Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Why You Must Keep Your Emotions In Check...


Love Produces Good Works, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Emotions Unchecked

It's a mistake when we think we can let down our guard

and allow ourselves to be blah, crabby, blue

or just an emotional mess!

When I start my day, I can usually tell it's

going to be a push to get out from under a cloud.

It can be a feeling of just not being your chipper self!

I will tell myself...

Girl you better get dressed and put on your

"Garment Of Praise"

So I get busy getting focused and start praising the Lord;

I get my routine warmed up and take charge

~Seize The Day~

Our life in Christ has to be more intentional.

Our family and friends need to see us walking

with Jesus even with the worlds ups and downs.

Be filled daily with the Holy Spirit.

They need to hear positive, helpful wise words from us.

We are not supposed to be empty, cynical, callous

or complaining to those we love,

 Or those we barely know!

I will not take part in this plan to cause

myself to be upset or feeling low.

Because, there is a master plan for me and my life!

Shake it off


Be Beautiful


Love is the root, good works are the fruit!

Let us consider one another in order to stir up

Love and Good works!

Hebrews 10:24

Lord, Keep me from speaking empty, ungrateful

faithless words...

I so appreciate each and everyone of you that

stops in to read what the Lord has laid on my heart!

I want to be faithful and to love and

encourage others!

I do tell myself once in awhile, I realize I'm

not everybodies cup of tea!

Lovely Teacup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

~Orange trees don't have really deep roots,

But typically they can spread far out past the canopy!

Bear much fruit and cover a lot of ground~



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