Showing posts with label Just a Thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just a Thought. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hearing Ear...

Hearing Ear, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

These our some words I have been seeing in the Word that inspired me!

Storm Warnings
Come away My Beloved
Peace Be Still
How Sweet It Is
Come, Come
Wait For They Shall Surely Come
Seek Ye First The Kingdom
Hold Fast
Set Apart

Light is sown for the righteous, And gladness for the upright in heart.
Psalm 97:11


Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A New Name...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

What's Your Name?

To him who overcomes... I will give him a white stone with a new name written on it,
Known only to him who receives it.
Revelation 2:17b

New names indicate new beginnings: Abram became Abraham,
Sarai became Sarah,
What is in a name? I just think it really means so much!
That is why we need to allow the Holy Spirit
 to break-up our fallow ground!

 For we have a stone waiting in heaven with our new name on it.

~ And this new name could be in the making or in the process ~

" Through the refining of our character while here on earth"

Just a thought!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Hand Stitched Apron... A Lovely Gift...

Home Maker, Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Here is my lovely apron that was made for me, it was such a beautiful material
  And hand stitched  and made with much love and diligence.

 It was so much fun to receive an apron in the mail.

 My apron is like a rose garden, a light green background and pink and red roses,
 with a splash of violets!
Will we sew in heaven?
 I love to think on those things, will we get to read a good book?
Kiss those we love and listen to those songs that brings happiness to our hearts.
God created us each to love and creating was His idea.
 I love to be inspired and to learn new things.
 So thanks to all my blogging sisters, let's grow and create homes of love and peace together.

Living From Glory To Glory

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reading That Will Not Harm... Hank The Cowdog...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog
Hank The Cow Dog...

This is our dog, her name is Bella and if she had been a boy dog, I would of loved to have named her Hank.
Hank is one of my favorites of all dog names. Because of my love of the series about
Hank the Cowdog. The author is John R. Erickson. Now it is so cute and funny and Hank has been in always some sort of predicament. Good clean reading for young and old. My grandsons love to hear me read from these books.

I have been in a unique position to help and talk with a couple of grown women who were not so blessed to have been offered or censored their reading as young children and their youth years. And they now deal with fears and have had open doors of the occult in their hearts and minds
They are having many battles with their thoughts on all sorts of things, That I will not mention!
They know that it is because of all the material they were exposed to!

Now this is where I am going with this thought, these women have come seeking help and wanting all these thoughts and images to go away. So as the Lord is leading I will be able to help them to renew their minds with the Word of God.
The Point: Be very aware of what you let your children read or yourself as I believe the enemy is planting a bunch of his lies into the minds and hearts through his plan to hook young readers into fantasy and occult and evil mysteries.

 Now here is a real good way to discern if it's OK to read a certain book,
 Would the Lord be glorified or grieved by you reading it?

Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Breakfast Of Champions...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
Now, this is what I am talking about!

 In the heat of summer mornings I love to get into the word and drink my tea.
 I wait for His still small voice to speak His words of encouragement.
 I want His direction for where He is working and what He has assigned to me.
 He is just waiting for me to seek His face and His words for this day.
 I awake so hungry for His presence and His direction!
 Our Father, is just waiting to load each one of us with His daily benefits
 My hunger for Him can be filled by just sitting at His feet and thanking Him for all He has for me.
 I then begin to declare all the promises of His word for me and others.
 Open Heavens our over us!

Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits. The God of our salvation! Psalm68:19

God has said He will fill those who hunger and thirst after Him. (Open Your Mouth Wide)

Our breakfast:
 Vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries and strawberries, also vanilla flavored granola on top, then just a teaspoon of lemon flavored Cod Liver Oil. Yummy and good for us.

We are going camping and I am so looking forward to seeing what the Lord will speak
 In the mountains of His creation. For I have ears to hear.
 I send my love out to all my sisters in Christ Jesus for in Him we our family.

Living From Glory To Glory

Friday, April 16, 2010

Keeper Of The Home...

Even Our Pets Like It When We Are Home,
~Today is a rainy day and it feels so cozy to be home! Our homes are more than just a house on a street in any city or state, or any place in the world. But rather where there is the opportunity to keep our families, loved and fed and given wise instruction. We all need a place to feel safe and appreciated.

I feel very strongly that there has been an assignment against us women, from the enemy to make our calling as "keepers of the home" a burden and telling us this really won't satisfy you. Yes, I know this is a very old tactic, but once again he is up to his old tricks.

So my prayer for all women, young and old is this, Do Not listen to the enemy. Instead, take this as a time to count your blessings and take joy in being a"keeper of the home". Make some cookies, change the living room around, do anything that screams I LOVE being home and I take My calling very seriously. For I am a world changer one day at a time for the ones God has given me the privilege to serve!

My cat is one of those cats that just lay around, but really she is glad when there is someone who is at home, even our animals don't want to be alone. ~


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Clean Up The Environment...

Here I am at the Public Library ...
 And thinking where are the comforts of my home and my sweet familiar lap top?

Mr. Sony called and they hope to send out my computer today,
 I was told that I needed a new hard drive, and software.

I think I am in the teen area of our library I can hear music coming from all their headphones!!
 The music makes me think of the title of my blog that I was wanting to use:
"Clean Up The Environment"

 Dirt and grime or pollution can come in many forms,
 the one I want to speak of today is air pollution.
 Not the kind you would normally think of,
 this kind of air pollution has to do with what we say and how we speak.
 Our words can be "verbal pollution".
 Did you ever notice when you're walking through the grocery store,
 there is often some mom screaming at Johnny to "shut your#***#*##***mouth".
 And of course her screaming and her words
 are way worse to listen to than Johnny's screaming.
 I usually shudder whenever I hear a mother speaking word curses to her children.
 I know  most of us are not guilty of speaking this way to our loved ones,
 but often we allow negative talk or gossip to flow through the airwaves out of our mouths.
 I love the scripture that says
: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth,
 but what is good for necessary edification. -Ephesians 4:29

I was reading in my devotional today,
 Which suggested taking the challenge of avoiding critical words for a whole week.
 Those who participated were surprised to find out how little they spoke!
 As they continued the experiment, they actually had to relearn conversation skills
. Scary, Huh?
 It might be something worthwhile to try ourselves and see how we do.

"What! Never speak one evil word, Or rash, or idle, or unkind!
O how shall I, most gracious Lord,
This mark of true perfection find? -Wesley"

Hope to have my laptop back soon and blogging as usual.
 I can think better when rap music is not thumping through the headphones into the airwaves behind me.
 Many blessings until next time.

Living From Glory To Glory

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello Hello...

He Sings Over Us!
Hello, Hello!!

Jesus is calling:
 Sometimes my phone rings off the hook and other times,
 I pick it up and check to see if it's broken (smile).
 Oh, but Jesus always calls. He calls my name.
 He is the breath of life. (He is the head wind).
 May His Singing refresh you today
~ As He calls out each of our names~

He Sings Over Each Of Us!

Blessings, Living From Glory To Glory

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tools Of Yesterday...

I was just thinking how blessed we are to have all modern tools to work the land.
This is a perfect example, really this thing weighs a ton. It is just used now as a yard
decoration. One day, long ago, it was used to help and make their workload easier.

Our job is to continue to plant seeds for the harvest is near. He will give you ALL the
tools you will need!
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