Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Perfect Orange...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Lately I just crave oranges...

It all started when I bought this huge bag of the largest oranges I have ever seen!
There were super expensive;
And I told my grandson, that I was either being ripped off;
Or these oranges were going to be the best oranges in the world.

And I am telling you that those oranges have been the most delicious oranges ever!
I think I have only one orange left...
What will I do?
I will always long and dream about the perfect orange forever.

Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but my point is this...

Once in a  while you just find the perfect orange!

I am learning to realize when I happen to come across a really delicious
Or lovely thing, I give thanks.
Some things in this world come a dime a dozen;

But we all just need the perfect once in a while.

In a way it is a bit like the glass slipper from the Cinderella story;
Everybody wanted to try on that perfect slipper.

But it would only fit one certain lady!
And just a tidbit of reality here;
I am sure Cinderella did not wear her glass slippers every day!
Some things, as wonderful as they seem do not happen every day and all the time!

I am glad that I did find a perfect bag of oranges,
And I was enjoying every last one of them;
And since then I have bought another bag of oranges.
Not even close in taste or sweetness.
No, not everything will be perfect.
But as we all know this life is not perfect!

I just wanted to share a few things this day!

Find the perfect moment in each day!
Just because the glass slipper does not fit doesn't mean you can't
Make a lovely planter out of it! Smile)
Even the hardest days have a lesson to learn in it!
Real friends you can not buy or purchase online...
Listen to those around you who have wisdom.
(You just might learn something)

Oranges are good, but then God made lemons and limes also...

I really love and appreciate you all amazing ladies out there
In blog land and I know you are real people with real lives.
And we all know that the glass slipper is just a story!

Okay, who likes Instagram?


  1. Great post, Roxy! I don't know the first thing about Instagram either :)

  2. Great post today. Life isn't perfect but we can look for the sweet moments. I have no clue about Instagram. I'm just finishing the book of Acts. My dear husband puts me to shame. He's finishing up reading through the BIble today for the first time this year. He usually reads in through 3-4 times a year! I never make it more than once.

  3. I understand what you mean about the big bag of oranges, and finding them so delightful, and going back only to never see them again. One time we found the most delicious 2-lb container of strawberries at the grocery store by a company we had never seen before. It was strawberry heaven eating those strawberries. We went back several times to see if we could get more, but never saw them again. So strange! I do so love fresh and wonderful fruit and I enjoyed your thoughts too... life is not always what we want or expect it to be, but when we enjoy something pleasant and wonderful, there is a bittersweet there knowing that it won't last forever! I do understand that it is all about living every day in great thanks and gratitude for the things we have and enjoy. Sounds like you have lots going on in your world, glad your husband will soon be on the day shift! Much love to you dear Roxy!

  4. Hi Roxy, Love this post! Like most things, we need to find contentment in our lives and those blessings from above, like sweet oranges as well as your pup and the change in your hubby's shift.
    You do have such a thoughtful heart that shows gratitude here and I'm very thankful for you!

  5. Hi Roxy! Great post, and so very true.
    I was in Whole Foods a couple of weeks ago and tried a sample of a naval orange that was amazing! I purchased some and savored every one of them. Needles to say, when I bought some at City Market they just didn't have that wonderful sweet flavor.
    I'm not real sure about instagram?? Likely will not be going there. :)

    Have a great rest of your day~~

  6. Oh I just loved this post Roxy! You always bring a smile to my face. You are so right in that every now and then we do need a little perfection, but that doesn't come often and we need to be happy with what we are given each day. I love Instagram but find I don't have much time for it. I get on there on occasion. I ahve a hard time keeping up with my blog and visiting other blogs on top of working full time. I just don't have a ton of time for it. It is fun to scroll through though when I have a few minutes. :) Have a lvoely weekend!

    Hugs, Vicky

  7. That orange did look delicious and I enjoyed your analogy about it and life in general.

  8. I know exactly what you mean about the perfect orange! I have found that they are best in the late winter as that's when they are in season. Sometimes they can look so amazing and then disappointment comes with that first taste. Your analogy to life is a good one. I like the idea of using the glass slipper as a planter. Happy day to you! I don't do IG...but, it is a fun thing to peek in on once in awhile. :) Hugs, Camille

  9. I'll be taking a moment to find some joy in a perfect moment, ~smiling~

  10. Such a lovely post! I have been craving oranges lately, too! Glad I am not alone. :)

  11. Dear Roxy,
    Thank you for your lovely reminder about the "perfect oranges," and not so perfect in our lives. Actually, your post and the picture remind me of growing up in the central valley of California. We were so blessed to have beautiful oranges, peaches, and so many other fresh fruits and vegetables all around us. I didn't appreciate really, that not everyone grew up like this.

    Now I am a "mature" lady :-) who lives in an area of the world that is cold, and these things are not so readily available. I really DO appreciate these things now, and your post will make me think of the perfect not so perfect "fruits" in our lives, and about my attitude too!

    Blessings to you and yours,


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