Friday, April 29, 2016

Lilly Of The Valley Flowers And A Memory...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

When I was a child, we had amazing patch of Lily Of The Valley Flowers
The memory of the aroma of these flowers still lingers with me!

How can something so small and dainty leave a lifelong impression upon me?

I remember one time laying down next to this patch of flowers;
And I said I am going to remember this wonderful sweet smell forever...
~ I did ~

We need to make the effort to capture moments,
It is such a powerful thing to remember a sweet memory!

I remember my mother had the most lovely periwinkle blue dress.
She would wear it for only very special occasions.
I loved it on her!
I remember seeing her one time in that dress and I said to myself,
"She is the most beautiful mother in the world"
~ She was ~

I remember sitting in a big white Chrysler vehicle one sunless day,
And in front of that car stood a black hearse.
My Grandmother was in it, waiting to be buried in the cemetery.
Our family matriarch had died!
~ Gone ~

It is just another day in the life and times!
Will I leave a legacy of a sweet smelling aroma,
Is the fragrance arising day and night!

Will the day God calls me home be etched in a loved ones mind;
And the small and special moments of a special day be remembered?

We can make a difference...
We can be the one to deposit wonderful memories!

Every day has great big possibilities to change and encourage;
To each and every person God has given you!

I think as I have looked over the worst lie of the enemy of my soul,
Has been this one;
What you do does not make one bit of difference in this world or in the lives of others!

I know it is a lie, because I have seen the fruit of my life now!
And I am still here to plant seeds and sweet memories...

~ Sweet Memories are a gift of love ~


  1. This so humble flower is amongst my favourites for its scent recalls to my mind such loving memories dating back to my childhood, my darling Roxy, thank you for this so lovely post of yours, blessed be !

    Hope you're enjoying your day, I'm wishing you much love for your weekend to come,
    sending blessings to you across the many miles


  2. I love the perspectives you share.
    I buried my maternal grandmother last year.
    She was a vibrant lady—dramatic, too!

    As her funeral ended, and I was looking at the casket,
    it began to rain. I loved that, because it was just the
    dramatic, beautiful ending that she deserved. It was

    I have snapshot memories that mean so much to me, too.
    Gotta go, it's beginning to thunder, and I have to shut things down.
    Be blessed my friend!

  3. Roxy, what a beautiful, heart-warming post. Just precious!

  4. An incredible thought you've shared Roxy... indeed our lives really do matter... we have eternity living in our hearts, and it really does matter how we live every day. Precious moments that you shared, and it is amazing how simple things we remember that were precious memories to us. I have no doubt that you family members have wonderful memories of things you have done to bless their lives. May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do for Him!

  5. I hope a lot if people read this. It is easy to think our activities and beliefs are not an influence. What you write here is good.

  6. I have a similar memory of my mother wearing a particular dress and my thinking that she was the most beautiful mom in all the world. Hope that you also have many happy memories of your grandmother besides that last sad time in the cemetery. We are all more than that final day. Do you have a patch of lily of the valley now? I noticed that I still do even though I have been working very hard to eradicate it. A tenacious delicate looking flower that is as strong as can be.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!

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