Showing posts with label Gifts of love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts of love. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Love Matters...


Love Is A Divine Seed, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Love Matters

We have used this word Love so often we can forget the meaning!

We know the word love is a verb which makes it an action.

We need to ask ourselves how we can make this word


Alive and practical in our lives

I just wanted to share a simple prayer I pray often:

Father God, I choose this day to be helpful and kind,

Tenderhearted and compassionate.

And to be filled with divine love.

Understanding, loving hearted and forgiving.

And grateful of Gods Blessings and favor.

We can grow in love toward others!

We can speak the truth in love!

You can share the love in a gesture of kindness!

Love is always moving if your heart is tender!

The love of God will compel you to do something!

Love Matters...

Love is a divine seed and it will grow,

But you must tend to the heart of it!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Celebrate Your Special Days...

Celebrations, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the box tree, and the cypress together,

To beautify the place of My sanctuary: and I shall make the place of my feet glorious.

Isaiah 60:13

~Celebrate Your Special Days~

Keep the spirit of hope and giving alive!

Did you know that celebrating Christmas was rejected?

When: during the times in early America!

The Puritans deliberately passed a law

 that all must work on December 25.

For a time it literally was illegal to cook plum pudding

Or mincemeat pie!

I have seen a trend of people trying to get away from the commercialism,

Of Christmas and other Holidays.

I can understand a portion of this, but as I see a sadness also.

Because even in the Word we see the special days celebrated!

How we celebrate them can be fitted for each family.

But let us not have each day of the year be just the same.

Look for the little things to celebrate...

A Birthday

A Retirement

A Lunch Date

You don't have to do everything elaborate or costly!

We do not want to lose the joy of accomplishments,

Or to recognize a special day!

This life can become dull and nothing special to look forward to!

We are Blessed To Be A Blessing...

I think of the High Holy Days in the Holy Bible,

They were special and celebrated!

The festival of Lights

Let us make some of our traditions a matter of the heart!

We don't have to do just as the world does;

But do something unique and special...

Let's not become joyless in giving and sharing!

Be mindful and tender hearted!

We all need love and tenderness in our lives!

It's not how much something cost!

It's that you thought enough of someone to give a little something!

Throughout the year, even the Dollar store has cute little things,

That could be given as gifts!

This is just my sediment and way of thinking!

Every day can be a day of celebration...

We know that it is more blessed to give than to receive!

He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord!

Romans 14:6

I have been busy doing little projects that are easy yet keeping me home

Where it's warm and safe.

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I want to encourage each of you to keep looking up!

Because there is Hope and Joy in everything we do unto God!
Don't be robbed of the little enjoyments given to us!

"Even if it's small be a giver and take joy in it"

As always, Living From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy

Be convinced in your own mind!
Ask God what you should do!
But I do take pleasure in celebrating!

The New Covenant does not advocate the observance of any Christian holy days, but neither does it forbid such observance. Romans 14:5 appears to be the guiding principle: “One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” If a Christian is going to observe a holy day, he/she should be fully convinced that it does not violate God’s Word, that it can be done to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), and that it would be spiritually beneficial (1 Corinthians 6:1210:23).

Thursday, January 27, 2022

How To Make Fabric Coasters For Your Home...


I Have enjoyed Using These Homemade Coasters...

Sometimes we just need a new idea for using up extra fabric!

How I made My Fabric Coasters

Here Is The Blog Post With The How To Video

Click For Video Link

I was thinking about how popular coasters use to be!

And the reasons we used coaster!

We used them on our coffee tables and end table so we

Did not ruin or damage our furniture!

I have also had someone put either a hot beverage and literally ruin the wood.

And if you put a cold beverage on top of a magazine it will sweat and leave a 

Ring that does not go away and can ruin the cover of your magazine.

And it's not I am super picky, it's just that when I get a lovely magazine;

And it gets ruined and it no longer looks inviting to read (smiles)

This is a great sewing project to use up some of your smaller
Pieces of fabric!
Or you only have to purchase a small amount;
You can decide to make only a set of two or as many as you want!
I like them because they are not very high wear a cup or glass can tip off!

Here are some of the things I used to make mine!
I also added the video to help!

My goal was to make some for every season!
I made some to give to my family and friends.
They really make lovely gifts...
These are also a very Frugal Gift Idea You can Make!

Cut out the fabric out in the size of 6x6

Cut your batting out the size of 5x5
You can use a thin batting or slightly thicker.

Use your straight pins to secure batting to the fabric,
Pin each corner and leave an opening to turn it inside out
Once it is completely finished!
Now you will sew all around the batting!
Remember to stay straight and even;
Because this will determine the shape of the square!

Once you finish sewing all the way around;

(Keep and inch opened for turning it inside out)

You will trim off the excess on the corners so it is not bulky!

Sew straight, Leave an opening to turn, Cut off excess tips!

I usually cut out the fabric and batting to size,
And place batting in the center and pin them on.
And I leave two pins straight up and down to remind me
To not close up the opening for turning it!
Then when I have them all pinned and ready I will start sewing them!

I took a photo of a few of the different ones I have made!

I do hope this will inspire you to try your hand at making

Something for your home!




All things BEAUTIFUL...

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Importance Of Celebrating Those You Love, And A Video Clip... Birthdays And Special Moments

Sending Birthday Cards, Living from glory to glory Blog...

Learning to celebrate others,
Showing honor and making others feel special!

I was just thinking about how lovely it is when I receive an inquiry
About how I am doing or feeling on any given day!
But when we stop to think about sharing special days;
Of those we know and care about!
Especially those we love in our families!

It's about giving honor and showing that the other person matters!

We are pretty self absorbed these days and just so busy.

Give honor where honor is due!

It is not too late to purchase a pack of note cards or birthday or get well ones!
And try to send ONE card a month...

Or just a quick note on a single page!

Or you can send a card through email!

Well, I just wanted to say thank you for those that have
Been coming to this Blog for so many years!
Blogging has just been a wonderful source for me to;
Encourage others...

I have written over 900 hundred blog posts to date!

I keep asking myself, should I keep blogging?
Well, until then
Blog on and Plod on...

xoxo Roxy

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How To Make Dish Cloths Made From A Drop Cloth...

This is an easy and inexpensive hand towel you can make;
 for yourself or as a gift for others!
I did both, because using a drop cloth allows you so much more fabric!

Firstly, I purchased a new drop cloth and washed and dried it!
This was the brand I bought from a local hardware store!
As you can see it is a very large size of material!
And is 100% Cotton
It is a very soft cotton and very sturdy.

After the Drop Cloth was washed and dried, I then began cutting out,
my hand towels, using a size I liked from a kitchen towel I had.

I cut so many out, I truly cannot remember how many I got from that one drop cloth.
One drop cloth I think was around ten dollars!

As you can see once they were ironed and hemmed each side,
 I sewed on a piece of fabric and,
added a bit of sturdy lace to them also!

I was able to use scrap material to embellish them and added bits of trim.

I did make these in an assembly line fashion as it made it go quite fast!
I also had a dear friend come over to make a few for herself and some gifts.
Everyone loved these hand towels as they were soft, sturdy absorbent!

Not to mention very pretty and unique and useful!

All I can say is if you need a lot of fabric for cheap for a craft idea or
a home project. Is to look into purchasing and using a drop cloth!

You can make reusable gift bags!
You can make curtains!
You can make dusting cloths!
You can make Burp Cloths!

There are many ideas out there, that require an inexpensive, and sturdy fabric!

Try this and I think you will be pleasantly surprised!

Blessings To You Dear Ones!

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Why Having A Fullbreed Toy Poodle Was So Worth It... Natasha Our Pretty Girl...

A Red Toy Poodle, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 A Red Toy Poodle

She was born on Christmas Eve 2017

My Hubby named her Natasha!
The name has a few meanings, but he named her without knowing
any of the meanings. He said I know her name!
It will be Natasha...
One meaning is the birthday of Christ
Very Russian name
Very pretty name
We call her Tashi, Tasha, Sweet Girl, Pretty Girl,
The boys call her the Tasha Terminator (smiles)

Hubby really enjoys her company also!
He calls her Baby!

Pure breed Red Toy Poodle, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Her first photo at 5 weeks, the breeder sent us this one!
I remember first meeting her and she licked my chin!
We prayed for a long time before we even looked for an indoor small breed dog!
One of the things this breeder told me was I do not raise yappers
"Not Rappers"
I thought well how does she do that??
Well, for what it is worth, our little Tasha is not a barker,
But she does bark when there is a weird noise or someone walks in the house!
But we quickly tell her to hush, and I kid you not she does!

I personally do not care for the face to be shaven, but she was groomed before,
we picked her up!

Here she is getting fluffier everyday!
she is so soft, and very smart.
She can sit
She speaks
She lies down
She is very well behaved when being brush and bathed.
A very sweet little companion for me now days!

Here is Hank playing with her, he is so gentle with her!
Now remember we do not call Hank the Tank for nothing;
He is huge...

Here she is now, almost 6 months old...

Just thought I would share this darling little girl with you all!
I think she was the perfect fit for my lifestyle!

They say dogs are mans best friend; now why do you think thats
a saying that has stuck around.

Well, just wanted to say hi and share my new best buddy!

Always, Roxy

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A Little Cup Of Tea...

A Beautiful Tea Cup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Taking Delight...

Sharing a cup of tea and a lovely read!
As we all have a few favorite magazines and this is one I truly enjoy!

Its the details and no matter how small can make a gift so special.

What brings joy to the heart is not so much the gift;
but the love and thoughtfulness!

A Lovely Tea Towel, A gift package! Living From Glory To Glory blog

I truly enjoyed my gift box that I received from the
~Tea Cup Exchange~

Treasures, sent in love to another, that loves tea and fellowship!

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters,
compared to what lies within us.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Tea Cup, Tea Towel, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This tea cup is very unique and I loved the orange flower that just popped!

The tea towel is so pretty, and I have it displayed in my kitchen!

Goodies to eat and chocolate to savor!
A sucker shaped as a spoon.

Earl Grey tea my very favorite, and have enjoyed it daily!

I loved it all!!!
Thank You Karen From OHIO...

Earl Grey Tea, Livng From Glory To Glory Blog...

Please enjoy a cup of tea today or cofee
And think of all the women all over the world enjoying the
ritual of tea and fellowship!!

Take a few moments each day to allow yourself peace and calm!
A cup of tea can change your outlook on your day!

There is a saying that drinking tea will help you live to a ripe old age!

Life can be hard, but joy comes in the morning;
And in each new season...
We can all fall down by ourselves, but it takes a friend to lift us up!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing.
~Thessalonians 5:11~

Growing In Grace...

Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, January 27, 2018

How To Start Making Your Own Necklaces...

How To Make Your Own Necklaces, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Making your own necklaces can be fun and very rewarding!
I am finally posting this post that I have had for a very long time.

But, I have been in the mood to start making necklaces again!
You can make any solid color top or sweater look dressed up;
Simply by adding a colorful necklace!

I have so many of them, and do I really need more

Here is my spot in my craft room that I use to lay out my beads and tools!

Materials Needed For Making Your Own Jewelry, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Have you used or seen these lights, they are amazing?

They make it so easy to see and the colors are true, you can even see in the evenings.

Using a bead board allows you to lay out and design your necklace.
And you are able to make it into the length you desire.
I prefer a longer one myself.
But I like a few to be shorter with just a single pendent!

Here are just a few that I have made!
Hope to have every color of the rainbow...
Make Your Own Necklaces, Living from glory to glory blog...

Because I like turquoise so much, I have made many in that stone!
It is a very rich stone and makes me happy and I think of
My dear hubby's heritage.

Beads, Beads and more Beads
Beads Galore, living from glory to glory blog

When you start buying beads for your necklaces you will be in
Paradise over the colors and the shapes being offered.
Types: metal, stone, glass,wood, pearl.
Shapes: round, ovals, teardrop, nugget, rectangle.

And when Hobby Lobby or your favorite bead store has half off;
You can buy a few extra for the next project!

I like to keep my beads in these little storage boxes;
They keep them neat and organized, and you can see through them.

Buying a nice quality beading wire to use them on is a must!
Being cheap on that note is not a good idea!
Beadalone is a good brand!
And of course a few jewelry tools:
Wire cutters, Crimping tool, round nose pliers,
flat nose pliers, bent chain-nose pliers.
(You can purchase these in a small starter kit)

Using the decorative space beads is a good way to make your
Beads last longer and gives it a little pop.

Most my necklaces will be created around a pendant that I love!
The color the shape and the length.
This is where you get to be artistic and creative.

Making a piece of jewelry is so rewarding!
They also make lovely gifts and pretty keepsakes for yourself.

May I suggest getting yourself a beginner jewelry book;
And look at a few YouTube videos for ideas and how to!

It takes a small investment, but you will love the results.

Some of the beads I use are old ugly necklaces I have run across
From a yard sale or thrift store;
 then I take them apart and re-use the beads
in a new creation!

I keep my eyes opened for a unique pendant;
Then I buy the small seed beads to match and a larger bead,
Adding a small silver, or gold or bronze spacers add dimension.

Necklace Pendents, Living from glory to glory blog...

I am looking forward to making some new necklaces!

I encourage you to look at learning how making your own jewelry!

I think this may be the longest post I have ever written;

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Do You Make Time For Your Husband...

Make time for your Husband, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Making Time For Your Husband...

Making time for the things that matter!

We are all going to be in a place of accounting for our days and time!!

If I could say just one last thing on this Blog;
What would it be?

I do hope my posts have always led you to ponder the Great I Am...

But, I think I might have to choose how we treat our Husbands!
So Many times we get so busy as Mothers and Grandmothers,
We may forget our Husbands Needs and Wants...

If we would only just ask him, Hey Honey, can I get you anything?
Or can I do anything for you today?
Or to just notice how he is feeling or doing!

It's all about the ME
We make jokes at their expense, we may even ignore them at times.
Our needs and wants are front and center!
I don't feel in the mood!
I am tired
I am ...

No you're not "I Am"

Look, I want you to know that laying down your wants and needs are not easy.

When we serve him it is like giving a cold drink in the Fathers name!

I want to remind you that we must wash the feet of those in our own lives first!

Being at every prayer meeting and lunch social is fun;
But at what expense?

Women work hard and wear many hats;
But you are the only one who should meet his needs!!

Sometimes I will sit in the same room just being near him;
But I still sew or crochet, or read or write about something.

I do many things just for myself!!
Taking care of myself assures me that I will be happy and whole to be able
to love and meet my dear Husbands needs!

Many women have lost their husbands;
What might their advice be to us?

Let me remind you one day all the children grow up and should leave home!
Why not start now enjoying the time you have together??

I realize some of the marriages out there are not heaven sent!
But if you do what you can and love and laugh and live well, I believe
You will at least in your heart you will hear!
~Well done, good and faithful servant~

Is there a thought you might have about how you try to meet his needs?
We all love good ideas that are simple yet meet the needs.

Reminding myself of this very thing today!!
As always, Grace upon Grace
Thankful for the Goodness of the Lord...
Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Grand Mothers Blue and White Stoneware...

Blue and White Antique Stoneware, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Vintage Blue And White Stoneware...

I have so many memories from this set of canisters;
They were all in my Grandmother's kitchen!
They were all used everyone of them!
There are 16 of them!
There is smaller ones for the spices and one for rock salt.

I have had this set from the first year I was married!
I once had a friend's sister come out to the house;
And she had an antique store in Kansas.
She told me she has never seen a complete set of this canisters!
Only two of them have a chuck missing on the top.
But I still have the little broken pieces of them!

I think many of us have such fond memories of those special things either from 
Our grandparents or our parents' homes.

I love my things that have sentimental value...
I find comfort in them!

I do not think I would be very good at having to live a lifestyle of
Less is More...
No, not me!

I love my books and my doilies and my tablecloths!
I have more tea cups and tea pots, then you need!

I love having seasonal decor and decorations to display!

Living in a warehouse for many is so popular!
Not me, I prefer a cottage and a home that is filled with love!
And my stuff...

Pretties are important to me!
Not that I couldn't live without them.
But since I can have them, I enjoy them!

As I believe you can make a home lovely with pretty things!
But clutter and just junky stuff is not good for anyone.

I ask myself;
Do You love this?
Does it carry wonderful memories?
Is it worth, the space it takes up?

P.S. Just a thought;
Do you ever go back to a blog and to see if the author has
left a reply to your comment?
I now have a new comment section with a reply response;
So I may be using it to respond!
Tell me what you think!!

Blessings, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Monday, June 12, 2017

Two Is Company...

Having A Few Good Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Two Is Company...

Being all by yourself, is not something that
is good to be all the time!

Having a Husband is a gift; Ask any widower what is is like to
Have lost their mate!

Being a good friend is so important!
Having a good friend is a treasure!

If God has given you a mate, consider it a gift!
Being alone is very unhealthy...
You become very self absorbed and may feel depressed.

But, we must also be able to be alone;

Walking alone for health benefits
Your quiet time with the Lord and being in His Word!
If the Lord should call your mate home and you are widowed!
Being alone is not a disease.

But even God said it is not good for man to be alone:
So He gave him a Helpmate.

Many of you may have many sibling's
Many of you may have come from a large family
Many of you may have a ton of friends.

But; Many ladies have their children all grown and moved away!
Your Siblings may live far away!
Your Friends are moving away to be closer to their grown children!
Many are downsizing for practical reasons!

So having a network of a few friends that can be trusted is a gift!

So, you may need to jump start a few friendships in this season
Sometimes, or maybe all the time you will have to be the 
One who reaches out!

Do it!!!

Make The phone call
Write that letter
Plan a get together
Do something pro-active...

May your Husband be your dearest and closes friend!
But, Keep a few girlfriends close to your heart!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Are You Ready?...

Are You Ready? Beautiful Blue Bowls, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Are You Ready?

A dear friend of mine was asked the question the other evening;
It was asked by a Pastor that knew this woman.

She said NO...

Yes, she is saved!

But NO she is not ready to leave her Husband or Children...

I love this sweet, wonderful lady!

She has been battling a brain tumor for a long time!

They have been given a bad report again!
I am a bit stunned and in shock.

Are we ever really ready to say goodbye to those we love?

"I am planning on writing her a letter tonight"

She used to read my blog before she got diagnosed with the tumor!

She loved to sing to the Lord during worship!

It is like we had a connection in many ways "spiritually"
We would just call each other out of the blue and we would
Talk and then pray together...

I want to ask you;
Are You Ready?

I want to write letters to all my kids and grandchildren soon!
I want to love my Husband with my whole heart!
I want to laugh till I cry!
I want to repent for everything, I have ever done wrong!
I want to love and to plant flowers and trees!
I want to tell my faithful friends, how much I love and appreciate them!
I want to embrace the mornings!
I want to fall asleep and awake in Heaven
~When my TIME comes~

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Modesty Even On A Roller Coaster And Learning To Live And To Laugh...

Learn To Laugh And To Love, Living FromGlory To Glory Blog...

Sometimes you just need to lighten up Ladies...

Trust me, as this life is so fleeting!

Being a lady requires the ability to roll with your life!
That means your marriage
Your children
Your grandchildren...

If you are rigid and have so many rules;
That your children and family do not know what to do!

Modesty is so important; But to never do anything fun;
Because you are afraid to live and laugh.
(You will regret it!)

One thing I remember about my Mother that still makes me smile,
Was that even when she was madder than a hornet;
She would be chasing my older brother with her yard stick!
She was going to give him a good swat for something.

And he would say something to her and she would just
Start cracking up.
 Or when she gave him a swat the stick would break!

She wanted us to obey, but life has many twists and turns!

Life is a bit like riding a roller coaster...

When was the last time you really laughed?

Well, if you can't remember it's been way too long!

Being to prim and proper can be very unladylike!

I think of Queen Elizabeth, and how I have heard a few blurps
of her talking off camera and she is quite funny!

My Mother was the best!

She loved her children!
Yet, she had fun with us, even though her life was hard!
She grew up partly in an orphanage!

Laugh a little
Live a little
Love a lot...

Honoring Your Mother For Only One Day A Year
Is just plain silly...

~Everyday is Mothers Day~

Be A Gift To Your Family,
And Allow Your Family To Be A Gift To You!

Friday, May 5, 2017

My Sewing Room Treasure...

Treasures, Living from glory to glory blog...

My Sewing Room...

I love little treasures, and one thing I have always loved
Is littles boxes and tiny chest with drawers.

With this little gem of a tiny little dresser is perfect
for my sewing room!

I take great pleasure in little things!
I do not require large amounts of money or expensive things!
Even though I could have many more if I wanted to.

But my joy and happiness is usually derived from simple and sweet!
I do not like large crowds, and all the busy fanfare.
I enjoy being surrounded by my treasures!
But not so many of them that it feels junky or overloaded!

I love to sew, yet I am not a seamstress.
I love fabric and buttons and trims!
I enjoy making curtains and crafts!
~My favorite thing to sew is Aprons~

Simple and easy are fun to me...

My sewing room is painted in a color called A Kiss Of Pink
And a light mint green on the bottom half!
~Roses all over~
My ironing board cover is in a Rose fabric
Rose pictures on the wall

Here is my sewing machine!

The desk that it sets on is perfect, as it has many nice large drawers
For fabric and bobbins and buttons and sharp scissors.

May Your Heart Be Filled With Sweet Treasures

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sharing Hearts...

Sharing, Living from glory to glory blog...
Sharing Hearts
This world would be a very lonely place if we did not share.
There is a race in this world that is going on for many.
A race to get to the top,
A race to get to the finishing line.
A race to be the first.
A race to be the best or number one UNO.
It is good to want to achieve good or great things!
But we must remember those around us who need help.
Some of us do not find everything easy, but rather difficult.
But rather we must be taught and encouraged.

Maybe you are in a place that you are having a hard time!
Look, if you do not belong to every club or Bible study,
or every exchange or party. You become different!
Share what you can!
Do the portion you can and do not allow the enemy to rob you of your peace!

May we have the motto;
Leave no one behind, (who is trying)
I cannot push you, and I do not want to pull you.

But I can share!
May we share the love of Christ!
We can share our toys.
We can share our joys.
We can share what we are learning as women, wives and mothers.
We are called to train, and to encourage one another.


Living From Glory To Glory

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