Saturday, September 5, 2015

Diligent In My Home Making...

Living From Glory to Glory

Diligent Buisness

Making a bed, washing the dish's, sweeping a floor!

Being at home is required to do the large and small things that keeps
Home tidy and clean and organized!

When I go through my days I pray and talk to the Lord;
No time is spent that is not giving Him honor and thanksgiving!

I am a steward of all He has given me...

When you take or make the time to keep your Home cleaned
And lovely, it sends a big message to those we love and serve!

Why give your best to the outside world of jobs and such,
When they do not care if you are well loved and taken care of!

We made a covenant with one that has given us the privilege to
show how  much we care for them!
Men feel honored when we keep things clean
 (Especially the bedroom and kitchen)

A bedroom is where we spend so many hours sleeping;
And you might say what is the big deal??
Where it is this one place that you do not share with others
~The secret sanctuary~

The kitchen says to a man "Food"
Men are hungry...
Feed Him!

You care more about what kind of hair day you're having as important,
Instead of thinking what yummy meal can I prepare for my Hubby and children.

I feel sorry for the men that marry these women today;
They do not cook
They are always on Facebook
They do not wash and iron shirts for their own husbands
They have not learned how to run a household

Golly gee 'These girls say; I am not their Mother!

Well, maybe these guys are just out of luck any more.

Or feminism has finally worked, we are all equal!

So what's the prize?

Divorce after two kids and a cold, messy bedroom!
And no one to cook for...

Well, I hope it is all worth it to make your way!

We make the choice to either serve outside the home and give strangers
are best. Or give our best to our own loved ones.

Serving is a powerful ministry and it starts in your OWN HOME!

When doing laundry, do smaller loads as it dries faster and is not so overwhelming.

Cook up rice and noodles and some potatoes, each week!
(Makes for an easy side dish)

Vacuum quickly every few days

Keep a dishpan in the sink filled with soapy water
(Helps with keeping dish's from becoming impossible to clean)

Sweep kitchen floor...

Keep the crock pot on the counter and use it!
(Buy a cookbook for the crock pot)
(Buy those slow cooker liners from Reynolds for easier clean up)

Keep a Shopping List for needed essentials
Make up a dinner idea list...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog Butter and Sugar

Now, If you have to work outside the home, then you must
Try to say no other outside activities. So you can be home in the evenings.

Please, Feed your man and love him tenderly...
Show him respect and kiss him regularly

~Happy Home Making~

"Diligent in business, serving the Lord.”
 There is no period, dividing these.
 I long ago discovered that I could make a bed and sweep a room for His sake,
 As surely as I could speak a word for Him."
(A Quote From Somewhere)

I feel that keeping a home is a very important business,
And I take great pleasure in being a good steward of it.

What are a few things you have learned to keep things
Running smooth and efficient?


  1. Great illustrations and comparisons, Roxy. Too much time spent on social media is the same as spending time away from home.

  2. I do believe in keeping our priorities in order! Well said, Roxy!

  3. You have said it right to the point, Roxy!
    I especially liked how you spoke of the bedroom as it is a secret sanctuary.
    And for the kitchen...Excellent encouraging words to pass along. :)

    My mother and I were sharing the other day in how the younger generation sure is changing in many ways, not so good I must say.
    Sadly, they are missing out on the beauty of it all, and the simplicity.

    Thank you for sharing with us, and It was a delight to visit with you.

    Much love ~ Debbie

  4. I am so thankful that I have been able to stay home and be a homemaker all of these years. Love all of your tips. They are really good ones. XOXO

  5. Thank you, Roxy.
    Tight finances were again making me question my calling.
    You encouraged me again.

  6. A few things I've learned to keep things running smoothly and efficiently:
    -- We have an empty nest, and I still do our laundry one day each week, usually Monday.
    --Tuesday is ironing. A self-professed "old maid" once commanded me to maintain my husband's dress shirts and iron them with love and care. "Don't let him go out looking wrinkled. That's a poor reflection on you. Make him look good!"
    -- Crock Pot is one of the hardest-working handmaidens in our home. She loves my husband, too!
    -- I don't mop. I sweep the floor first, then use an old cotton T-shirt rag dipped in warm, sudsy water, wrung out, dropped on the floor, then wash the floor using my bare foot on that rag. After it's dry, I sweep the floor again. The Filipinos taught me this. After every evening's dishes are done, I wash the floor on the way out before calling, "Kitchen's Closed!" *wink*
    -- I pick up after my husband. One of these days I'll miss those socks on the floor.
    -- Saturday is baking day, lovin' from the oven.

    Letters Unfolded

  7. I could'nt agree more,this is what my Mother always taught me.She was right in that and so many other things.

  8. It is hard in today's world for young women to be at home like they used to be. I feel sorry for many of them. My youngest daughter is blessed to be a stay at home mom and I love that she can do that. My other daughter is the bread winner in her family and has to be-she would much rather be a stay at home mom, too. Life is just not easy sometimes.

    Hope you have a great Labor Day- xo Diana

  9. What a wonderful post, looking after the home and feeding my families is my priority, being there for them and having the time to give them. I thank God daily.

  10. I read a devotional thought from Corrie ten Boom today: Be thankful for ordinary days and ordinary tasks!

  11. A great reminder of the blessings of being able to care for your family, instead of giving your best to strangers! What a paradoxical world we live in, where indeed that is the case. Throw your family the scraps, and give your best to strangers. So very very sad. Like NanaDiana said - some women don't have a choice, and that is so very sad too. However, what a great reminder for those of us who are blessed to be at home, to remember that caring for those we love is indeed our greatest calling, and place to serve. Let us always give our best to those we love! Beautiful words Roxy, as always! :)

  12. Wonderful tips Roxy! And the quote at the bottom is from Isabella Alden :) Have a lovely weekend my friend and thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays~


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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