The Path Way Of Bliss...
Walking the path less traveled can be a bit freeing yet intimidating.
It's obvious that I do not fit in...
Well, just maybe I am not supposed to!
Just because everyone else is doing it;
Does not make it right...
Discernment is considered old fashion!
Women are being led astray
Men are being led astray
Where are those that are willing to speak truth!
Why are we following the others to the ways of the world?
We have way too many influences that will lead you astray!
Many will do something wrong and then they will do it again!
Why, Because they got away with it!
Why, Because we do not want anyone to tell us what to do!
Well. you should be glad and count your blessings if
Someone in your life or your family sees a character flaw;
Or they see you going down a slippery slope.
We no longer want to be corrected!
Maybe it does feel really bad to be corrected;
But, I would rather be corrected than to be considered a fool!
Look, I no longer want to fit in with the in crowd or the higher echelon!
The great thing is that I can sleep at night knowing I did the right thing;
Or that I spoke the truth in love;
And I let the truth lead me in the right path!
It is not my job to convert anyone or to change their hearts!
I get to mind my own business and lead a quiet life;
Until the lie or the deception creeps up on my front porch.
If you ask for wisdom and the Lord gives it!
Do not try to reason it away with what the whole world is doing!
There are only two ways;
Right or Wrong
Living From Glory To Glory