Wednesday, July 15, 2020

An Additive That Can Make You VERY Sick...

Milk Additives, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

What's this additive?

Well, firstly let me state this personal fact;
Every time I drank certain lactose free milks,
My stomach started rumbling and hurting.
It got so bad, I just knew there was some additive in these liquids that
Were making me so sick!

It took me a long time to realize that Carrageen made my stomach hurt.

Then other things started, my stomach hurt;
Alas, I have now found the culprit;

Any stabilizer made from these products that have been
Grown as fermented became in the same family of acidophilus.

Guar gum
Xanthan gum
Gellan Gum
Gum Arabic

These are a stabilizer used in many foods

One reason that food additives like emulsifiers may be potentially dangerous is because they can alter healthy levels of intestinal bacteria, which may contribute to chronic, low-level inflammation that promotes changes in cells in the digestive tract, It is like drinking a super cocktail filled with bacteria.

This can cause SIBO... 
(Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)

Guar Gum has shown to cause digestive and abdominal stress.

Xanthan Gum is a product of bacterial fermentation.

Gellan Gum is an exopolysaccharide produced once again by
 Bacterial fermentation.

Gum Arabic acts as a powerful prebiotic, which stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Carrageen can cause inflammation in your digest track!

I am now drinking Rice milk which contained none of these ingredients.

Also The Brand Lactaid 2% has none of this stuff in it!
But, the Calcium enriched does!

Do you have any of these issues?

I am finally free of tummy issues related to the prebiotic addative!

I do hope you are all doing well!
I am still being very cautious because of the Covid,
But, I am still living and enjoying my life!

It seems we are always dealing with something, but it will keep us humble!

And it always keeps me drawing near to the Lord!

Happy Summer!
Drop me a comment and tell me how you are doing!
Hugs, Roxy

Living From glory To Glory...


  1. Roxy, so sorry you had to go through so much discomfort to fine the answer. I'm so totally blessed beyond compare. At 79 I have no health issues. I think part of the reason, God knew I needed to be healthy to care for my dearest.
    Sending love and hugs and congratulations on finding the answer to your needs.

  2. Interesting, Roxy! Glad you found the culprits. I'll have to look into the Rice Milk.

  3. Hi Roxy,
    I know you were glad to figure that out. So many things we eat can cause little issues.

    I'm doing good. Our state is still strict about outings. I'm just enjoying home and trying to stay clear of crowds. That's okay...home is a good place to be.
    Hugs from Shirley

  4. I did not know this. Will be checking ingredients. I am sorry that it made you so ill. It is not pleasant, I'm sure.

  5. Thank you Roxy. I'm needing to take Lactaid tablets now before consuming ice cream and let me tell, this here mama loves her ice cream!
    We are all doing well. I've gotten back into sewing again and plan on sewing more masks. I had welcomed the break from sewing masks by making a couple of beginner aprons. Now I hope to sew myself a modest jumper after I've made a few more masks. Well take care of yourself.

  6. The only ice cream without those ingredients is Blue Bunny Vanilla Bean. It contains only milk, cream, sugar and eggs.

  7. I was suspicious of carrageenan and gums for a long time and mentioned it to my allergist. He was interested. All my life, i have loved milk and finally suspected milk caused intestinal problems. But, i was not lactose intolerant or allergic to milk. Finally, i heard about a2milk that has no a1 protein. My problems went away. The milk is expensive but worth it. One woman wrote that she finally told her daughter about this milk and when the grandson started drinking it, his stomach pain went away.

  8. Happy to know all the information, so I can pass it on to a dear friend!
    I'm doing well and haven't been on my computer much. Enjoying my garden that I planted at the beginning of COVID.
    And like you, I'm drawing closer to our Lord. Humble is the word!

  9. I'm glad you figured this out Roxy. I have been eating very clean for about a year now. It has been hard at times, but I feel so much better.
    It has been a strange summer, with no plans. Good thing I enjoy my home and my husband! xo


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