Thursday, February 20, 2025
MailChimp And My Subscribers...
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Storm Rider
It's been a wild ride these last few years.
But the last few months have been a typhoon condition.
I really can't see myself being tossed around to and fro!
I was told I take the scriptures to literal!
Was that a compliment?
Probably not...
I have decided to just write and see where it goes for now!
Tolerance cannot be the alibi for the systematic destruction
of christian society!
The Hope for the future
Are you going to follow Jesus??
Or ask Jesus to follow and bless your plans?
We must remember the Blessed Hope!
So don't lose heart!
We must be very discerning!!
We must be Brave...
We have a Savior and its not the government!
Storm Rider...
"You must overcome
Endure till the end"
What is a Storm Rider???
What is the Storm???
A storm of unsettling emotions, that is dumped upon
you by someone else.
It can take just one person to make you feel
sick in your soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions)
Prepare your home and heart for a storm.
The Storm is spiritual and physical!
Do all you possibly can...
A Storm Rider Will Ride Out The Storms
Black Clouds
Lies, Deceptions, Following the Culture
This Storm will come upon those who say
God does not exist!
We will all see this Storm;
But I believe God's protection will be upon many
That believe in God and trust Jesus.
(The shelter of the most high)
Living From Glory To glory
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
To The Republic, One Nation Under God...
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Red October, Red November...
Red October...
I was reminded of that movie and wondered about the
Deeper and true meaning of what was happening in this movie.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Time To Stock Up And Put Back...
Time To Stock Up And Put Back
I heard a gentleman a few years back speaking on
Investing your monies.
I have found myself thinking about what he said.
He explained how the market worked;
But when he said your purchasing power was best used by
Buying foods and items that would continue to rise in price.
Greetings to so many out there;
We took a trip and traveled to many places.
I came back with an awareness that I didn't have before.
Sometimes when you live in a small town, and don't get out much,
You may not see how much our America has changed!
Most the people we saw and chatted with were keenly
Aware of the changes in their lives and their cities.
When we arrived back home,
we both felt we needed to be more
Make a plan!!
Buy what you will cook or prepare and enjoy eating first!
Then put back food staples.
Be mindful and prayerful!!
The shifting has started and I believe rough times may be ahead!
I am not an alarmist, but a practical wise woman!
Get busy
Prices are rising weekly
Many are warning of shortages
Watch for sales at your market!
Look at bags of self-rising flour, they were very inexpensive
Compared to regular flour!
Shall I say more on this subject?
Blessings, Roxy
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Do We Even Know What We Are Celebrating?
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Being Practical In A World Of Outlandish Behavior...
What is considered to be practical?
Being practical in a world of outlandish behavior and radical beliefs!
Look, we are wired to know when something is just not right;
Yet we are being programmed to embrace all that is wrong!
It started slowly, but has gained speed!
This warped culture will explode and implode and
Destroy the true core of life, liberty and justice.
I am sick of hearing or being told we are not tolerant!
But, Maybe they are not tolerant of us!??
Look, I mind my own business...
I take care of what is required of me each day,
And each passing season, things seem more disturbing!
We are told to not love this world!
But Christians are expected to love people;
Even those we don't agree with.
So we must love people where they are;
And to pray that God will change their hearts! (LIFE)
The hippie movement was love the one your with;
Today is murder and hate everyone that doesn't think like you think!
This is all nonsense, because this behavior will not change anyone!
Stop telling me how I am suppose to think and believe!
My Mother use to say mind your own plate!
Which means take care of what you have!
Don't allow someone to take your peace (PIECE))
Equal Rights are only equal if you think so...
Everything offends Everyone...
You can try to convince everyone that you are right;
But one day you just may be sorry you led others astray!!
Being practical means being loving, level headed and responsible!
Not bullheaded, unkind, and cruel...
Just Saying
Blessings, Roxy
Monday, May 17, 2021
So Many Are Scarred For Life...
Things Have Truly Changed
No matter how we may perceive this world today;
Things have changed!
I know we now have a weirdness to how people interact,
How we look at others- masked or unmasked
Vaccinated or unvaccinated
We are treated as a socialistic country!
So what am I going to do about it?
I have a brain and I can research the pros and cons!
Some people will be scarred for life,
Others will not feel any different.
We do not know the long term effects from a jab that who knows what's in it!
Look its my opinion...
Children are now scared to death and think masks are normal!
Look lets face it, we are all the guinea pigs here!
I have worn my mask, had covid and still suffer from
The long haulers, immune system compromised maybe for life!
My body has already been hit and I can say for sure its been tough!
Do you see all those that don't even want to go back to work?
Rights, what rights?
They disappear before my very eyes daily!
I will continue to do what is right and safe and live my life;
Fear Not...
Now, where have I heard that??
Only God knows the number of your days and years!
There is an agenda people!
Wake up
Woke agenda
You're paying for it all anyways!
I have never thought of myself as being politically motivated;
But... Just Saying
Enjoy your days, keep moving in the right direction.
Even if everyone is going in a different direction!
Hugs, Roxy