Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Keeper. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

You Can Create A Loving Atmosphere In Your Home...

 Love is an action, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Love Atmosphere...

We have a supernatural ability to create;

And one of the most important spheres of influence you have

To create a little bit of heaven on earth is in your Home!

We are called to be homekeeprs.

Your home could be spotless, but if theirs contention,

And unkindness and what I just call ATTITUDE

You now have an atmosphere of strife and unease.

We must always be mindful to work on a sweet presence

About just caring and showing interest in those we have been

given to share our lives with!

I think there is a real power behind a relationship

That sense that they are loved and cared for in ways

They just speak volumes, and it's not always in words.

Being tender with others as we are with a newborn baby!

There is enough harshness in this world;

So by setting your mind to always do what you can do,

To have a HOME, filled with LOVE...


Freshly baked cookies

A little note to say how special they are

Taking a walk together

A clean space to read or study

Get off your phone when they get home

Have a plan for a meal

Don't be rude

Speak in a tone that does not cause anger

Choose words that don't accuse

Choose to release a blessing upon them

Rest in God's timing

Don't be a bulldozer

Share the last piece of cake

Your lips are connected to your heart


Love is the most precious human emotions and is truly

the gem that shines the brightest.

And love is the glue that holds the HOME together!

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, February 10, 2025

Mundane Duties Or Loyal Duty...

Being A Good Steward? Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Being a Good Steward

How do you feel about Monday's?

For some reason it seems a bit harder to get the

body moving and the motivation working.

But maybe I need to look at it a bit differently;

Like I've been given a chance for a new start!

I really don't want to drag my feet and become a whiner!

I need to look at this day and realize I have been given

A mandate that I am responsible for!

I have to ask myself, 

Am I being a good steward of my time?

Am I being Loyal at heart?

I want to use my talents and my skills to bring

Glory to God...

We can become discouraged by what we might call

Mundane duties in our days.

But really think about it,

Are having clean dishes or clean clothes,

Or looking clean and smelling nice not important!?

Or preparing meals that bless and nourish the body and soul!

The Word and good food will bless the Soul!

We have been under a curse of the lie

Nothing Matters;

Well, let me tell you that all you do does matter!!

And everything you do can change the world

And bring Glory to God.

~True faithfulness regards nothing as small or unimportant~

They want us to feel uninspired and to look like freaks.

Don't nibble the bait, spew it out of your mouth.

Shake off the heaviness of the lies.

Rejoice and just get moving...

Because tomorrow is always just a day away!

Hugs, Roxy

Happy To Be Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Monday, September 16, 2024

Get Your House In Order...


God's Beautiful Evening Sunset, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Every Man is made for his own time and Work...

J. R. Miller

Every day we are given an equal time to do something!

Some days are more productive than others.

But each day we can set our hand to something profound!

Staying Home...

When we stay home, you are able to have a more organized life.

You will save money!

You will eat better!

Get your house in order...




The things we say and believe matter more than ever now!

When you lay your head down upon your pillow;

Pray, Give thanks for the day you have been given!

Stop riding the fence line for the scenery, but look

for the broken down fence post and the rusted out barbwire.

We must have strong and safe borders in our lives!

Beware of the gaps and open windows and doors.

This glorious earth is constantly teaching us spiritual truths! 

Remember you are responsible for managing your own life!

Allow the Lord to lead you in putting your house in order!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

P. S.  Faith is just acting on Gods Word...


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Wise Woman Builds Her House...

What makes you Happy?, Living from Glory To glory Blog...


What kind of flower makes you happy or makes you think of Home?

There is something about this red flower that makes me think of country living.

Not everyone lives in the country, but I think we all long for our own space!
Whether it is a patio in an apartment or forty acres of land.
We long for a place to plant a flower or a tree or a small herb garden.

Everything we eat, fruits and vegetables all come from a living thing.
 Things that have life give off a sense of well being!
Green grass, rolling hills, meadows of flowers;
Or a single flowering plant can make us feel happy!

I have found that just being outside in nature can change
Your outlook on your day!

It has become so easy to be overwhelmed with all that
Needs to be done in a day.

But when we look back upon each day when the sun begins to set;
I promise you this, you have done something to make your
home life better!
It can be just a small moment of gratitude and thankfulness
Of all God has given you!!

Trust me, you do not want to be the kind of woman
Described in the opposite of the Wise Woman in Proverbs!
Because this Woman is called foolish!

The statement that says she pulls it down with her hands!

But God wants you to build your house!!

Every day you are building your House!
Or pulling it down...

But in most cases we are maintaining them.
Taking care of what we already have.

This culture tries its very best to groom us to want more.

And we all know stuff and things will not fill your empty tank!
We must fill our tanks with the simple, pure things in this life!

There is a battle for the mind!
The reason for this strategy is that the mind is where the enemy
does his work to make the child of God sad or confused or ineffective.

You can pull your home down with your actions or your words.

Start this very moment to do one thing to make your home a haven!
Build your home up daily.

The Wise Woman builds her house...
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.
Proverbs 14:1

Hugs, Roxy
Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How To Be The Wise Woman That Builds Her Home...


Proverbs 14:1 Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

~The Wise Woman Builds Her House~

I have always loved this scripture and have desired to be this

kind of woman in my heart. And to learn as how to actually

build my home with wisdom!

Proverbs 14:1

Wisdom does not come without discipline and following Christ.

But you can be this woman if you put your heart into it!

God has asked us to be this woman...

So he will help us in this endeavor, because it will bring

His glory and His presence in  your life and home.

To build anything that will last in this world, must be

Built with Love and Filled with Love

Building your home is something you do every day!

Line upon line

Precept upon precept

It takes setting your hand to the spindle and working it into

something useful and kind and cozy.

A wise woman creates a household that is characterized;

 By Love and a nurturing atmosphere.

Think of those simple things that bring love and life to your home.

Love is an action word...

So many things we do in any given day can turn into

nothing long lasting. It is called wood, hay and stubble.

We want to build a firm foundation made to last,

And to be able to endure the trials and testing that will come.

Choose your words wisely and your actions!

As once they are spoken or acted out;

We cannot change them!

We must learn to be that wise woman...

Pray for your family

Pray for your loved ones

Keep a clean home

Be kind

Serve meals and a refreshing cup of tea or coffee

Listen and respond with compassion and encouragement!

Fill your home with treasures that bring light and love!

Do not become cold and frustrated and giving up

Of Hope and Love to those whom God has given you!

The world and especially this country has tried hard

To destroy the family.

A woman can turn the tide, just by being a Wise Woman

in her home and standing on what is true and profitable.

Do not allow the world and it's way to lead you astray of

what will bring God Glory!!

Hugs, Roxy

Monday, January 15, 2024

How To Find Tranquility...


Peaceful Landscape, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~There Will Be Seasons You Must Just Rest~

When we pull back from all distractions, we can focus!

I have had so many overwhelming feelings.

The world is changing so fast and it seems like for the worst.

Every road just seems bumpy...

So, I had to just stop before I just raged in disappointment

and wrote things that would not edify!

I have very strong feelings and opinions!

But my heart beats more steady when I do all the things

that fill me with joy!

When we expose ourselves to the dark stuff we fade.

I felt like a plant that had no water or sunshine!

So, I really have focused on doing things

 that fill me and provides me with purpose!

"I am a wife so I bless my husband

I am an artist, so I paint

I am a writer, so I write

I am a grandmother

I am a great grandmother

I am a friend

 so I will invest in them"

I do believe we are in for a bumpy ride;

So I will hang on as if I was on a roller coaster,

And enjoy the ride.

And I will cover my eyes when I can't look!

Taking every thought captive!

You must put up boarders;

Around your heart and mind!

~Because out of the heart the mouth speaks~

Fill your days and moments with life...

Find the tranquility

Find moments in your days to be thankful!

My days will have joy and purpose,

Because whether I eat or drink, I will do it as unto the Lord.

God's timing is perfect, we must just wait upon Him

May You all enjoy the purpose and plan God has for you;

In this season of your lives...

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Be Purposeful In All You Set Your Hand To...

Silver Tea Pot, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Silver Tea Pot And Fake Flowers

Life really is a contrast...

Someone took some sterling silver and crafted it into a beautiful,

Purposeful teapot.

Now, I truly can say that the last time this teapot was actually used

 For a social tea party was YEARS ago!

Some things do seem to not have the same usefulness.

But yet there is still beauty in them!

It takes true craftsmanship and time to produce a silver teapot.

There was a day a Lady of the Home would of

Aspired to owning one of these. 

Maybe it may have been a wedding gift!

When was the last time you saw or heard of a bride 

Asking for a silver teapot as a wedding gift?

My point is this;

As homemakers we don't need a silver tea pot to

Create a beautiful and useful home.

We have so many items in our homes that are not

Either functional or being used.

But we can choose to think outside the box and create

a pretty vocal point with these items.

One little thing we can use in our homes are some

Fake flowers. 

If you keep an eye out you can find some

Very true to life looking ones. 

When they get dusty I just wash them

in some soapy water and they come out looking great.

I enjoy having these artificial flowers for different seasons of the year.

Roses, Sunflowers, Peonies, Lavender.

I keep the ones I am not using stored away, and can freshen up

any room with some pretty flowers.

I believe we are all a bit weary with everything this

Old world had thrown at us ladies.

It has harassed us and caused strife and grief!

But we just keep Plodding On...


Because it's never been easy being a homemaker!

We swim against the grain of society.

We are deemed Old Fashion and Out of touch!

But I believe we have a life long usefulness and purpose!

When times get truly tough, it will be those that learned

To create a sanctuary for the family.

And learned to cook frugal meals out of nothing

 Will be more than able to overcome!

Don't be fooled!

Don't be overcome!

Don't give up!

Don't get rid of anything that still has usefulness!

Don't have and empty pantry!

Concentrate on what is needed in your Home!

Make Lists of everything you need to start doing!

Don't be unprepared...

Sending you all a hug and a word of encouragement!


Monday, November 21, 2022

Keep It Simple and Cozy...

Little Pumpkins, living From Glory To Glory Blog

Don't Be Overwhelmed...

That's easy to say, but doing it is another matter!

This is the beginning of the holidays;

Make some decisions now to really enjoy them.

By doing things in a less extravagant way.

Being intentional and enjoying the process and not

Worrying about the final results.

I for one can say you can stop spending a lot of money,

 and avoiding stress!

Make it sweet and peaceful!

I would rather do one thing well and not try to do everything!

Pick something that is meaningful to you;

And something you enjoy doing!

Make it real...

We do not have to be like the Norman Rockwell paintings!

Realize that so much is commercialized!

Take time and do the little things!

The stores are mobbed!

So many food items may even go to waste!

Don't get sucked into the Insatagram or Pinterest photos and ideas!

Remind yourself, we still may have some very hard times ahead of us!

Stop the crazy train...

Do what is in your heart...

Reserve your strength...

Count the cost...

Will it create good memories...

Will it be relevant in a months time?

Enjoy it with those you love and care for...

~Be Calm And Carry On~

Blessings & Grace

Hugs, Roxy

Home Living, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Waiting Process...

 Stay Calm And Wait, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Enjoying The Last Portion Of Winter

It's not quite spring and we will surely get some more snow,

But I have faith that the crocus flowers will appear again!

One thing that has always brought me calm and peace;

Is my HOME

Sometimes cleaning and meal preparation,

Even washing dishes, or tidying up a room

is a healing balm to my soul.

Sometimes we can get anxious in the waiting process.

But actually it is in this waiting process, we grow.

We can keep busy and occupy while we wait:

As a homemaker, I can get a job that needs attending to

and get busy and as they say getter done (smiles)

Some days it seems the term puttering around the 

Home is a bit more accurate.

The world appears to be in a stage I do not recognize.

Keeping oneself calm and at peace can be challenging!

Watching too much news is not wise;

Don't talk about politics or world affairs with people

who do not agree with your belief in Christ?!

As it seems to lead to almost a verbal lashing.

Yet, we can talk to others about our faith and Christ!

Remember the government is on His shoulders!!

Here are a few quotes we have all heard or read before;

Home is among the holiest words.
A true home is one of the most sacred of places
It is a sanctuary into which men flee from the world's perils and alarms.
It's a resting place to which at the close of the day,
The weary retire to gather new strength,
For the battles and toils of tomorrow.
It is the place where love learns its lessons,
where life is schooled into discipline and strength,
Where character is molded.

By J.R. Miller 

As the years pass, I'm coming more and more to understand
That it is the common everyday blessings,
Of our common everyday lives for which we should be
Particularly grateful.
They are the things that fill our days with comfort and our hearts with gladness.

By Laura Ingalls Wilder

Keep watch over your Heart and Home...
Blessings, Roxy

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Balance Of Standing, And Keeping Our Homes A Haven...


Finding Beauty And Calmness, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


I will resolve to look for the beauty in my own home!

Keeping my heart steady and not allowing the unrest into my heart!

When you keep yourself busy in doing the things that matter...

Sometimes we might think doing laundry or dusting is not important.

But it allows your mind to not feel cluttered.

We were made to work and keep things in order.

I believe we become stagnant at times;

But each new day and season can provide us with a new thing!

Our homes are the one place we can control a few things!

What is being watched or listened to, and even what's for dinner!

Think about what you might like to do, 

that will impact the atmosphere,

In your home...

My last post was a bit on the heavy side, but we must work for 

The balance of our standing for the truth, and keeping our homes a haven!

We have the tools and the gumption, we just need a push at times.

I think we all just want someone to validate us at times;

Because being at home can be so fulfilling, but also lonely.

Especially when the whole world is isolating themselves.

I don't believe in isolating myself, but being wise in so many things,

Can help us stay healthy and motivated!

These days call for thinking outside the box!

Don't be bullied, don't be passive!

Hold Down The Fort!!!

 Keepers Of The Home

Keepers Of The Truth

Keepers Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

Trust me, your HOME will be a beacon of light as the world grows darker...

Hugs, Living From Glory To Glory 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Home Keepers Wanted...

 Making A Home Life... Living From Glory To Glory Blog

We Must Make Our Homes A Place Of Refuge...

There is an assault on the one place that we can grow and create!

We have been called to excel in this area!

I just pray many women will homeschool their children;

May woman start having prayer groups again!

May we resolve to get strong and be ready for what comes!

May we not be robbed of our God given rights!

Make everything you do look loved and cared for!

They want us to feel defeated and out voted, like they're the winners.

We are the ones who will be filled and overjoyed even in drought!

We must push just as when we were in labor!

It was hard, but the joy was so worth the pain!

Just do even one thing today to make life enjoyable!

Do something to make your home beautiful!

Strength and dignity are your clothing;

And your position is strong and secure!

Seeking truth and beauty is powerful!

Hit a HOME run and your family will cheer for you!

Even if they don't, keep doing the right thing...

Something wants to convince you it doesn't matter;

Well, it does!

As Always Living From Glory To Glory

Hugs, Roxy

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Creating A Place Of Solace...

Creating A Home, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 Home Is a Sacred Place

I try to remind myself when I am so busy doing this and that,

Doing the same chores day in and day out.

That I am not JUST doing chores,

But rather creating a home life;

That is filled with security of a safe haven!

I want my home to be filled with warmth and comfort!

A place where we all can feel nurtured!

Summer is a time of being outside more.

What I have been doing is making a place to sit outside

And relax, not always having to water and pull weeds!

I find it's just as important to do the needed chores to

Keep things running smooth.

But taking time to enjoy the birds singing,

The pretty clouds in the sky!

So remember to keep a little space in the great outdoors;

That is what I call my outside living-room!

Great little treasures to place in this area to make it beautiful!

Spray paint some of those wore out items,

 buy some real or fake flowers,

To place in some pretty jars or pots for that summer vibe!

Take delight in your home!

Remember, you're not just doing chores,

But creating a place of solace in the fruits of your labor!

Enjoy and do something that brings life to your heart!

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ask Yourself This Question...


Use Your Strength Wisely, Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

What Is Required Of Me?

What is required of me is a question I have been asking myself.

We will all experience times and seasons of lack of strength.

Also there will be times in seasons of actual changes;

Spring, Summer, then Fall, then Winter

I wanted to share this because we can possibly feel bad about

not being able to do all that we have done in past years!

So knowing what is required of me is a very

vital and important question in every season of my days.

Running into town or being at every function is going

to drain my strength and use up valuable time!

So I know that there are things that hold greater importance

and value in each day!

So it is up to me to make choices that will benefit my life!

So this has to be priority!

Having a home that runs smoothly

Having strength myself to enjoy life

Having meals that nourish our bodies

Having a sweet and gentle attitude towards my Husband and others!

By learning to reserve and manage your strength is wisdom.

Some women have strength in abundance;

But if you find yourself discouraged, take heart!

What is truly required of you should be a joy,

Some days will be easier to accomplish tasks,

 other days you may be just to tired to do very much at all!

So, now I tell myself do what is needed this day!

Don't take on burdens that don't belong to you!

As I have said in past post; Learn to know your limits!

Blessings, Roxy

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Learning To Simplify Your Life...

Simplify Your Life... Living From Glory To Glory Blog


I do believe we are all in the class room of learning to simplify;

When we stop to think about what really matters it's easily condensed,

To a few things...

We have all learned to do less, go less, and yet we are better for it!

It is a great thing to happy and content with the portion God has given you!

You would never be happy with what the world can give!

Firstly, because it's fleeting!!

No one takes their stuff to heaven or hell.

Being quiet and at home is a pleasant place if you turn each room,

Into a Haven of simple and clean, organized beautiful abundance!

We all really have so much in regards to things.

I enjoy cleaning and making each little corner of my home pleasant.

Take some time each day and thank God for His provisions.

Then go about arranging and using what you have!

Remember He wants you to feel His love and enjoy His provisions!

Learning the fine art of gratefulness and using your talents is a must!

I never want to be the one who buries his talents.

We are to use our fine china plates and pretty vases.

Pull out the stash of goodies in those tubs and rearrange a room!

Find ways to change out your curtains, Try covering end tables with those

Beautiful lace doilies or pretty fabrics...

Encourage yourself through prayer and reading the Word;

Then encourage those in your family. and close friends!

May your spirit, soul and body prosper.

And may you put forth the effort in making your house a HOME

To have a gentle quiet spirit is a good thing...

And when your HOME is in order you can think clearly!

Turn off the news and make a simple, yet tasty dinner!

~Pray for those who are suffering, those prayers are heard~

Never Give Up

Your HOME is a reflection of your heart!!

Blessings, Roxy

As Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Stay On The Right Road...

Stay On The Right Road... Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 ~Stay On The Right Road~

We must learn to  be able to know when its time to take a break!

I felt very strongly that our country was in an uproar about everything.

In the last few months, so I chose to be quiet!

And I personally was fighting Covid and was very sick.

I don't l care to share all the details, but I can assure you it was dire.

Many times the Lord will allow you to stop in your tracks;

Many can continue to go on as if nothing like a world Pandemic has hit.

Much like a two time decimated Hurricane to hit a small underdeveloped country.

But really we can't take it all in and we are really not suppose to...

These are times that must be fulfilled,

Yet we must stay close to home and pray and overcome the onslaught.

I have never been so comforted and filled with peace as I stand!

I am very sensitive to things that cause unrest;

So I usually will draw close to the Lord and rest and pray.

One of the reasons we are to make our homes and families  a refuge,

Is because there are very few safe harbors in a world of unrest!

Some people are never bothered by much;

But I do believe we are seared and unaffected

 because we have been conditioned.

Many are called to cry out for justice!

But there is only one righteous judge

The wheat is growing along side the tares;

Only God can distinguish the difference between the two!

You can no longer befriend the apostates;

You can be kind and yet we are told to not even have a meal with them.

But wait we are suppose to love and except every wayward way of thinking?

I think no...

Narrow is the way

Broad is the road that leads to destruction.

I am not sure what the future holds;

But I do know who holds the future...

Take these days and hide yourself under His wings!

Comfort and Joy only come a heart fully given to Christ!

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How To Make Your Home Unforgetable...

May We Never Forget The Need For Home...

Taking care of my home has become like a warm and

comfortable sweater to me;

Cozy and clean and so very soft from everyday wear!

Being at home is truly a pleasure,

That is why the saying

~Home Sweet Home~ 

Is forever written on plaques and over our hearts!

It's the simple things really

The smell of the first cup of coffee or tea in the morning.

It's the feeling of warm sudsy water running over my hands,

While washing dish's as I look out the kitchen window.

The feeling and smell of clean sheets as you climb into bed,

After a long day and needing a good nights sleep.

Being able to prepare and cook a meal that makes you happy!

I so enjoy keeping my home a haven of calm and joy, and happy!

Life has a way of wearing a person out, but we can become,

refreshed and revived in our homes!

It's not about money or bigger or better;

It's about what matters in a heart!

The feeling of belonging...

"May you never grow weary of keeping the home fires burning"

Never allow anything to rob you of the joys of home!

Keep watch and do a something each day,

To make your home beautiful and cozy and clean and organized!

"May it show the wear of being used everyday and being loved"

I can drive down any street in any town and I can say;

That house is a happy house!

Being happy is not about stuff, but a place that has love,

Comfortable, and Clean and filled with memories and treasures!

Make your home a place of Joy!

So if I drive down your street, I can say,

"That there is a happy house"

What says Home Sweet Home to you?

Hugs, Roxy

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Why We Must Teach The Younger Women...

Cozy Kitchen Corner. Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Who Wants To Be Trained?...

We definitely have seen a decline in younger Women being willing to learn;
The art of Homemaking!

I believe we are seeing the fruits of training not being given or received.

The world marches to its own set of rules, And the need for income or just more!

I feel that the older women do not have the willing participants;
Because many empty nesters no longer have those that are at home or are willing to learn!

Maybe, we just keep sharing resources when we can and they just learn on their own.
And in my opinion that is fine also!

But, we must continue to teach through our own life's actions.....
It's in our willingness to encourage with words and to cheer them on!!

May we hope that we will have a movement that draws them HOME

I think most women still desire to take homemaking as a privilege;
And embrace all the joys of HOME

 I have learned and I'm still learning;
To be a wise homemaker in times of plenty and want.
In times of world upheaval and drought,
Trials and tribulations
Rain or shine, storm clouds and storms!
Sunshine and Warmth...

Some time we have tough seasons and other times smooth sailing.

Learning to live on a dime, yet being extravagant in some things in a time of plenty!
Keeping our homes, furnished and filled with resources is just wise!

Trusting the Lord in lean times!
Sharing when we have more!

If you're a young woman, keep your heart open to learn a skill or two!
If you're an older woman be willing and watchful to share a bit of wisdom!

But also a reminder to myself and to you dear readers;
We can all learn a thing or two from each other

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands,
 To love their children, 
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home,
 Good, obedient to their own husbands,
 That the word of God be not blasphemed. 
Titus 2:4, 5

We are doing well, yet have been feeling a big hit in the aerospace market!
Remember, many of us are still reeling financially from this world pandemic

As my husband said slow down and put on the brakes!

"This all happened after we bought all new windows and flooring"
Now, I just stay home and enjoy my home more than ever for the duration.

Always, Living from Glory To Glory

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Single Serve Blue and White Teapot

Working Hard To Keep Busy Around The Homestead!

Planting bedding plants in my flower beds.
Planting our greenhouse!

Encouraging ourselves is sometimes a daily must!

So grateful I can get outside and get things done in my yard!

~But here is a little video clip I did share a few thoughts~

I am so enjoying beautifying my yard and home;
Last week it was very chilly out, so with some help
 We changed around the Living Room!

Taking time to do all the things we need to do to stay
Healthy and motivated!

What color themes do you have in your living room?

Also, keep an eye out for a single serve teapot for yourself;
Or it would make a lovely gift for someone!

Thanks for stopping in for a visit!

Always, Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 10, 2020

Have you Ever Had A Mentor In Your Life ToHelp You And New Blog Design...

Baby Chicks, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Happy Spring...
Time for New Beginnings

I am very happy and blessed to have been able to have my Blog
Living from Glory To glory
Revamped and updated!

My old blog was starting to malfunction and things were not working;
Weird images just popping up!

So I had this beautiful photo that I just loved;
So with a very talented Designer, she made me a Header from the photo.

If you are needing a little help or a complete makeover!
~She is very professional and talented~
Here is her Link

Have you Ever Had A Mentor In Your Life To Help You Become A Loving Homemaker...

Hope for All Homemakers... 

When I was a young woman, and newly married
 I remember feeling like I was finally
Going to be able to do what was in my heart to do! 
Making a Home filled with things that I loved!
And people who called our house a HOME

I didn’t really know at the time,
 How long all this might actually take! 
But it was in my heart and it was a seed,
 That had to grow and mature. 

I feel a special kinship with others that want the same things. 

But we all know life does not come with MapQuest! 
Everything is a journey and sometimes it’s a bumpy ride. 
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmothers house we go! 

When I was a young girl still in school, we had classes that taught us; 
So many skills to run and manage a home one day!

Home Economics is no longer thought to be important. 
And some of us had a Mother or Grandmother to help
Teach us practical homemaking skills. 
And tips to do things efficiently and cost effective. 

But there is the Biblical sense that we are told in scripture for the older, 
Woman to mentor the younger woman! 
To love their Husbands and their children... 
We all need love and support and guidance to be keepers of our Homes! 

Good homemakers do not come with a booklet with the
Directions and steps of 1-10 ...
But rather live and learn, and with many detours!

But homemaking is rather a recipe that can be changed
Or modified,
To fit your location and budget size!

Because we are all so different, but some things are universal!

Maybe we can all look for opportunities to help,
 Love and encourage each others as being home makes.

We have had this stay at home order for weeks now;
I was just hoping many women would have had a real change of heart,
And the desire to make their homes the best place.
And we would all want to stay close to home,
If even just in our hearts...

May being a homemaker never stop being in style or the most important role!

Pray about being a mentor or even looking for an example to learn from!

 And may you have a new beginning in something good...

Much Love And Blessings


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hoopla A Wonderful And Free Service Through Your Library For Audio Books...

It is always wise to have a few good movie series in your home.
Keep in mind that having good books and movies available.

This may the year, many of us will be planting gardens;
Because it is a very therapeutic!
Even if it is just a small planter with tomatoes.

I hope you will look into the app called Hoopla,
I have listened to at least five books so far!

I pray you are staying healthy and happy and keeping busy
Yourself with a home project!

What are you doing with your extra time of not being out and about?

Spring is arriving on daily winds here...

Encourage yourself and encourage others!
This too shall pass!

Blessings, Roxy
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