Kauai.
    Sending Hugs your way.

  6. Beautiful photos of you dear ladies, and the smiles on your faces show clearly that you had a wonderful time together.
    I know Stephanie and I certainly enjoyed meeting Deborah. She was as beautiful as we expected, no surprises. :-)
    Enjoy your day, Roxy~~

  7. Glad for the fun visit. I knew I had seen Deborah before, but could not remember where until I noticed Debby Ray's comment. It is a small world sometimes.

  8. It was so great to meet you and your dear daughter-in-law! I can now picture clearly the sparkling woman behind the blog! What a blessing to be able to meet. And thank you for the kind words, Roxy. I hope to get a post up about it in the next few days. xo Deborah

  9. I love finding new blogs and I just found yours through (The Beautiful Matters) blog who I found through Stephanie's blog. It's a small world (and yet a large world) and it's just a pleasure to now be following your wonderful blog.

  10. What a wonderful experience! I am so happy for you!

    God bless!

  11. Roxy, how terrific that you got to meet and enjoy some time with a blogging friend. A lovely photo of both of you!

  12. Such joy dear Roxy to read this post and see how you were blessed to meet with such a precious dear blogger! The grace of the Lord just shone through the pictures of all three of you, and it gives my heart great joy to know that such beautiful friendships can be forged through blogging! The beautiful mug she gifted you with is beautiful too! So happy that it worked out in such a lovely way for you to meet. :)

  13. How wonderful that you got to meet up! I just read that Stephanie from the Enchanting Rose and her mom met Deborah as well. What lucky gals you are! I love meeting blog friends. Last spring I met one in Oregon and loved getting to know her better. I was hoping to meet up with Patti, who lives in Greenville, Sc.; but it didn't end up working out. You all just look so darn cute!

  14. How very lovely that you were able to meet and enjoy some time together. Meeting people online is such a blessing!

  15. I so enjoyed this post, Roxy :) It brought back memories of when we met face-to-face {{smiles}} What a precious day that was!

    You, Amy, and Deborah are so beautiful and it looks like you had a delightful time. All three of your are lovely women of God and it's a JOY to know you.

    The tea cup Deborah graced you with is quite the little beauty :) Love to you, my friend!

  16. I wonder what joyful time you spent together, my darling Roxy, I'm so happy for you, you're so fortunate to live not far from one another !

    Hope you're having a wonderful day, I'm sending blessings on your weekend ahead, with so much gratitude


  17. I had read Deborah's post on meetin you and your DIL, Roxy, and I enjoyed reading your post, too. Deborah and I meet back in March, when she came to a wedding here in Texas. It's so exciting to meet fellow bloggers that we already "know" through their writing and pictures, and then seeing them in person is wonderful!


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