Friday, March 10, 2023
May You Aspire To Lead A Quiet Life, But Don't Believe The Lies...
Friday, October 28, 2022
Speak The Truth In Love...
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
All Lies And Deceptions Will Be Exposed...
What's Real?
We are so blessed to be able to enjoy what is real...
Don't be fooled by lies promoted by so many times to dull your senses!
The sky can have many different colors;
After a rain storm, or a storm moving in.
And when the sun is rising in the early morning!
Or when the sun is setting in the west.
But ultimately we will all know the sky is Blue.
True nature will not change!
The blossoms on a fruit or flowering tree will smell sweet.
The true fragrance can not be denied.
Don't walk around in a cloud or a haze of indifference.
I always have loved being convinced in my own heart of what scripture says,
About everything...
If you study the real artifact or painting, you will be able to
spot the imposter or fake one. But even in that there are such
perfect imposters if it were possible you could be fooled.
But I choose to believe that all the lies and deceptions will be exposed!
Some have even tried to take a Rainbow and make it to represent
something other than a symbol of God's promise to never allow the Earth
To be destroyed by a flood ever again!
Stand On The Promises Of God Your Savior...
blessings, Roxy
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Do The Right Thing...
We must remember the Blessed Hope!
So don't lose heart!
We must be very discerning!
Two years of a media that loves the dark side of things.
"They Want Us To Fear"
But the Word tells us many times to;
~ Fear Not ~
We Must Be Brave!
We have a Savior and it's not the Government.
Corruption is real- but we must do the right thing...
Some peoples hearts and minds will never change.
They are blinded and can't see the truth.
But, in your own Home you can have a refuge of light and peace.
Remember Christians are to expose darkness!
So if you keep your home and family in the truth;
You will be a beacon of Hope.
No Matter What Happens
~ Do The Right Thing ~
We can either keep silent or speak the truth in love and boldness,
I was so consumed with keeping my heart and home safe and
in walking in truth and being aware of lies and deception,
I decided to not write or speak aloud.
For fear of any unrest, it might cause myself or loved ones!
But, what it really did was shut down my voice.
And I realized that is what the world and enemy desires!
So here I am again...
I will write from a place of care and concern for those,
That love Christ and their families and Homes!
That desire to be a beacon of light and wants to be encouraged!
We all need encouragement...
Blessings, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory
Monday, October 4, 2021
Why We Must Pass On The Baton Of Faith...
It's easy to encourage others when you feel good.
But when you feel worn out, or overwhelmed, it can become
Nearly impossible if we rely on our own strength.
So many times as I read scripture I see the encouragement
Being spoken into the early believers and the church.
By the very ones like Paul, who was suffering;
Sickness and persecution and false teachers from within.
So as I write this post I am telling myself this:
No Matter Your Own Situation;
I must stay positive, confident, hopeful and faithful!
And look for encouragement from the Lord!
I just love it when I awaken with great joy and anticipation!
But some days just seem Blah...
So that's when I propel myself into just doing something.
Remember when you understood the scripture that called it
A Spirit of Heaviness?
Well, so when you feel that thing, just stop and pray;
And begin praising the Lord, It will begin to lift quickly!
Then get yourself moving, get yourself ready for the day!
Feel good about taking care of your appearance.
Sweep the kitchen floor.
Get your dinner menu thought out.
Make an effort to encourage someone today!
It's only through the hard times we learn to be either;
The world hopes to break us and to rely upon them!
But Christ wants us to bring our cares and burdens to Him!
May you choose to be tenderhearted and compassionate.
Especially in a world riddled with fear!
We either walk in
So we can either have;
Set your mind on Heavenly things;
All this will come to pass just as the Lord sees fit!
Your job is to get busy doing what you know is right!
Having a HOME and a family is a great responsibility;
Let's be good stewards of what we have been given;
And our allotted time here.
There is so much division anymore in the world;
May we not allow division in our hearts or our HOMES...
I am missing all my dear friends in blogging world.
A few sweet friends have already passed on!
May we continue to carry on and pass the baton to our
Next generation, and it's not up to us how well they do.
But it is up to us to encourage them to do their best!
Blessings, Roxy
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The Power Of Refreshment...
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Always Faithful... OR NOT
Always Faithful
For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not
ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that
He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.
2 Timothy 1:12
Semper Fi
It means always faithful...
The Marine Corps Emblem, an eagle holds a ribbon in its mouth,
Inscribed with Semper Fidelis.
The words "Always Faithful"
There is never a time when a Marine will not be faithful
To his or her Duty To America.
So as we all can see a Bad Moon Risising in our world and
in what I believed was the greatest country in the world.
But we have seen our appointed leaders, leading us astray.
Now, who actually voted for those who have a heart
To destroy America??
Feels very diabolical to me!
I can no longer sit back and just take care of my own home!
When we have leaders that want to tell me that I am no
Longer free to choose what is best for myself or my family.
Wake up sleepy Joe...
You will have to pay the piper one day!
Whoever is pulling the strings have a script that will
make even those that still think everything will go back to normal shudder!
We have those that are faithful to God and His Word;
And we have those that want to destroy the land we love!
There is never a day when we are not expected to be faithful
To God, never a day when we can allow fear of the future!
Because, we will see the Glory of God prevail!
I have good news! All these conspiracy theories will stop;
Because they have all come true...
We are more divided and segregated than ever!
They want us to hate one another, and to be fearful of everyone.
They want us to be suspicious of all!
They do not want us to talk to each other!
Come on people...
This has happened before in other countries;
It's happening now in Australia and New Zealand!
If you do not speak up and stand your ground, it will all disappear!
So may I ask you this??
What are you all so afraid of?
Being afraid to die?
We may be all facing persecution!
And some of us will die for our faith!
Don't act so shocked and surprised, we were warned!
Are time here is short; But if you do not have the heart
Or faith to die and stand for truth, you are standing on the sinking sand!
There are better days ahead right around the corner
"In the Presence Of My Lord And Savior"
Come, Lord Jesus Come
I may have to quit writing Blog post, as the world desires it's
Lust and lies and power and control and then telling me I must tolerate all the junk!
Do I need to look elsewhere to encourage and support the saints,
That won't back down!?
Does this encourage you or does this upset you?
May I ask you for a comment?
Do not think this is all going to go away; as it's been eighteen months already,
And counting...
It's not about Co-id, its about control and power...
Truly, day by day Living From Glory To Glory
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Social Media Or Finding Better Things To Do With Your Time...
It is so much better for your heart and HOME,
To do something beautiful and productive.
Warning: If you spend to much time on your phone,
Or computer you just may wind up being unaware
of what's really going on in your life...
I have had the sudden urge to throw my phone across the room;
For no apparent reason other then its a distraction.
Yet, we are looking at it at all times, all day long!
You can't even leave it in another room!
Most people carry it in their back pocket!
What we can do on our phones is ridiculous
We can watch movies, watch YouTube videos, we can write Emails
send messages, send quick texts!
Listen to music,
Twitter accounts, Facebook...
We receive pictures and calls through these devices.
But, suddenly they have become the instrument of censorship!
They know who you know
They know what you watch and listen to!
They have a trail of everything!
They have decided what is expectable...
For not only you but us as a nation!
Freedom of speech is no longer free;
It will cost you something!
Let's face it...
We got a huge problem!
I have heard so many people being kicked of every platform.
We know have Facebook jail;
Our phones were suppose to be a device to communicate.
Not spy on us and take away our right to listen to someone;
We might even find a personal picture taken off our phones!
Who is storing what???
Social Media is it a friend or foe???
Can we overcome our addiction to fake news and propaganda?
I doubt it...
It's on the internet, so it must be true!
Use your head and be careful in the day the earth stood still
Living From Glory To Glory
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Thursday, November 12, 2020
Be As Wise As A Fox, In A Good Way...
~Be As Wise as A Fox~But in a good way...
"The fox is said to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world"
In this culture that we are all living in we need elegance and to be very clever!
A fox even looks beautiful and majestic and in my opinion very smart!
So many people like to make us think we are stupid;
And can't think for ourselves!
Like a Fox we need a heightened sense of awareness.
Not as the saying goes sly as a fox, but rather alert!
The Fox has many qualities, but what I like they find what they need.
They act quickly and can sense danger!
I think many voices being heard is appearing foolish and strange;
But actually are very cleaver!
Don't be deceived ...
What your hearing is not what is really being said.
My Mother use to say you better read between the lines.
They think we are all asleep and they are acting like the side of
A Fox that is fighting for what is not theirs.
But I will need to act like a Fox and overcome their own game!
They are being crafty and sly;
So I will need to be elegant and intelligent,
And fight with wisdom to be able to think and discern.
To be able to see through the deceptions!
Don't take the handout! They are baiting you to enslave you!
Work hard
Grow in wisdom
Be Elegant
Be Quick
Discern between lies and truth
Blessings to each of you!
Stay safe and keep your eyes and ears open!
Hugs, Living From Glory To Glory
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Thursday, October 22, 2020
Be Careful Who You Follow...
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Friday, September 25, 2020
The Voice Of Reason...
![]() |
Riding Out the Storm |
The Voice Of Reason
How can we speak in a world filled with chatter, whispering,
Hurting, judgmental, gossiping.
Everyone is a legend in their own mind...
What exactly is a voice of reason?
"May your words be like sweet honey;
For one day you may have to eat them"
Thanks Lois for asking about my welfare, very sweet of you!
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Sunday, July 5, 2020
To The Republic For Which We Stand...
We have fought many battles to keep our Country Free...
But, I never really knew how many anti Americans lived in America
I thought everybody loved our flag, and what it stands for!
But as we can see so many think we should erase all of its history!
I never thought I would see the day of the land of the free and brave;
Be terrorized from within!
They want to rule and reign and to hold us captive!
We are citizens of another better country; HEAVEN
We are told to protect life and to build and not tear down!
We are told we are not tolerant!
Now, that is a lie, because this is a melting pot of the whole world;
But, one wants to dominate all...
I feel so sorry for our children and grandchildren!
Teach your little ones well, they are not born intolerant!
Someone else is teaching hate!
I have traveled and lived in this great country, and all I have
Seen is love and concern for one's neighbor very kind people!
Willing to help!
But as we all know one bad apple can spoil the whole basket!
If you poke a hornets nest while its just doing what it does,
I can promise you will get hurt and even innocent bystanders.
We must be able to defend our America and love our country!
No one has to stay here in the USA...
Go, Leave us alone!!
Who are these people that incite others to kill and destroy?
There is an agenda to wipe out everything...
They only want you to see, hear and do what they think is acceptable!
"Think One World Order"
That sound like control. Marxism, not freedom!
If there is another outbreak of Covid, we can blame those,
That have protested and have not followed the social distancing,
And wearing masks, and washing their hands!
Oh wait, they don't follow our rules in our country.
They have immunity to do whatever they want!
They say we are not accountable to no one!
Foolish and heart breaking...
Do not bow to this tyrant of a wayward child...
We are not suppose to kill, steal, and destroy...
We are told to obey and to build each other up!
Every election year we see this kind of behavior!
Ask yourself, who is behind this?
Who pays these to kill and destroy?
Is this normal behavior?
Who benefits from this disruption?
Who is really behind this evil smoke screen?
Sometimes just ignoring a problem, is not the responsible thing;
Pray and fly the American Flag...
Somebody better stand or all our rights and History will be gone!
Once something gets a foothold, things never get better.
~Only Worse~
Stand up and do what is right, sit down and pray!
Set your hands to build!
Live and Love this Wonderful Country
~ God Bless America~
Blessings, Roxy
Monday, March 2, 2020
How To Prepare For Cornavirus And Other deadly Viruses As A Homemaker...
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Can We Re-Gift A Gift We Have Received...
That I had received from someone that was not what I needed!
I must of had two of them.
That was when I had to decide whether it was a proper thing to do!
I did end up giving it as this other person would enjoy it,
And get some use out of it!
Where I would not be doing that at all.
You must always be aware of who gave it and never,
Give something away that would hurt the person's feelings,
If they ever found out!
And always keep those things that a child or an old friend shared a treasure from their hearts!
And in some circumstances you can even say;
Hey, I was given two of these ______
And I thought you might enjoy having this one!
But if you are given three sets of something, or double;
Then I believe there are times we can re-gift...
There have been times I have given gifts
I have gotten from an antique store.
And even Goodwill, I may have had to repaint or fix!
I even buy simple things that are on sale and save to give later!
So have I re-gifted?
But trust me it was a blessing to another and I enjoyed sharing!
Just use wisdom and never do it if it could damage,
A relationship or friendship!
And beware that one day you may find yourself on the receiving
End of the re-gifting line.
And so if you find yourself with hurt feelings.
This will help you decide re-gifting is not acceptable to you!
We all have so much in a world of stuff...
I think that is why so many are even asking others to not bring a gift;
But rather donate to a worthy cause...
Also a homemade gift is always so sweet and a treat to eat!
Blessings From Glory To Glory
Hugs, Roxy
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Use Your One Talent...
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Beware Of A Wandering Heart...
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Making Memories In All Things...
I feel that the world is just a kinder place during this season!
Making memories are so important; not just for the holidays.
But, rather making the time to celebrate Birthdays, and Anniversaries.
I am hoping that for I hosting and having Sunday dinners here will leave
A long lasting loving impression on my family!
Remember that making memories do not have to be expensive;
Making a family recipe for a holiday or birthday
Looking to improve in areas that leave a lasting impression!
If you need to give yourself a pep talk to push through;
That is perfectly normal!
My hope for writing this Blog was to encourage others!
To not give up doing their best to make their lives and homes,
A better place, filled with good memories and LOVE...
If we are not teachable or willing to learn new things;
And to NOT forget the Old Paths.
We will be left a little bit emptier!
If I say something to you that hurts you;
Think of it this way;
Just maybe, I have learned the exact lesson myself the hard way!
I desire to be the Queen of this little castle, but at times my crown
is a bit tarnish or covered in dust.
I also need a helping hand and words of encouragement!
Plod On Dear Ones...