Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Word for the day. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Marines Motto, Why Are So Many People Mean To The Elderly ...

A Few Good Men, Living from glory to glory blog...

The old man was looking at the engine. I put my groceries away in my car, and continued to watch the old gentleman from about twenty five feet away.

I saw a young man in his early twenties with a grocery bag in his arm walking towards the old man. The old gentleman saw him coming too, and took a few steps towards him.

I saw the old gentleman point to his open hood and say something. The young man put his grocery bag into what looked like a brand new Cadillac Escalade. He then turned back to the old man. I heard him yell at the old gentleman saying:

'You shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car at your age.' And then with a wave of his hand, he got in his car and peeled rubber out of the parking lot.

I saw the old gentleman pull out his handkerchief, and mop his brow as he went back to his car and again looked at the engine.

He then went to his wife and spoke with her; he appeared to tell her it would be okay. I had seen enough, and I approached the old man. He saw me coming and stood straight, and as I got near him I said, 'Looks like you're having a problem.'

He smiled sheepishly, and quietly nodded his head. I looked under the hood myself, and knew that whatever the problem was, it was beyond me. Looking around, I saw a gas station up the road, and I told the old man that I would be right back. I drove to the station and went inside. I saw three attendants working on cars. I approached one of them, and related the problem the old man had with his car. I offered to pay them if they could follow me back down and help him.

The old man had pushed the heavy car under the shade of a tree and appeared to be comforting his wife. When he saw us he straightened up and thanked me for my help. As the mechanics diagnosed the problem (overheated engine), I spoke with the old gentleman.

When I shook hands with him earlier, he had noticed my Marine Corps ring and had commented about it, telling me that he had been a Marine too. I nodded and asked the usual question, 'What outfit did you serve with?'

He had mentioned that he served with the first Marine Division at Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal.

He had hit all the big ones and retired from the Corps after the war was over. As we talked we heard the car engine come on and saw the mechanics lower the hood. They came over to us as the old man reached for his wallet, but was stopped by me. I told him I would just put the bill on my AAA card.

He still reached for the wallet and handed me a card that I assumed had his name and address on it and I stuck it in my pocket. We all shook hands all around again, and I said my goodbye's to his wife.

I then told the two mechanics that I would follow them back up to the station. Once at the station, I told them that they had interrupted their own jobs to come along with me and help the old man. I said I wanted to pay for the help, but they refused to charge me

One of them pulled out a card from his pocket, looking exactly like the card the old man had given to me. Both of the men told me then that they were Marine Corps Reserves. Once again we shook hands all around and as I was leaving, one of them told me I should look at the card the old man had given to me. I said I would and drove off.

For some reason I had gone about two blocks, when I pulled over and took the card out of my pocket and looked at it for a long, long time. The name of the old gentleman was on the card in golden leaf and under his name was written: 'Congressional Medal of Honor Society.'

I sat there motionless, looking at the card and reading it over and over. I looked up from the card and smiled to no one but myself and marveled that on this day, four Marines had all come together because one of us needed help. He was an old man all right, but it felt good to have stood next to greatness and courage, and an honor to have been in his presence. Remember, OLD men like him gave you FREEDOM for America. Thanks to those who served and still serve, and to all of those who supported them, and who continue to support them.

America is not at war. The U.S. Military is at war. America is at the Mall. If you don't stand behind our troops, PLEASE feel free to stand in front of them!

Remember, Freedom isn't Free. Thousands have paid the price, so that you can enjoy what you have today.

Please Pray...

This prayer is so powerful. Share this, if you will.
My brother was a marine and when I was sent, this sweet story I cried!
Why are so many people mean and impatient with older folks?
We must be kind!!
If you could only see the trials and hardship, others have gone through!

Living from Glory To Glory...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Home Coming...

Contentment, Living from glory to glory blog...

Greetings, May I encourage those that are weary today;
Many have gone before us that have had really  tough times.

But, I love to read a story or watch a movie that displaces the
inward virtue of making the best of every situation!

I have found that being out in the world shopping and buying;
has a way of actually leaving one a bit deflated.

I understand we all need to work and bring in a income,
at some time of our lives. But what I am referring to is this;
"Wanting To Be Home"

I have seen the loss and devastation of homes being broken,
And empty feeling
The loss of the value of the families and home chores and production!

Or even the loss art of being quiet and still for a little each day!

Every time we come HOME from being gone or shopping;
Even coming back from a vacation we always say;
"There Is No Place Like HOME"

I have seen such a lack of contentment!
Maybe it is from the entitlement mentality we have allowed
We all just want way to much...

So many even no longer take care of what they already have!

Look, I want peace in my heart and in my HOME!
This world is running after something that is not really satisfying

If you have never learned to be content; then you will always
Live in the gimme gimme stage and never mature.

I hope when I go to my heavenly HOME,
I pray my children and grandchildren do not
Say well, why did she keep this old thing!

I do not like clutter, but if its still good keep it!
Or give it to someone who will be blessed!

Take Care Of What God has given you!

Make Your Home A Haven...

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

You Must Focus On What Is Important...

What Are Your Treasures, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

You must focus...

If you spend all your time and energy on things and people;
That will never bring true longevity!

When you our kinder to strangers or people you have just met;
then your own family or spouse!

When you give your best to those that truly do not give a hoot about you!

Some days you may have a ton of energy, others days not so much!
Why we must focus on what is eternal, and within your own household!

Where you lay up your treasures is very important!

Blogging is important to me;
But making sure my hubby has a good meal and a clean home,
Is way above on the priority list!

When we are challenged in any realm; we must focus on the
portion that is from Gods way of perception.

If you run all over town to even get the best deal on an item'
You just may be wasting valuable time.

Everything has a action and will cause a reaction!
I get it, it's not real profound, but we all need reminders.

If you find  yourself just running in circles in any given day;
Stop, and refocus and do the next thing with intent.

Can you just feel time slipping away?
Well. stop and smell the roses, because they even have a small
window to grow and bloom and to fill the air with their fragrance.

When I started this Blog it was never my goal to be famous;
Or to be on my computer all day long!
But to have a place to encourage those that want
"what is best for their marriages and home life"
If I use my gift to encourage others,
But not my own family, that is a problem.

What I am doing on the home front!
I have found that I love to paint with watercolor!

My Painting Of Watercolor Painting, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Wildflower watercolor, Living From Glory To glory Blog...

I love to read on a hot afternoon!
Or Paint...

I find it much wiser to grow my tomatoes in a pot!

Well as usual, I am finding the higher ground!
Livng from Glory to Glory...

Hope you are having and making a good life!

Hugs, Roxy

Friday, May 11, 2018

How Making Cookies With Almond Flour Helps Blood Sugar...

Almond Flour Cookies, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Cookies made with mostly Almond Flour...

So many of us are looking into Lower Carbohydrates in our diets.
It is so hard because everything we love contains carbs.

We love cookies, pasta and breads!
Yet these very foods cause a sharp insulin jolt to our blood stream.
And after years of it, we now can become insulin resistant.

Why are so many finding themselves in the category of high blood sugar?

Grains, Sugars our typical American cuisine

All foods are either:

In order for your diet to be reduced to a smaller amount of Carbohydrates
Will take work and a new found love for cooking.
And preparing meals and desserts that are better for your blood sugar.

Almond flour is a very good alternative to use in making
All the things you love!

I try to use mostly almond flour with a small amount of a Non GMO
Flour that has some gluten in it!
I do not want a dry, tasteless cookie or quick bread.
What's the point?

There are so many different thoughts on this subject;
That is why you must make a plan that works for you and your family!

I have read three books in the last year that have helped me!
Have I followed everything they have taught?

But as a wise woman I have gleaned a bit of wisdom!

Wheat Belly
By William Davis, M. D.

Grain Brain
By Davis Perlmutter & Kristen Loberg

Trim Healthy Momma
By Pearl Barrett & Serene Allison

Find your middle ground...

Again, moderation in all things is best!

Almond flour is sweet and delicious and moist alternative!
Buy yourself a bag and keep in the refrigerator!
Use it and you will be surprised at how well it works!

Eating a meal that is higher in protein is much better then 
Being really high in the carbohydrate form.

We must do what we can to stop the swing in blood sugar;
But we can help our bodies to stay within a safe zone.

You will find many sites and books on this very subject!

Eat And Drink For His Glory;

Tell me what you are doing to lower your amount of carbohydrates!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Lilacs And The Love Of Peace And Quiet...

Lilacs are Lovely, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Finding Peace...

I will be the first one to tell you this about myself;
I love having a peaceful and quiet home!

And as you all well know,
Life has a way of becoming loud and busy!

The other night we were all siting down and watching a movie;
And snap, crackle and pop
It started to hail!

Our daughter and her family have come for a visit,
And she has six children, two dogs, and a cat!
Now it is so busy here!
I love seeing the grandchildren and talking with them!

But I feel like my bed is calling me at 8:30 pm
I have written about this very thing of
feast or famine in my days!

It all may just be a part of getting older!

 I always have so many ideas and plans rolling around in my head.
 But implementing them has become a challenge.

I am learning to enjoy the busy moments!
It's just that my body does not always go along with this mode of thinking!

I find myself thinking more and more about hiring some help;
Someone I could be a blessing to, and yet have some help!!
It takes me way longer to clean as when I was a younger women.

Maybe this might be a season to declutter and rethink as to how,
I may keep my house clean!

I cleaned homes for others as a young mother,
It was a blessing to receive payment for doing housework!

Even after a day in town shopping, I find myself tired!

Yet, when it is to quiet!
I feel a sense of loneliness...

Finding peace can seem allusive;
But it is always there,
~ just quiet your heart and close your eyes even but for a moment~

Much Love...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Concept And Reality...

Beauty, Living From glory To Glory Blog...

Concept and Reality

Life is filled with this very dilemma;

Let me explain what I mean, when I look at this phrase.
~Concept And Reality~

There is these amazing ideas (I will call the concept)
Then when I go for the gusto, in these concepts,
 this funny thing will happen (I will call the reality)


Lets buy a camper and explore our great state CONCEPT
We almost go off a very steep cliff
 (imagine The movie Cliff Hanger) REALITY

Lets get some lovely fake nails CONCEPT
They look great for a few days, till you realize there a pain,
Then you try to remove them and you ruin your real nails. REALITY

Really I could go on for many more examples;
But I will spare you...

Truly this is a a real thing that happens to us all!

Look, I want beauty and adventure like the next gal;
But I have learned to sometimes hold back and look at each
decision with a bit more depth of cause and effect.

That's why even commercials spend what they spend to draw us in.
I watched this infra commercial last night that had this little
air spray gun for applying your face make-up!
I would have all my flaws covered and I would look 10 years younger!

I kid you not, I wanted it so bad and it was only $19.95.
But, I could only envision spraying it in my eye and looking like 
a zebra in streaked lines all over my face.
and looking like I was having a very bad make-up day

So there you have it;
 I am trying to be better in making decisions and choices!

I could write a book on this very subject.

If I have learned one thing in my life it is this...
There is a huge difference in the way things go in the real world;
My concept
And the real reality...

We laugh and yet we learn that things are not always as they seem!

Learn, and Live and Laugh
Life is to short not to try a few new things,
Just don't be to disappointed when it doesn't work out...

Living from Glory to Glory
And living from concept to reality

Monday, March 19, 2018

Listen For The Bird Song In A Season Of Affiction...

Bird Song

I am so happy to be hearing the first spring songs being sung from
some very happy birds within our yard!

I have been so needing some cheer!

If their is one thing,I am so blessed to have and to be able to give;
Well, it's encouragement!

There are so many different ways we can encourage others.
And as we know we can even encourage ourselves in the Lord!

Have you learned yet to sing when in a trial?
Or when adversity hits right between the eyes?
Have you learned to sing in the fire?

I believe this day that we have a choice;
I have not always made the best choice on some rough days.
But, glory to God, I get a chance to do it right today.

Do you feel that you are a square peg?
Well, I know that I am so different as each of you are!
The enemy always tries to take our peace;
But, we know that if your a round peg, you will fit right in!

Don't give up, plod on and lean in to what is good and holy!
Don't buy the wares of a world that is perishing.

Make time to listen for the birdsong that is singing this fine day...
Have you stopped to be in the moment of praise and a thankful heart?

Are you just going through the motions in this season?
Well, if that is all you can do, hang on!
For remember JOY comes in the morning!

Once you come through the trial or season of affliction;
I can say this one thing;
You will be more humble and filled with a new wonder.

When you go through trials and just live a long life

What will you do with this knowledge?

Choose to be an encourager to others...
Stand For The Truth...
Take pleasure in the simple things...
Read the Psalms...
Be content with WHAT you have;
Trust the Word,
 money will not buy you love, or contentment...

Whatever my lot, the Lord has taught me to say;
~It Is Well With My Soul~

Growing in Grace
Praying For Mercy
Living From Glory To Glory

I appreciate each and everone of you that take the time to read
This blog, that has been a joy to write and share from my heart!

Thank You...

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Keep Your Private Cares To Yourself...

When you feel like giving up, LOOK UP... Living from glory to glory blog...

Everything seems large and unmovable...

But, On the bright side some things are meant to be unmovable!

Have you or a loved one been tried in your body or emotions this last season?

When we are tried from every side;
We can only go up!

We all feel like giving up once in awhile;
But it is a fleeting thought because we are able to change,
Our thoughts go in the direction we tell them to go in a way that lifts us up.
~This is called self-control~

I have learned so much in these last few months!

May I share a few of them with you?

Keep your private cares to yourself and spouse and a very few trusted friends!

Never give in to the lies of the enemy!
~The only way you know if it is a lie is by knowing what the Word says~

Be your own advocate in health matters, social matters
~Remember, you know yourself better than anyone~

Do not allow a problem or issue define who you are!
~Thanks for those wise words, dear friend~

Beware of all the health craze diets;
Trust me it can cause much harm, eat sensibly;
~All things in moderation~

You do not have to be friends with everyone you know!

Be kind to yourself...

When things get stormy make up a Battle plan;
~This will help you so much~

I want to add one more thought here on a completely different subject;
I had a very dear older lady friend that told me that it
Is becoming very apparent that the woman no longer desire or care to learn
How to be a Titus 2 women.
~Now that does grieve my heart~

Blessings, Roxy

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Having A Faithful Friend Is Becoming A Rare Treasure...

Safety First, Friendships, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Remembering to enjoy the company of others.

I think having good friends is very healthy!
We were created for fellowship...

When I was much younger, I had many so called girlfriends!
But my family was always front and center;
Yet, so many drifted away.

Do you find that maybe you are staying closer to your family unit?
Having a faithful friend is becoming a rare treasure.

What has changed?
Technology tells us we are more connected!
My heart tells me this is not so...

My Husband's place of business stresses this motto
"Safety First"

We must look at this for our homes also;
Opening the door to strangers has proven to be unsafe.

So maybe as I look at with whom I may fellowship with
Is getting smaller...
~The circle of trust~

Have you ever encountered a con man or women?

Well, let's just say that this is what they do.

"A man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust

  Persuading them to believe something that is not true."

 I am not a suspicious person;
But let's just say being alone is better than opening
Your heart and home to something that is not true!

Will you be diligent and watchful?
Just because they seem so nice;
Cover your loved ones with prayer
Asking for discernment in their lives!

Be The Rare Treasure Today...

As Always, Because He Lives;
I can Face Tomorrow...
All Fear Is Gone

Living From Glory To Glory
Together As He Leads 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

When The Battle Is Not Yours...

Give it to the Lord, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This battle is not yours!

There are times we must fight and stand and persevere;
But, may I add that there just may be a battle line drawn in the sand
You do not have to pull and tug and groan in pain...

Taking my hands off is a very wise thing to do when;
The battle gets fierce and you grow weaker...


He loves it when we say;
I am weak, but He is strong...

The Battle Belongs To The Lord

Sometimes we just have to let the chips fall where they may!
Because He holds not only the keys, but the map!

This is a treasure to stop and lay my burdens down!
We can even look foolish thinking we are in control of
God's creation, and His created beings!

Yup, laying my burdens down!

Resting and trusting in the bigger plan!

Life can become a bit like a domino effect!
One domino starts to fall and then the ripple effect.

But, for now I am just watching the dominos fall where they may!
Instead, I choose to study and read the scriptures...
Every time the fear raises its ugly head, I just look to Him!

It truly can't get any simpler than this dear ones!

I am taking a break of thinking I need to do or say something
To make these dominos stop falling!

I am so thankful for His peace and wisdom;
For every situation and season in my life.

Having a strong foundation allows you to weather out a storm in
His fortress!

Learning and leaning into His everlasting arm

To God be the Gory for the great things He has done!

Just remember this;
He Is Faithful...

Saturday, February 10, 2018

How Taking A Nap Is Pure Wisdom...

The Wisdom In Tking A Nap, Living From glory To Glory Blog

~Taking Naps And Refreshing Ones Self~

I have had this thought in my heart for many weeks;
I truly think we are living in a culture of crash and burn!

No one takes time to rest and refresh their hearts and the mind for;
Even a few minutes in any given day!

Napping is lost in a world of go and do...
It always reminds me of the hamster on that little wheel going
Nowhere really fast.

There seems to be a bit of guilt for needing or wanting to take a little rest
in any part of your day. I am not suggesting hours,
20-30 minutes if possible!
And not everyday, dear ones, but as needed!
Some seasons and days are just more trying than others!

But in times of undo stress or winter days, or blazing heat;
We need to stop and rest in a comfy chair or couch or even your bed.
It use to be very common for a home or a bedroom to have
A lounge chair.
Keeping this in mind, we can have a little pillow and blankets handy,
For such a quick cat nap...

We are so busy are minds can become stressed and cluttered;
Learning to take stock in a few moments of down time can refresh
you so very much, you will feel renewed.
Not grouchy or cranky!
Those character traits are the very reason we put our little ones
down for a nap!
(You remember the attitude of that child that happened to miss nap time)

When I look at how even God allows His creation to rest!
Winter comes and plants rest in a dormant state.
Even some wildlife migrates or hibernates.

Take time and read and put your feet up!

I was deeply troubled to read an article on how many deaths happen
Because drivers fall asleep at the wheel.

Anyone who suffers from insomnia can tell you the disruption
lack of sleep will cause you!
So if we can stop feeling guilty and rest more often'
We will have greater clarity and a kinder disposition.

Are You A Napper...

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How Can I Do Everything Well...

" The humblest tasks get beautified If loving hands do them"

Louisa May Alcott

How can I do everything well??

That is the question of the lifetime of anyone desiring a life
Filled with good things that leave a lasting impression!

Well, may I not burst your bubble;
But it is impossible to do everything well.

So many are so stretched out in their time and resources.
I have taught here on this Blog about the spirit of excellence.

Doing a job or a task requires us to be mindful!
If you are involved in every little thing on the docket;
You my friend will have to realize that something will slip!

When I was a young woman, newly married, so I wanted to be
The very best of all that was before me!
My desire was to be the best;
So I asked a lovely older woman how I could accomplish this.

She smiled at me and told me this;
Something will have to give!!

If you give all that you have on any given day
 "All Your time and energy and happy mood"
Something or more importantly, someone will suffer!

I was shocked...
Really, I asked?


So as I pondered this newly acquired truth,
I prayed and tried to educate myself on this thought provoking truth!

What did I learn?

Each day must be given to God!
Make a point to truly engage and encourage my Husband.
Spend my words and time with my children to let them grow!
"But being careful to not allow them to think
 That the world
Revolved around them"

Listen you can do something very well daily!!

Choose wisely what that might be!

Good marriage
Kind children
Blessed home

A home flowing with milk and honey
~May Your Home Never Know Hunger~

From glory To glory

Saturday, December 23, 2017

God Works The Nightshift...

God Works The Night Shift, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Have you ever worked the night shift?

Well, every new mother than has a newborn has worked the night shift!

I am so thankful that God works the night shift...
It brings me great comfort!

How many nights were you all alone?
 Or in a hospital room all by yourself?
Have you ever been home alone?
 Maybe you have had to drive through your town all alone in your vehicle
Where all the homes are dark, and all the business are closed.
It is a bit eerie!

But not everyone is sleeping!
Some are driving straight through the night to get to their destination.
There are doctors and nurses working in the corridors of a hospital.

A cop works the night shift!
A baker bakes its bread in huge ovens during the night.
A young soldier has guard duty and must stay alert on his post!
A student must study all night to be able to pass his finals.

God Works The Night Shift...
~All that night the Lord drove the sea back~
Exodus 14:21

"It's much easier to trust God when the sun is shining"

Our God never slumbers or sleeps;
We can take great comfort in knowing that while we sleep
He is always guarding us and watching us!

If you are struggling with anything in your life;
Encourage yourself in knowing this!
Even while it is night, He is working on your behalf!

Give your troubles to him in the dark!
Roll your burdens upon Him...
He sees in the dark, it is as day to Him!

Go one dear ones in boldness and confidence
This is what I have been realizing
For God that holds the universe watches over me!
~Every move YOU make~
He is near...
"God With Us"

Keep your Lantern's trimmed, and filled with oil'

You are never alone,
Living From Glory To Glory

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Keeping A Watchful Eye, Or Shall I Say Eyes...

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...


Now is the time to make sure you have your eyes in your head,
And looking in the right direction...

You remember the saying:
"I have eyes in the back of my head"

Well, you better be using them!

Things are ramping up...
The North wind will be blowing!

But we must keep our eyes on the SON

One thing you can be sure of in the days of Apostasy;
They will become more and more apparent!

As a Mother and Grandmother, I take my role to heart!

Making sure I pray for their safety and for them to walk away
From lies and deceptions...

But this world is filled with smoke and mirrors;
We are not seeing what is really there anymore.

It just teaches me, to be watchful!!

Be aware of your surroundings..
Evil purposes lurk in the very places we might have felt safe.

Keep Your Heart With All Diligence

Pray for all your loved ones to be in the TRUTH...

Error and Deception are trying to lead many astray...

One Prayer I have earnestly taken to heart is this...

Lord, Please open my eyes to any lies or deception or false doctrine
That I may be believing or trusting in!

The Great I Am will answer a prayer like that one!

Just sending out a bit of WARNING here Dear Ones

As Always,

Living From Glory To Glory
~By His Grace~

Monday, October 9, 2017

Are You Feeling a Bit Like A Dried Out Rose...

Dried Roses, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Dried Roses...

I am having my Blog updated this week on a few new things!
My designer has just added a few more Roses to my header!
Do You Like It?
Really can you ever have to many Roses
(Don't even answer that one)

When I have been given a bouquet of Roses;
I take super good care of them, change the water every other day!
I add a little bit of sugar to the water!
But when I first get them, I give them a little bit of a snip off the bottom.

I think you can always do a little bit of dried rose decorating around your home!

Sometimes I like just placing a dried rose in front of a photo;
Especially our wedding photo and our two grown child's wedding photos!

I have a few in my china hutch that are extra special that I have saved!

But sometimes they just start to look dusty and faded;
So then I have to throw them away.

Do you ever just buy yourself flowers?
I do once in awhile.
I find that arranging flowers in a pretty vase inspires me!
Sometimes they are fresh and other times they are wild ones.
And I so enjoy dried Roses, but I enjoy the ones you purchase Fake
Plastic ones at its best, they look so real now days.

I wanted to mention if you're ever interested in a great Web designer;
Look at this  Shabby Creations Shop!

Are you weary and feeling a bit dried out yourself?

Well, write a list for yourself!
Write down all the things to help you have a better routine:

Here is mine, I just wrote out this morning.

Ride My Exercise Bike

Practice Piano

Take A Walk

Work On Crochet Projects

Eat Very Few Carbs

Drink Enough Water

Check Blood Pressure

No Salt

No Dairy

Sounds boring, but having a list to remind one's self is wise!

I didn't list my Bible reading because that and other things I do
with no problems. These are established routines!
 It is these are pesky things I must do to stop myself
From Drying Out...

Friday, October 6, 2017

What Is Your Life Reflecting...

Fall Reflections, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Your Life Is A Mirror...

I have been thinking about my reflection, not only my past, but the future!

Reflection can be a powerful tool for the future!
You have all heard the saying "Love is blind"
But what it really means is that we can see the good in others,
Even when they might not see any worth in themselves!
Or just the opposite; they are puffed up and self righteous.

I have the opportunity to reflect something of value.
What you see and hear and do in this life will have a reflection!

What you look like will eventually reflect more of the heart then your appearance!

I am hoping for the softness of my character;
Hues of bronze and golds...
Shimmering hopes of tears of happiness;
Joys that bring light to my eyes;
Not a darkness, but open to the fragments of truth I glean!

Why is the world drawn to dark and dreary?

Throw open the curtains and pull up the blinds;
Refuse to live in the dark!

Even a very small beam of light can and will make a difference!

All the different arrays of spectacular colors show us that
Each of us is given off a reflection!

Don't think of the dark!
Rather, think of the Heros who live each day to be a help;
And a blessing to others.

I might just be a little Aspen leaf turned golden yellow on a 
Very tall tree, but I matter...

I will be the very best at what and who I am!

Shine and be the quiet tinkling of words of love and encouragement!

~Shine On~

Monday, September 25, 2017

Listen To Your Husbands Warnings Concerning Others...

Flowers are always blooming somewhere!!
Our brothers and sisters in Christ can be anywhere in the process of blooming!
Growing and blooming and just looking pretty is what flowers do.

Flowers are oh so glorious!
God has made so many different varieties and have placed them together;
To make one glorious garden...

Yet these gardens have flowers that just plain stink!

Don't Be Deceived, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This time of year we have this flower that is all over the place;
We call it stink weed and it is a real flower;
But yet it really stinks!!

Sometimes we just can perceive fall is in the air because of this very stink flower.
But I think of this flower not as a flower per say;
But rather a weed.

I have learned a few things about perception;
I always laugh when I read that little saying on my side mirrors of my car.
Objects may be closer than they appear...

After a few more evenings that dip in temperatures everything
will be turning brown and crunchy.

So the moral of this story is going to be about:
Let's not be deceived, by looks!!

We all have been taken back, when we either smelled something
That looked delicious and found it to be unpleasant.

We have all met someone or knew of someone that we thought was
So very special and desired to be friends with them.
To only find out later they were not at all as they appeared to be!

This is where I want to teach a little piece of wisdom that I have learned!
Remember back at the first time when you met someone that you
just thought they were really special, and your very own Husband
Said you know, I am not too sure about the girl;
There is just something about her that seems wrong!

But at first you didn't heed his advice;
Look back...
He was right all along!

I want to say this, that our husbands want us to be protected!
So if and when he gives you this check, tell him this;
You know, honey, I will be watchful and keep my guard up.

My Hubby has been right about every person that has come into my life;

 That they were not going to be who I had preconceived them to be!

But now I listen and I watch and wait!

As a keeper of the home we must guide it daily;
And that requires us to be wise in who you share your
Lives and personal information with!!

Better to be slow and cautious...

Building friendships will cost you something!
Be wise!!

Blessings To Y'all
Living From Glory To Glory

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