Friday, July 31, 2020

This Covid Virus May Leave A Nasty Trail Of Side Effects...

Storm Over The Water, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This Covid virus has a nasty trail of side effects for some;

We all have done one of two things, totally extreme or nothing at all!
We must find the solution that works for you!

The guidelines we have been given are a small price to pay;
Have you heard of the group called the long haulers?
 This group of well meaning people is trying to make others
realize the huge range of symptoms that have lingered for them.
These symptoms are the after effect of having the Covid virus!

I believe we will be experiencing a storm of side effects!

These people are trying to get the word out, so others,
will realize this virus can have long reaching, life changing problems.

This virus is not as simple as either having the flu
for a couple of weeks or being high risk and dying.
"There's so much about this virus that our medical field,
knows nothing about! 
There are many things that we don't understand,
This has been in our country for only about six months,

My point is this, there are many people already living with
long term effects that we are just learning about.

Staggering List Of Symptoms
Cough, chronic fatigue, memory issues
Vision problems, chest heaviness, drastic heart rate,
Oxygen changes, reflux, nausea, dizziness, vertigo,
Joint pain, mild fever, tremors, dry mouth...
Many more according to the site,
I believe you can find the site through Facebook;
I do not have Facebook, so I found what I could to inform myself!
Just thought I would share, just in case you or someone else;
May be going through this 

I have a dear friend in this situation and its very hard to function!
Maybe I only know of one, but that's enough for me!

How long will these people suffer?
Well, I do not think they really know that now!

Wear masks, social distance and look out for each other!

But, please don't forget to live as normal as possible!
Enjoy your loved ones using some caution;
The big deal is this, there truly is no known pattern,
For how this might affect each person with their own health issues,
Or their body's response!

I for one, believe I had the virus late January;
I have experienced a few long lasting effects myself.
Vertigo and fatigue.

I am using essential oils and have added some supplements!
Building up my immune system!

We must all Plod On and Persevere...

Enjoy this day and time in your life!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory


  1. I agree that there are long lasting effects for many of those who had what they believed was only a "mild" case of Covid-19. One person I know was barely even ill in March. She lost her taste and smell. A 40 year old marathon runner in tip-top physical condition. Last week she had a major heart attack that they are attributing to the virus. She isn't expeted to survive. This is NOT a normal flu or virus. It's sneaky and cunning, just like Satan.
    I agree that we can't live in fear, but we DO need to take precautions.

  2. Very strong and informative post. So many articles, so many experts, so many ideas and information going out in every form of social media. Much not "fact checked" so people believe it. This is what I KNOW. The Word of God does not change, it's not based on opinions, it's steadfast and sure. I'm not putting my head in the sand...but I'm pitching my tent in the Word of God, being safe and respectful, and waiting for the Lord's Return. Thanks for sharing an important post. Love and Hugs.

  3. Thank you Roxy! We have a young friend who had it in January and is still suffering from fatigue and she's only 25!

  4. I always enjoy your posts. We are in difficult times, for sure. Thank you for the information.

  5. Today's newspaper contained an article stating the long-term effects on the heart. Scary stuff.

  6. Thank you for posting this important message. We do not know how each infected individual will be affected for the long term. I know a 24 year old nurse who is suffering from myocarditis (inflamation of the heart), high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat after dealing with covid for 2 months in March and April. The least we can do for our fellow human beings is wear a mask and social distance. It's not hard.

  7. I was not aware of the lasting side effects. Thanks for sharing.💖

  8. I also believe that the virus can leave one with side effects that take some time to curb. I may have had it last December into the end of February with horrid cough that just would not go away. I then struggled with asthma and sore ribs. I don't take it lightly and support wearing a mask while in public. I am not losing my rights nor am I concerned that our churches are targets. Time shall tell. Blessings to you, d


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