Showing posts with label My Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Opinion. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

MailChimp And My Subscribers...

Writing Blog Posts, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Come And get It...

Good Morning, Just a quick note to let you know
My Email delivery MailChimp has stopped sending out
My last few Blog Post.
I was looking at the numbers of my Email subscriber stats.
And I can see very few are actual opening my emails.
So I am asking two things,
 If you do not want my Blog post delivered to you via Email
Please go unsubscribed from it!
To Unsubscribe just open my last blog post
You received via Email 
Go to the bottom of the post and hit UNSUBSCRIBE

Also, if you would just rather go to my Blog
Living From Glory to glory
And just look to see if I have any new content!

As we all know nothing can be easy anymore.

I would have to pay $24.00 dollars for them a month to send
My posts out!
 So I was wondering if you have subscribed
To receive it by email, do you read my post that way?
(Asking for a Friend)

Also, do any of you know of a different way to send
post via email?

Here is the data...


Email marketing engagement
Your subscribers, broken down by how often they open and click your emails.

Your percentage of subscribers who are highly engaged and often open and click your emails.

Target with Campaign
Your percentage of subscribers who are moderately engaged and sometimes open and click your emails.

Target with Campaign
Your percentage of subscribers who are not very engaged and rarely open and click your emails.

I guess that's what I get for trying to blog more often LOL

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Storm Rider


Riders On The Storm. Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

 It's been a wild ride these last few years.

But the last few months have been a typhoon condition.

I really can't see myself being tossed around to and fro!

I was told I take the scriptures to literal!

Was that a compliment?

Probably not...

I have decided to just write and see where it goes for now!

Tolerance cannot be the alibi for the systematic destruction 

of christian society!


The Hope for the future

Are you going to follow Jesus??

Or ask Jesus to follow and bless your plans?

We must remember the Blessed Hope!

So don't lose heart!

We must be very discerning!!

We must be Brave...

We have a Savior and its not the government!

Storm Rider...

"You must overcome

Endure till the end"

What is a Storm Rider???

What is the Storm???

A storm of unsettling emotions, that is dumped upon 

you by someone else.

It can take just one person to make you feel

sick in your soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions)

Prepare your home and heart for a storm.

The Storm is spiritual and physical!

Do all you possibly can...

A Storm Rider Will Ride Out The Storms

Black Clouds 



Lies, Deceptions, Following the Culture

This Storm will come upon those who say

God does not exist!

We will all see this Storm;

But I believe God's protection will be upon many

That believe in God and trust Jesus.

(The shelter of the most high)


Living From Glory To glory

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

To The Republic, One Nation Under God...

                                         Old Glory, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
 and to the republic for which it stands,
 one nation under God,
 indivisible, with liberty
 and justice for all."

I wonder how many people can say this by heart?
We said the Pledge of  Allegiance every morning in school;
With our hand over our heart!

The Pledge of Allegiance is a Promise to be Loyal to the United States!

Liberty and Justice in America cost so very much!
And these people are coming in and wanting what
We all have worked so hard for!
Many of us have lost loved ones that fought for our liberty.

We are not a Democracy in this country!

We are a Constitutional Republic!

While often categorized as a democracy,
 The United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.
 What does this mean?
 refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution
 Which is the supreme law of the United States.

It was founded on God's Truth,
Freedom cost so many hardships and Blood, Sweat and Tears!

Are these illegal immigrants going to show loyalty to this country?
We have been invaded by who knows!
We better Pray for a miracle Folks

Just how in the World can we sustain 22 Million people;
That can't speak English and are mostly from Communist regimes?
Just Saying

We must get back to what matters!
God and family and life and Liberty
To Obey God
To obey the Constitution
To Take care of our Families

And To Close Our Borders!!!!!

It's so out of control

Praying Psalm 91 Daily

Believing God for His direction and His protection...

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Red October, Red November...

His Truth Marches On, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Red October...

I was reminded of that movie and wondered about the

Deeper and true meaning of what was happening in this movie.

So it's about  a product of the Cold War, a prolonged period of animosity between the US and the Soviet Union after WWII. John McTiernan's film adaptation followed in 1990, at the tail end of a standoff that often threatened to erupt into nuclear war
Story by: Tom Clancy

What was the point of Red October?
The Russian submarine captain, Marko Ramius (Sir Sean Connery), defects.
 His goal is taking it to the U.S. to prevent the Russians from using it to start
 a nuclear war against the U.S.

Okay, so why the interest?
I think it started with the thought of this hope;
May we see a Red Wave in November...

I am so proud of those who have stood up for our constitution!
When I hear people say that they are a constitutionalist,
I am like wow that even has to be a thing nowadays?!  
The defense of Liberty was I thought what every American wanted.

I awoke this morning singing this song...
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

This wonderful song is called the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
I learned this song in school as a little girl.
Wonder if they're still teaching this?  NOT...

I refuse to lose my Joy in these days of political chaos!

I have taken the time to decorate my home for Fall!
I am buying things to put back in the pantry!
I have been reading some books that were on the Peal Harbor attack.
I have been making smaller portions of our dinner meals
 To stretch and not waste.

I have been keeping busy!

I truly never understood how people could not see or hear;
When propaganda was being spun over the radio waves!

My Hubby has always said, well if its on Google, it must be true. NOT!
Now, we have YouTube and twitter and local news.

How do you discern between all the information!?
Dig deep, look at their past history!
Look past personalities and look at their policies.

I am a God fearing Woman!
A Homemaker!
A Bride to my Husband!
A New Great Grandmother...

Stand Tall, Fear Not...
Shut out the distractions and Vote God's Heart...

No Matter what they say or what happens;
His Truth Is Marching On!!

Happy Day
Choose JOY

"And thank you for all the many E-mails I received on my last Post"

Blessings, Roxy

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Time To Stock Up And Put Back...


Time To Stock Up And Put Back

I heard a gentleman a few years back speaking on

Investing your monies.

 I have found myself thinking about what he said.

He explained how the market worked;

But when he said your purchasing power was best used by

Buying foods and items that would continue to rise in price.

Greetings to so many out there;

We took a trip and traveled to many places.

I came back with an awareness that I didn't have before.

Sometimes when you live in a small town, and don't get out much,

You may not see how much our America has changed!

Most the people we saw and chatted with were keenly

Aware of the changes in their lives and their cities.

When we arrived back home,

 we both felt we needed to be more


Make a plan!!

Buy what you will cook or prepare and enjoy eating first!

Then put back food staples.

Be mindful and prayerful!!

The shifting has started and I believe rough times may be ahead!

I am not an alarmist, but a practical wise woman!

Get busy

Prices are rising weekly

Many are warning of shortages

Watch for sales at your market!

Look at bags of self-rising flour, they were very inexpensive

Compared to regular flour!

Shall I say more on this subject?

Blessings, Roxy

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Do We Even Know What We Are Celebrating?

Freedom And Liberty For All... Living From Glory To Glory Blog

 What Are We Celebrating?

Our Country is under attack from within...

What would your life and livelihood or walk with Christ look like if, suddenly all your freedoms were taken away. Not just for a year or two, but forever?

We are celebrating things that are not from God!

There is a growing disrespect for the truth;
And so many do not want to hold the Flag's meaning in honor!

We hear this phrase we must be tolerant;
But all the while they are changing and removing many things,
That we have always held dear to our hearts!
Because while we are being tolerant, they are telling us,
We can no longer do this or that or display that!

We are the laughing stock of so many other countries right now!
They want to see us become a fallen and controlled country!

I just wish those that want to be a country controlled,
By a regime would just get on that boat we always hear about!
"The Slow Boat To China"

Do not be silent, when your town council meets,
Do not be absent from your school board meetings!
Do not stop flying the USA Flag
Do not stop being a kind upstanding American citizen
Do not allow lies to replace truth...
Do not allow our History to be removed!
Do not allow your tax dollars be used for ungodly things!

These things must be talked about and shared!
They are trying to silence us all, unless you look and act like them!
And it should not be like that!
We can make a difference each and every day!
If you have not noticed EVERYONE is being censored!

It has already started...

I remember the first time I heard the quote;
The Deep State!?
I thought what the heck are they talking about??
I felt it was just a weirdo talking nonsense.
They want to keep us stupid
They want to keep us quiet
They want to keep us conditioned
They want to be in charge of everything
They want to have every school and college
 In their mind controlled thinking propaganda!
What ever happened to teaching critical thinking?
And the media use to speak truth and did not all sound like parrots!

If we do not stop being led astray, we will wake up one day;
And realize we are a country ruled by those that have
THEIR agenda and what we want or need will no longer,
Be allowed or available...

So ask yourself what are we celebrating?

And just think about that old song;
Who's zooming who????

This Blog has been a place I have been able to love and 
Encourage homemakers for a decade.
But believe me when I say the HOME is the HEART of this COUNTRY!

But trust me a good recipe for moist cookies is great;
And to encourage you to be a keeper of the home is powerful.
But to not be aware of the eroding values and protection;
Of the very things we hold dear is a crime!

Maybe I should just stop writing a sweet little post;
And fall asleep in my rocking chair, while
They steal are most precious children's hearts and minds!

So may I ask you, why are we told to fight the good fight of faith?
Maybe because the truth is always under attack!

Look, we can all do something to expose the lies!
Deception comes as an angel of light we are told!

I desire to live a quiet life and work with my hands:
But we must be a voice or a light to our homes,
And our communities and to this great country!

But God will not Bless a country that bans Him from
Its codes and laws and rules and schools and homes!

Sure, we could live without cops if we were all law abiding citizens!
But from the very beginning...
Cain killed Abel

We can not even govern ourselves, so how can a Godless
Society or government saves us?

Well, it can't so wake up and stand for what others fought for;
A free Country and a place for all people...

~Life, Liberty and Justice~

Blessings, Roxy

If this post does not get the most comments I have ever gotten in a decade, well, I guess that just says it all!

I heard a quote from a woman that escaped from a communist country,
It came from her Mother.
She told her daughter,
"Even when you think you're alone,
The birds and mice can hear you whisper."
By Yeonmi Park, In Order to Live

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Being Practical In A World Of Outlandish Behavior...

There Is Truth, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


What is considered to be practical?

Being practical in a world of outlandish behavior and radical beliefs!

Look, we are wired to know when something is just not right;

Yet we are being programmed to embrace all that is wrong!

It started slowly, but has gained speed!

This warped culture will explode and implode and

Destroy the true core of life, liberty and justice.

I am sick of hearing or being told we are not tolerant!

But, Maybe they are not tolerant of us!??

Look, I mind my own business...

I take care of what is required of me each day,

And each passing season, things seem more disturbing!

We are told to not love this world!

But Christians are expected to love people;

Even those we don't agree with.

So we must love people where they are;

And to pray that God will change their hearts!  (LIFE)

The hippie movement was love the one your with;

Today is murder and hate everyone that doesn't think like you think!

This is all nonsense, because this behavior will not change anyone!

Stop telling me how I am suppose to think and believe!

My Mother use to say mind your own plate!

Which means take care of what you have!

Don't allow someone to take your peace (PIECE))

Equal Rights are only equal if you think so...

Everything offends Everyone...

You can try to convince everyone that you are right;

But one day you just may be sorry you led others astray!!


Being practical means being loving, level headed and responsible!

Not bullheaded, unkind, and cruel...

Just Saying

Blessings, Roxy

Monday, May 17, 2021

So Many Are Scarred For Life...

New Life, Living From glory To Glory Blog

Things Have Truly Changed

No matter how we may perceive this world today;

Things have changed!

I know we now have a weirdness to how people interact,

How we look at others- masked or unmasked

Vaccinated or unvaccinated

We are treated as a socialistic country!

So what am I going to do about it?


I have a brain and I can research the pros and cons!

Some people will be scarred for life,

Others will not feel any different.

We do not know the long term effects from a jab that who knows what's in it!

Look its my opinion...

Children are now scared to death and think masks are normal!

Look lets face it, we are all the guinea pigs here!

I have worn my mask, had covid and still suffer from

The long haulers, immune system compromised maybe for life!

My body has already been hit and I can say for sure its been tough!

Do you see all those that don't even want to go back to work?

Rights, what rights?

They disappear before my very eyes daily!

I will continue to do what is right and safe and live my life;

Fear Not...

Now, where have I heard that??

Only God knows the number of your days and years!

There is an agenda people!

Wake up

Woke agenda

You're paying for it all anyways!

I have never thought of myself as being politically motivated;

But... Just Saying

Enjoy your days, keep moving in the right direction.

Even if everyone is going in a different direction!

Hugs, Roxy


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