Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Journaling My Days...


Thoughts That Matter, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


I read something this morning that I believe God had been already 

Speaking to me about at the breaking of this new day.

Don't you just love it when God gives you confirmation,

about something He is doing in your life!

Anyone reading this post can attest of how fast and furious

our days are moving along.

But, I have been staying home these last few years more because

Everything was taking time away of what really mattered;

To me, but most importantly to God 

I stopped Blogging mostly, but I continued to journal my days,

And my thoughts and even some frustrations.

Even crying out to God as the World Turned in my opinion

upside down and in a direction I could not embrace.

So as my Momma use to say;"If you can't say anything nice,

Don't say anything at all"

Or this Blog that God gave me would of turned into a political rant.


But, I realized the journals were for my personal way of processing.

So, here I am again determined to write to the world and share my

One liners and thoughts and ideas...

It's time for me to get down all my journals and read through them.

I will see what 

has been written in them and share a portion with those,

That just might draw encouragement from it's content.

I hope I can see clearly of some of the gems God has

deposited into me all these years.

Really almost all my life.

We must give if we want to receive, we must sow if we

want to reap!

Do what pleases the Lord!

If you can do nothing but live a true Christian life-

Be Patient, be gentle, be kind!

Pray for others as you walk through this day;

You may be the only one that will pray for that person today!

Be QUICK to listen...

Sending a big thank-you to anyone reading this post!

It's a shame that our attention span is about as long as

a two year old anymore.

And YouTube is how we get entertained, we need a visual.

But I have realized you will retain more if you will read it.

I thought about starting a channel, but it just didn't feel right.

So I will just continue to journal and write!

Blessings Always, in His Glourious name...

Hugs, Roxy

Monday, November 6, 2023

How To Persevere In Your Every Day Life...

Persevering In Your Every Day Lives, Living From Glory To Glory Blog


Persevering In Your Every Day

Some days and seasons will just be harder than others!

But we can overcome even if it's just in our own hearts and mind.

Everything seems like a battle anymore.

But we must have a fight to be a victor;

But as we fight we must always remember who the enemy is!

And as sad as it is, we can see God will allow others to be used,

To cause stress and frustration in our lives.

So this is why we must be very wise and diligent who we allow into our lives.

As these people will affect our homes and children with their stuff.

As the holidays are fast approaching, we can make better choices,

 Of who we spend it with and what we do!!

I always have to remind myself to take every thought captive...

Because it will be your mind that will lead you into trouble.

Ask the Lord for wisdom and endurance.

Pray for Peace of Jeruselum

Pray to be able to make better choices

Pray for God to remove all hindrances as you run your race

Pray to be a good steward of your time and money

Learn to walk in peace as much as it depends upon you!

I love this scripture; But some will not allow peace.

                   ~ If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace
with everyone. ~

Romans 12:18

Practice giving thanks with a grateful heart!!




Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Words With Life...

Holy Bible, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

God's Word

God's Words are living forces (alive)

Powerful that if you allow them to take up

Residence in you, it will produce fruit in your life.

God,s Word will heal your heart and mind and give you comfort.

Read the Psalms.

If you need wisdom read the book of proverbs

There are 31 of them, you could start with one a day.

Like a vitamin for your spirit man.

There is so much negative talk now a days!
But we can be different!
May our words be like honey;
Sweet and healing!
Honey is medicinal and last forever.
Some words are like butter, they fill that deep down empty void.
We need food for our spirit man.
We are told we can't live on bread alone;
We need the butter and cream and sweet of the living word!

Don't allow yourself to dry up!
Anoint yourself with His Word!
Read the scriptures aloud...

Just a sweet reminder of some post on my other Blog;
It's called Rose Fountain Of Blessings!

Here is the Link to it if you would like to read it!

Your Words Either build up
Or tear down...

Sharing Words that are seeds, which can bring a Harvest;
In any season...

Read the Word like your life depends on it!

Living From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy

Vintage Flower Seeds, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~May Our Words Produce A Sweet Fragrance~

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Learning To Hold Your Post...


Flow Blue Antique Bowl, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Pretty In Blue

A pretty simple blue bowl can make me happy!

I have learned to stop allowing the weirdness of this culture and world;

To make my life miserable!

We must live with purpose and impact!

There are more plots to destroy your peace than ever before!

But just ignore most the chatter and get busy living!

Is there ever a day that goes by that you were not able to do something?

It truly will be the little things that bring comfort!

Do not give up the fight to be at peace and keeping your home a refuge!

My advice to you today will be to be mindful of being frugal!

Do those little remakes and upcycle of your goods!

Spray painting my outdoor decor and painting little wooden items!

Go through your drawers and cupboards and rearrange some of your decor.

~Do not allow yourself to become weary in doing good~

Refuse to be a part of the woke weirdness,

Be strong and courageous in your homemaking and family.

Keep your haven clean and tidy.

Turn off what brings disturbance to your mind or heart!

You can learn to be content and rich with really very simple living!

Many women are still holding their post!

Just don't survive; But overcome...

Keep your heart tender and strengthen your hands!

Always dear Ones, Kindred spirits...

Hugs, Living From Glory To Glory

Blue Flax Flowers, Living from Glory To Glory Flowers...
I love these flowers called Blue Flax

I do hope you are enjoying the flowers blooming everywhere!

Remember to stop and smell the Roses...


Friday, April 1, 2022

Beware Of The Dangers Of Engaging In Gossip...

Beware Of The Dangers Of Gossip, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Beware Of The Dangers Of Engaging In Gossip

How wonderful it is that the Holy Spirit will convict you of your sin!

If you love the Lord and you want to please Him, He will have to teach you 
Many things as you live and grow in Him daily!

If you have been a Christian and have read your Bible often;
You would of read many scriptures about gossip.
But many times we just skim over a certain passage because it's
Along side words like murder or adultery;
As these sins may not be anything you have done.
But tucked along side these words are the words like gossip or malice and slander.

So I am grateful to be shown the error of my ways;
Maybe it was not done with the intent to cause harm, But
It's still wrong for me to engage in this behavior.

Beware of the danger of Gossip...

We can still get caught in a trap of our thinking or words we speak.

When you think of sin, it's usually something really bad;
So we can be unaware of the sin of Gossip!

Gossip can start out just repeating something you saw or heard,
And can quickly turn into a terrible wave of lies and malice and
Just plain old strong imagination or evil intent.
Or just not being mindful of what is coming out of one's mouth...
So I am grateful that I have recognized this sin creeping into my speaking!
It started out small, (speaking my opinions, or speaking too quickly)
We must strive to not allow gossip to rule our speaking!
Getting caught up in the moment going to cause too many words spoken,
That may not be going through your filter!
The one God gave you!
 So use it and ask Him to convict you of this sin often!

Gossip can ruin a marriage, cause someone to lose their job or ministry!
Destroy a friendship, cause discord in a family.

I can remember years ago a lovely older woman reminding me that
What I had just said to her was probably gossip, because I did not know all the facts!
Second and third hand information is dangerous to repeat!
And my opinion is faulty at best!
Only Gods Word is without fault!

This is why we must repent daily of our sins!
We must be teachable!
We must be able to take correction from the Holy spirit!

~Stop and look both ways before you speak~
Living From glory to Glory Blog... Do Not Gossip

Sharing this portion from Bible Study

Bible Verses about Speaking Gossip and Slander

Everyone has experienced the harm of gossip before. Whether the people talking didn't mean direct harm, the result of gossip is always broken trust and hurt feelings. Gossip can be defined as information about the behavior or personal life of other people, often without the full truth revealed or known. God's Word warns us to stay away from people who gossip and to guard our words when we speak about others!

Scripture also uses the word slander which means making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. Slander can destroy someone's marriage, job, wealth, and family. The tongue has power and we must be careful with how we use our words. The Bible tells us what words we should speak and which we should not. If you are struggling with gossip or know someone who gossips a lot, study these Bible verses and choose to help put a stop to it.

2 Corinthians 12:20

For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.

Romans 1:28-32
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Recognizing An Assignment From God...

 Northern Lights, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Recognizing An Assignment From God

As we live and grow in grace daily;

We will be presented with possible assignments from God.

Sometimes, as women we can become overwhelmed

With all the things we need to do daily.

Many tasks are repetitious, which must be done everyday.

And that may cause us to not be watching for the timing

Of the Lord wanting to use us.

I think, especially as homemakers we are not always involved

In activities outside of our homes and churches and families.

We can become immune or slightly insensitive to a need.

So we need to be extra diligent in having an open heart;

And an awareness of situations that comes to your attention!

These assignments are probably very few in a lifetime.

But for that very reason, I want to be used!

I'm not talking about normal christian benevolence;

But rather a unique situation.

I believe when I was younger, I had more opportunities!

But God is always looking for useable vessels!

And don't we even pray for God to use us?

But my hope and prayer for this season in my life;

Is to be sensitive to the opportunities the Lord may bring

into my life!

We just may be the person God will use to speak,

A Word In Season to someone who is struggling!

So many people are crying out to God for help or direction!

Just think about the times in your life;

When someone was miraculously there or available in

A difficult time in your life!

And God used someone to answer your prayer!!

If we are given an assignment will we be quick and faithful?

We must be wise in days of scams and deception;

But I believe we can have discernment in knowing,

If something is from God.

You can always ask for wise counsel and direction,

About something that you believe the Lord is giving you to do!

Let us not miss a blessing to them and ourselves;

As God honors those that are willing to be used.

Always keep a keen eye open for God Assignments!

I bet we all have a few stories and memories of

How God worked on our behalf!

So wouldn't it be a treasure to be used by him?

Give Us Eyes To See...

I am blessed and honored to have you reading,

A little portion of my heart and life...

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Holding The Line...

Golden Truth, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Holding The Line

This is an affirmation that came to me last night;

So many trials and unrest in a world that is not my Home!

We can refuse to be swayed by gullible people or lies.

If I can just keep my hand upon the spindle of what God has given me to do!

We must Hold The Line...

There are choices I can make today that will further the holding back!

With the demise of a nation, but more importantly, my Home and Family!

When a Lie is told enough times or when a lie is heard enough times;

It will become a programmed tool!

I plan on rearranging my evenings to a more sustainable worth.

We can work all day long and get much accomplished,

But by the time evening comes we can be just too tired to do something

Productive or healthy for one's mind.

Holding the line for the truth day and night!

Lies come through the media and magazines, social platforms!

Even training us to have a false, or worldly compassion for those that

Refuse the truth and hold their line to lies and perversion and wickedness.

We must remind ourselves often of this little quote;

Things are not falling apart,

But rather falling into place...

After hearing this absurd thing in the media I was convinced

By holding the line...

Mothers no longer Breast Feed, but rather chest feed!

Do not listen to this evil lying world.

The World is confused and will lead you astray!

Spend time controlling your environment of your home and family.

Remember, God will not be mocked!

So thankful for those that expose the darkness,

But, I still must be careful in how much I allow into my heart!

A little leaven can grow quickly.

I try to pray often this prayer;

Lord, Please don't let me be deceived!

I realize seasons change, but it is within a natural order ordained by God

Blessings, Roxy

I pray you are all doing well and encouraging yourself with the Word Of God!



Sunday, May 23, 2021

Refresh Your Thoughts And Motives...

Control Yourself, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being A Good Steward

Being a good steward really applies to almost every area;

Of our lives...

Lets face it, some days are just more productive than others.

And being a good steward is not always about work or being busy.

But rather being able to discipline one's own impulses and thoughts!

Sometimes I will say to myself

"Don't go there"

"Or I will say just do it"

Your mind is where our discipline starts.

I always try to stop and think before my mind goes rouge.

It's a rough trail we travel on most days.

A friend said to me the other day. I think God tests my patience

to see just how far it will stretch before I snap.

I laughed, but I get it!

I think one of the reasons we can get into sin or just a bad attitude;

Is possibly not taking time to adjust to a new situation.

But here again we must be able to act quickly!

There is always a balance needed.

Are we allowing our minds to roam?

Just thinking it is just not good enough;

Good intentions will get you no where!

As I have aged I can say I am learning to quickly take,

Everything to God in inquiry of help me!

I can't do all of this on my own!

He will refresh your thoughts and motives.

He wants to help you control your mind and thoughts.

~Because He tells us to gird up the loins of your mind~

Don't let your mind control you;

Control your mind!

You are the only one who can be a good steward

"Of Your Mind"

Don't let your mind be a toxic field...

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, April 18, 2020

We Are All Ready For This Stay At Home Order To Be Lifted...

I'm a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout,
Tip me over and pour me out!

I'm a very special teapot,
Yes, it's true,
Here's an example of what I can do,
I can turn my handle into a spout,
Tip me over and pour me out!

~A Video Clip For You~

Hello, I think we are all getting antsy
 And wanting this stay at home order to end!

We need to get our workers back on the job!

Let's get America back to work!

I do hope we have all learned some valuable things;
Washing our hands!
Being mindful of spreading germs!
Wear a mask when you are sick or traveling in a plane!

These may become our new normal...

Can't wait to visit my craft store, and visit my friends!
"What's The First Thing You Are Going To Do?"

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Impulse Buying Or Giving Thanks...

Give Thanks, Dangers Of Impulse Buying, Livng From Glory To Glory Blog...

Impulse Buying

I have had this word rolling around in my head for days now.
Impulse Buying...

What does this mean?
What are the ramifications of this type of behavior?

So, now I ask myself;
Self are you buying this thing as in impulse reaction to a need or a want?
Self says, but it's on sale and I love the way it looks.

So as I have been pondering my own reaction and response to shopping.
If I will just stop and learn to give thanks for what I already have,
And stop just buying things and stuff...
Just because it's on sale or your buying two and get one half off.
And all these discount coupons from major stores and sale sheets,
you get weekly
Are just really all a gimmick to get me and you to buy!

Now, it does not even matter if I already have two of them!

We all have heard by now of the availability of ordering your groceries online.
 Now at first I thought this was ridiculous.
But I did put in my first order last week,then I picked my items up,
 On the very next day!

And you know what I got?
ONLY Everything that my shopping list had on it.
NO extra cookies, NO extra Junk Foods, NO Candy

And all I could think of was how much money I saved!!

Truly, we are creatures of sense of smell, and all that looks appealing!

So when you can learn to think before you just buy something;
You can retrain your brain and change your purchasing habits.

I want to use my monies wisely!
I want to purchase good wholesome food!
I want to use what I purchase!

What is impulse buying?
It is when we purchase something without considering the cost or need!
There is a consequence to buying things that are not needed!
We train ourselves and feed our temptations with stuff!

After all, we live in a world of consumerism till we overflow.

Well, here is where I am...
I hope to buy what I need and enjoy what I have!
To be mindful of all that I purchase...

And I have made a resolution to not make any resolutions!
That way I bet I can keep to my resolution this time!

I just hope to always try to do better!

As Always,
Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Friday, December 7, 2018

Puppy Training Part 2

Puppy Training, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I was at a quiet field one day
and there happened to be a dog
show going on at the time.

I stayed to watch and was quite
impressed with the beautiful animals
that were being shown that day.

Part of the program included
a competition to show the
dogs' abilities in obedience to
the commands of the owners.

The pups were adorable as
they came frolicking and tumbling 
onto the field.

They were not very mature
and most had a difficult 
time responding to their 
masters wishes.

Especially adorable were the children
trying to get their own puppies
to sit, roll over, beg and follow.

At one point,
once the pup was actually
sitting and listening,
they were offered
temptations to ignore the
owners command to sit still,
such as a yummy treat placed 
away in front of them, or 
the judge calling to them
to leave the owners side.

The older dogs were even
enticed to run off by
little poppers going off around
them as they sat at their 
masters feet.

It was all quite entertaining,
and the dogs were trying their
best to listen to their owner's
wishes, but all in all, most
of the contestants weren't
having the best of luck 
getting their precious pups in line 

At one point an older gentleman and his
beautiful older dog came on the field.

He asked the dog to sit and stay.

He then removed the leash from his pet,
and walked across the large field behind 
a building and out of sight from his dog.

The dog never took its eyes off that building.

Treats were offered. .
she didn't flinch an eye
to look at them...
just kept her eye on that building.

Small firepoppers went off near her,
you could sense a bit of a
ruffle in her fur, but her eyes
remained focused on the building
where her master had disappeared.

Other tactics were taken to get the
dogs attention and obedience off her 
master, but it was to no avail,
she held her ground and kept
her eyes focused on the last
place she had seen her master.

At one point from where 
I was positioned I could see her
owner quietly step 
from behind the building.

He said nothing but just stood still.

The dog saw him too, every muscle 
in her body was alert to his presence,
but she stayed put just as he had told her.

Soon he lifted his hand, and without
saying a word crooked his finger in
a gesture for her to "come!"

Like a bolt of lightning she lit out
across the field as fast as her
feet could carry her to his side.

What a happy reunion!

Her delight at simply being
reunited with her owner was a joy,
and his pride in his dog and her 
beautiful obedience was quite evident.

The next day as I was driving on
the freeway, I was pondering what I 
had seen between the 
owner and the obedient dog . 

I wondered at the dogs
happiness with being owned and 
obeying a master.

As I drove I saw a dog lying on the side
of the road. It obviously had been 
struck by a vehicle and had died
along side the road.

I'm sure that dog had revelled in
his freedom from restraint and
ownership, and I thought about
the joy it sometimes feels to have
no one controlling what you do, especially 
when one is young and carefree.

At the same time I realized that 
while this dog had full freedom to
run wild and free,
it also had the burden of finding
warmth from the cold and the pressure
of seeking food to fill his empty belly,
plus the loneliness of having no
owner to care if you are well and nurtured.

So, while this dog was lying dead on
the road I thought about the well
trained dog I had seen at the dog show.

While she rested warm and full
in front of her master's fire in his 
home, loved and nurtured, but not
free to run wild, this other 
dog died alone
running free as the wind.

There's a truth here.

Jesus asks us why do you 
call Me Lord, when you don't obey Me ?

He said if anyone loves Him and obeys
Him, He and His Father will come
and live with that person and
they will make their home with that one 

Many today call Him Lord,
but no longer believe His words are meant for them to obey.

We as a culture, 
now reap the full 
harvest of our rebellion 
and wild freedom.

Broken homes.
Rampant drugs.
Murder daily.
Gross immorality.
Killing of innocent babies.
Hatred of parents.
Churches filled with false teaching.
Women dominating.
Men following.
Children rebelling.

We are now a nation
under the full wrath of God.

We have left His will.

Now we will have His fill of 
reaping what we have so
belligerently sown.

Our full harvest
is now ready to be brought in.

What a deep sorrow

It's a fearful thing
to fall into the Hands
of the Living God.

If you are a Christian,
and if your heart desires
to see good for your own
home and family,
it is time to repent of all
known sin, fall on
your knees and seek mercy
from the Lord.

No more compromise.

Jesus must be Lord of all.

Focus your eyes on your Master.

Seek to obey Him with
all your heart,
all your soul 
and all your might.

Pray without ceasing.

We serve a mighty God.

But He is ONLY God and Master
of those He can lead.

If you want to run free,
He will not stop you.

He gave you your terrible freedom.

But you will not be resting at
His fire and being fed by His
Hand as His full wrath comes
upon this evil country of rebellion.

God will not strive with man forever,
and the blood of millions of murdered
babies cry out for His vengeance.

That vengeance is here.

There is no politician or religious leader
who can save you or your family.

There is only One Name by which 
we can be saved. ...Jesus Christ.

He will cover your home
only if your heart and mind
are obedient to Him.

The hour is late.

Come out from among them!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Goodness Of Honey...

Honey, Living From Glory To Glory..

If you are looking for all the values on honey;
This is not what this post is about!

I just feel that honey is so rich and is made by little bee's
That work so very hard to produce a rich amber sweetness!
Liquid Gold...

Honey Jars, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Honey comb you can chew with the wax in it (yummy)
Royal jelly for strength and endurance!
A teaspoon in a cup of warm tea or coffee.
A teaspoon taken for a scratchy throat!

But, oh on a biscuit or cornbread!!
Now, were talking.

And it looks so satisfing sitting on your counter!

Buying honey from a local source is the best for your family!
Have you ever tried Bee Pollen?
I love that stuff...

Honey Bee, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Hello Little Bee
Are you afraid of Bees?

A Field Of Clover, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Every different flower makes a very unique tasting honey!

With all these things in mind, I think you might want to have some
beautiful liquid gold on hand!
Enjoy The Little Things

Blessings From Above, Right Here On Earth,
Sweetly, Roxy


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pretty Fall Tea And How Fall Is A Time Of Transition...

Fall Tea, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Fall Tea
Fall Is The Time Of Transitioning...

I often think how gracious our Dear Lord is to allow us this season!
The transition can be a hard time if it happens too quickly.
It is so much easier to be able to change slowly.
Like the leaves on the trees, they take their time changing!

Sometimes when we think of it when the suddenlies happen,
We can be in shock and it causes great stress on one's self,
And the home life, even children feel the stress and tension.

We can save ourselves some grief, if we will give ourselves time to adjust!
Yes, some things are out of our control!
But, when we can do things in stages or gradually!
Less shock and more acceptance.

I pray often for God to give me the grace and strength;
needed for what each day and season might bring!

I am always looking for the bright side;
But we must climb higher to see the sun at times!
Everything is work,
 But we can make it fun or rewarding just by our attitude!

Remember, even if you have nothing planned for the day;
Take a shower and get the ugh off!
Get outside and walk around and breath deep!
Take control of your thoughts!
Be your own advocate and make wise choices!

Start making a list of activities and things to create to keep
yourself moving and growing!
Being flexible, so when the changes come you can bend and flow!

Always, Roxy

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Your Home Will Reflect Your Style And Heart...

Country decor, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Country Charm

I think it is the little things we have in our homes that give it charm.

I know that when I go to a home that has its own unique style,
I like to take notice of what they used and how they have arranged it!

Everything does not have to be magazine beautiful!
But, rather inviting and welcoming!

Many ladies will go through different phases in decorating.
I like changing colors for my curtains and throw pillows.
I also like to change out my rugs!
But mostly, I enjoy changing and rearranging my little things.

I have so many little country and farm looking decor.
The look may be a bit vintage with a bit of country!
I adore classic lace and roses galore.

But a bit of this and that and balancing the colors make it homey.

I am also drawn to birds that just fit in small areas.
A little blue bird and cardinals, and even a few brass ones.

I like to change out table toppings and doilies to freshen up a room!

Your home can reflect your mood and style.
Being aware of keeping things clean and washed like your curtains.
Cleaning and washing the nick knacks can make a room shine!

I enjoy washing the throws and having them clean smelling.
It always feels so nice to climb into a bed with fresh clean sheets!
I will even, in the middle of winter hang our sleeping pillows on the line.
They smell so fresh!

Little home; how I love that you keep me safe and warm.
Cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
I have a place to call my own!
May I always keep you clean and tidy;
And keep you filled with prayers and treasures!
For Home is where the heart is...

Blessings, Roxy

Country Cow Given to me from a dear friend... Living From Glory To Glory...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Divine Interruptions...

A Lovely hand Crafted Sage Green Pitcher, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The unexpected moments and situations...

We must consider divine appointments, we encounter often.
Many things happen to us that may feel like an inconvent interruption.

But, if we would change our perception and look to see what,
God is doing!

This lovely hand crafted pitcher can be filled with just about anything.
But, I can make a choice to fill it with fresh, clean water, or cold delicious milk.
Or I can use it as a container to place some beautiful fresh flowers.

When I am on my quest to do a chore or an activity;
I become so focused at times I have missed many opportunity's.

I pray very often that I might be in the right place at the right time;
Just as I pray please keep me away from anything that is not from You!

I want to be a vessel that is used, but not abused!

Being wise is spoken of as being as wise as a snake and gentle as a dove.

I want to hear, and see when these interruptions happen to me!
I do not want to miss a divine appointment!

But mostly my days are filled with little things;
The choice to do what is useful and sweet for making our HOME lovely.

But, when we at least stop for a moment!
Lift up a prayer and give what we can!

Silver and Gold I have not;
But what I have I give to thee...

 An interruption may be a divine appointment the Lord has schedueled for the day!

Have you looked at interruptions as a chance to pray and to serve?

Hugs, Roxy

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Receiving Mercy...

Receiving Mercy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Giving Mercy
Receiving Mercy

How we can be plagued with guilt and grief...

Giving mercy is so biblical; But receiving Mercy is different!

Sometimes we look back and we can see the mistakes we have made;
Raising our children, are early days of marriage!
One of the things that can keep us awake at night is guilt or grief!

We must learn to forgive ourselves after we come to our
Heavenly Father and asked for His forgiveness;
Give it up to Him...

Why take back the guilt or sorrow?

I like to do a little symbolic body action at times;
I give my leg and arms a little shake and shake that thing off!
Sounds silly, but sometimes I feel like that thing just is clinging.

Learning to control one's own mind is a powerful thing!
Too many times we begin to have what the Word calls
"A Vain Imagination"

Take a hold of your mind; only allow what is good to take root!
Clean thinking is what will give you the wits to discern!
The only way you can tell the truth from a lie is to study the truth!

If you believed every commercial and ad that came across your path;
You would be filled with nonsense!

You do not have to live under guilt or grief!
Shake it off, and do not invite it back!

Mercy Will Always Give You More...

Thank You All For Visiting!!

Love, Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Learn How To Do Something Each Day That Makes Tomorrow Special...

Fruits Of Our Labor, Living from Glory To Glory Blog...

Keeping Your Eyes On The Prize

We all know that to be able to enjoy the fruits of one's labor,
We must persevere and to keep watering and tending the soil.

The peaches this year have been so very delicious!
They are sweet and juicy and down right mouth watering!
To eat one without a napkin in hand is unheard of!

One of my grandsons called them fuzzy apples, (smiles)

It is always a great joy to have a harvest of something good and satisfying.

Are you learning to enjoy?

To close our eyes and enjoy the little things...

We are encouraged to be a sweet smelling aroma!
Stinky rotten fruit, covered with fruit flies is so unappetizing,

that is why we need to enjoy each thing as they come mature and ripe.
Even knowing when it is time to harvest and put back.
Freezing and canning;
so you can enjoy the bounty in the season of lack.

Even just a few small pints or freezer bags can be enjoyed of
the delicious fruits of summer.

I have noticed a bit of fall in the air!
It reminded me that everything marches on...

But the true point of this letter today is this:

Keep your eyes on the prize, do not allow the hustle and roar
Of this world rob you of the sweetness of this day.

Keep calm and carry on!

Do something each day that makes tomorrow special!

Life is but a peach, when you take time to pick it when it's time!
For Everything Has A Season...

Blessings, Roxy
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