Thursday, February 6, 2025

Are You Suffering From Spiritual Drowsiness...

 Have You Been Rocked To Sleep, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~Spiritual Drowsiness~

Spiritual drowsiness can happen when we are not aware

Of the culture around us is moving so fast toward destruction

And being lulled into apostasy.

Almost like being rocked to sleep.

Or when someone falls asleep at the wheel while driving.

Another example of spiritual drowsiness while in 

Sunday Service, You feel tired and not alert.

Will coffee help?

Maybe, but probably not;

Because we are tired...

Some  people our in the streets screaming and swearing,

And that is even less effective of getting my attention.

It's like the enemy's chatter or what I call

Talking Heads

The Tower of Babbling

It makes no sense...

We must wake-up and ask for clarity.

Gird-up the loins of your mind

Put on your thinking cap

Shake off the lethargic spirit

The real truth must constantly be repeated!

Focus and ask for clarity...

Get off the fence

Set YOUR Alarm

Get-up you sleepy heads

We got work to do today!

Be cognizant of what direction you are traveling in!!

Like the saying: When one is lost while traveling.

"I don't know where I am at, but I'm making good time!"

Blessings, Roxy

Gosh, it feels good to write again...

Jesus asked do you love me?

Then feed my sheep

Even if you give a drink of water in my name

You have done it unto me...


  1. Absolutey. I'm stunned at how many are sleep walking through the days. We're being bombarded with lies right and left from the media and too many preachers are avoiding the tough subjects because they don't want to offend anyone. I think it's time for some offense. Take care Roxy.

  2. Excellent post, Roxy...My solution: READ, STUDY, MEDITATE, MEMORIZE, PRAY, THEN REPEAT. I'm really enjoying the Bible Study in Colossians with my Women's Bible Study. Taking off the things that hinder, and putting on all the virtues and to do that you have to keep Reading, Studying, Meditaing, Memorizing and praying...over and over!!!
    Thank you for your heart for the Lord!

  3. Feed my sheep. So many are hungry these days, spiritually speaking.

  4. Love your writing Roxy💕
    God bless you!


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