Monday, February 10, 2025

Mundane Duties Or Loyal Duty...

Being A Good Steward? Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being a Good Steward

How do you feel about Monday's?

For some reason it seems a bit harder to get the

body moving and the motivation working.

But maybe I need to look at it a bit differently;

Like I've been given a chance for a new start!

I really don't want to drag my feet and become a whiner!

I need to look at this day and realize I have been given

A mandate that I am responsible for!

I have to ask myself, 

Am I being a good steward of my time?

Am I being Loyal at heart?

I want to use my talents and my skills to bring

Glory to God...

We can become discouraged by what we might call

Mundane duties in our days.

But really think about it,

Are having clean dishes or clean clothes,

Or looking clean and smelling nice not important!?

Or preparing meals that bless and nourish the body and soul!

The Word and good food will bless the Soul!

We have been under a curse of the lie

Nothing Matters;

Well, let me tell you that all you do does matter!!

And everything you do can change the world

And bring Glory to God.

~True faithfulness regards nothing as small or unimportant~

They want us to feel uninspired and to look like freaks.

Don't nibble the bait, spew it out of your mouth.

Shake off the heaviness of the lies.

Rejoice and just get moving...

Because tomorrow is always just a day away!

Hugs, Roxy

Happy To Be Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...



  1. I enjoy caring for my home. Physically I do have some issues doing some things that I have to accept help from my husband with. He doesn't mind at all and enjoys helping me change sheets and carry laundry from the laundry room. We fold it together. It frustrates me that I can't do the things I used to do, but he has such a great sense of humor and tells me it's fun to do things together.
    I have been spending some time organizing things around the house and getting rid things we don't need any longer.

  2. Enjoyed your post and insights. Our Pastor yesterday reminded us the Sunday is the beginning of a new week, not Monday. Let the joys of Sunday, the worship, the music, the message just spill over on to the second day of the week Monday. I like me a new perspective on the week. My home is my happy place, my children walking in truth is my joy. Thanks for always sharing your heart and love and devotion to our precious Savior and King.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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